Sentences with phrase «about health and»

Well, I noticed I actually own almost every book you recommended, Weston Price being my hero, he started me on my journey to understanding more about health and wellness.
And, because you care about your health and your family, you started buying products labeled as «green» or «all natural».
Wise shoppers who are truly concerned about health and the potential for estrogen dominance from exposure to BPA will consistently bypass all canned foods on their trips to the supermarket or the healthfood store!
The Health Coach Training Program (HCTP) is a yearlong online course designed for people who are passionate about health and wellness and want to become a health coach.
I hope you always keep this spirit and give people like us have more information about health and also spread your spirit to us.
Careful Listening — Prior to your visit, we ask you to complete a fairly detailed questionnaire about your health and wellness history.
Let's just have a straightforward discussion about what your poop says about your health and why you should turn around and look after you make a deposit.
I'm passionate about health and fitness.
Why we shouldn't let criticism influence us when making intentional choices about our health and our family's health
After all, you are making Kombucha at home because you are conscious about your health and want to have access to a better alternative to sodas, coffee and other sugary drinks.
Needless to say, I am pretty passionate about health and wellness!
Drew and I became friends when we realized we shared the same values about health and wellness, and he has the same dedication and commitment... [Read more...]
My pregnancies had been getting easier as I've learned more about health and real food, but this one held a surprising difference!
I'm passionate about my health and can be found in a weights room sweating buckets with a big, silly grin on my face.
From tips on cookery techniques to facts and information about health and nutrition, we've a wealth of foodie know how for you to explore.
I am VERY passionate about health and fitness!!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family — I just want you to know how much I care about your health and well - being, and I sincerely appreciate you being part of my Fit Fam!
Moreover, physical exercise can give us something to look forward to, provide a social outlet, allay worries about health and fitness, increase energy levels, and improve self - esteem.
Most important, though, is the overall knowledge that I have gained about my health and body, and the fact that the newsletters have given me good advice, tips to follow, questions to ask my physician, and additional resources to use when needed.
Your physician should ask you various questions about your health and symptoms.
No insult intended, but assumptions about the health and safety of food products and the assumption that there is some public interest oversight function happening with the For Sale foods sold in America is dangerously naeve.
But what benefit of all this information about health and wellness if we don't truly enjoy our lives?
The lifestyle seminars aim to educate you about your health and wellbeing and you can also opt to have private one - on - one sessions, which are akin to emotional therapy.
Positive psychology and New Age ideas about health and healing have flooded the internet and bookstore shelves in recent years.
At one point or another we've all obsessed about our health and whether we eat enough broccoli, drink more coffee than we should or stress too much.
She leads seasonal detox programs, runs gluten and dairy - free classes, enjoys public speaking about health and success, teaches yoga, and is a recovering CPA.
Michelle Obama planted the garden in 2009, and in addition to providing food for the White House, it also serves as an educational center, inspiring big conversations about health and wellness in the U.S. (Eater)
Without them, I wouldn't have become so passionate about health and wellness.
Why would anyone want to live without these Essential Amino Acids, who is making these crazy assumptions about health and foods?
I live, breathe and dream about health and fitness.
Because I think I am a great example of that Phrase «It is never to late to start something» Because I am really Charismatic, I am passionate about Health and Fitness and those around me get contagious of it.
The survey results are based on data collected from three major surveys conducted among 300,000 nurses and health workers, who during 30 years regularly filled out questionnaires about their health and lifestyle.
By the time she started dialysis, I had made a determination to learn all I could about health and wellness from a holistic approach to help her.
We had a long (and nerdy) discussion about health and I've come to greatly respect her work.
I live, breathe and love everything about health and fitness!
Im passionate about health and fitness.
I don't write personal posts often, but this past weekend I lost my grandmother and it has caused me to think a lot about health and illness, life and death.
Below is a summary of the story of how DuPont covered up information about the health and environmental effects of PFOA.
Hormone expert Alisa Vitti weighs in on what your monthly cycle tells you about your health and how to use it to improve health and productivity.
Jenna has always been curious about health and wellness, but after having children, she expanded her interest in health and holistic living.
They recruited 97 adults from a Swiss website for people suffering from burnout, asked them questions about their health and job responsibilities, and then gave them a writing exercise to tease out parts of their personality they wouldn't necessarily report themselves.
When talking about health and wellness, I focus on my seven core topics that work to transform health.
She also maintains a popular blog about health and Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture Blog Chicago.
The people in these studies were tracked for 26 to 30 years and also asked to answer questions about their health and eating habits every few years.
Writing about health and fitness, I admit I can get a little overly philosophical.
We talk about health and wellness goals and some of those discussions are around weight loss.
With the Thanksgiving feast now behind you, it's time to think about your health and the health of your loved ones.
To me, the whole experience was about learning about my health and ways to feel healthier.
Whether or not these studies are valid, on top of the lessening quality of life that I perceive to be caused by my personal cell phone use, questions about my health and my impact on the environment are enough motivation for me to put this particular technology away for a while.
As time went on, I learned more about health and nutrition and became confident in my own ability to listen to my body and myself to lose the weight in a healthy way.
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