Sentences with phrase «about hackers targeting»

With all of the recent talk about hackers targeting U.S. election systems and blockchain hype cycle in full effect, this seems like a natural story to appear.

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Look for plenty of questions from the GOP minority about the Climategate non-scandal that deniers remain obsessed with, despite the exoneration by the British House of Commons of the CRU scientists at the University of East Anglia targeted by the hackers.
In one case, it appears that the Chinese government may have targeted several Canadian law firms in an apparent effort to derail a $ 40 billion acquisition.11 In another, a firm's managing clerk is alleged to have accessed inside information about the firm's clients as part of an insider - trading scheme.12 Also, it recently was revealed that hackers working for the Chinese military targeted one company for information useful in ongoing litigation.13 Failure to secure such data from malicious employees, cyber-attacks, or carelessness can cause drastic reputational damage as well as liability.
Only the rare lawyer doing unusually sensitive work, such as cutting - edge IP and M & A of publicly traded companies, such that the lawyer is likely to be a target for motivated hackers, needs to worry about a higher level of security.
Inside, columnist Bruce Carton looks at the potential for disaster if hackers target financial firms, what could happen to the financial system, and what the SEC is doing about it.
In response to questions about Secure Elements from Bitcoin Magazine, SatoshiLabs provided a statement that made five key points: closed source is a security threat; the most prevalent threats to a user's bitcoin stash come from the online world; any wallet will always be susceptible to the $ 5 wrench attack; there have been successful thefts from chip - and - PIN cards that use Secure Element technology; and the wide use of Secure Elements is making them a larger target for hackers.
When a company like Equifax is then targeted, all the hacker is able to see is verified claims about our identities made against the blockchain.
What do you think about North Korean hackers targeting Bitcoin exchanges?
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