Sentences with phrase «about her feelings about»

Do I have doubts, fears or questions about my feelings about God?
Beck, possibly the least controversial musician of all time, took home a surprise Grammy for album of the year, much to the consternation of Kanye West, who was not shy about his feelings about who the award should have gone to.

Not exact matches

«It does feel like all of my videos have been an expression of things I want to relay to my sister, or things I wish I could talk to my sister about.
Increased marketing automation will pay dividends for consumers, too, who are more likely to see relevant ads and feel as though brands care about their interests.
The Levi's initiative — «Improving Worker Well - Being,» officially — is about getting an industry to recognize that workers aren't faceless cogs in giant profit machines, but people with feelings and needs.
Chen was feeling particularly proud about this, mentioning that competitor MobileIron has bragged in the past about poaching BlackBerry's clients.
When I asked David Jr. about how he will feel the night of the auction, and whether he will regret the loss of so many family heirlooms, he replied: «You can't take it with you.
She'd arrive home late at night from shifts as a server with goodies in hand to share with her neighbors and enjoyed living alone, but said she felt a strong intuition about something dark on the horizon.
«I feel like there's a story there and it's not just about «come in and buy our taco.»»
Another brought up his own ditched business: «Sure, I could've pivoted... but I didn't feel excited about the product or the customers anymore.»
There's nothing wrong with feeling bad about how someone is treating you, but your self - talk (the thoughts you have about your feelings) can either intensify the negativity or help you move past it.
For my customer, it's all about feel.
JPMorgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon speaks to CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin at the Delivering Alpha Conference about the state of the U.S. economy and how he feels about the Trump Administration's agenda.
«Roughly equal shares of working mothers and fathers report... feeling stressed about juggling work and family life: 56 percent of working moms and 50 percent of working dads say they find it very or somewhat difficult to balance these responsibilities,» the organization reports.
Three months later, when he called his mother to let her know he was about to lose $ 35 million in investor funding, he wasn't feeling quite so genius anymore.
Customer satisfaction surveys can help you to get a very clear view of what your customers feel about your products.
Key personal takeaway: I know when I'm feeling engaged about my company's mission: when I'm eager to answer that classic cocktail - party question «And what do you do?»
This gives employees the feeling that QuikTrip cares about them.
«But if they can feel better about it because of the ingredients that are in it, that's all for the better.»
With an anxiety disorder, you feel general anxiety about life events even when that level of anxiety wouldn't seem merited by others.
Someone can see what they feel is the greatest advertisement in the world and be dead set on buying from that company, but if a friend tells them good things about another company that offers the same goods or services, most of the time they will take their friends advice and go with the alternative company.
When you're waiting to hear back about whether you got the job, it can feel like it's taking forever.
Translation: employees who decide their own titles are more likely to feel confident about their ability to do their jobs and less likely to suffer burnout.
While shiny objects may unlock engagement, customer loyalty comes from how a product or company makes a person feel and the story it tells them about themselves.
The biggest thing I learned was how entitled people felt about what used to be a luxury.
The practice pays off, according to research: People who practice gratitude activities are more optimistic, feel better about their lives, exercise more and report fewer physical issues.
In other words, you can't be an ideal version of yourself if you don't have enough food and money to pay the bills, or enough love and esteem to feel good about your value as a human being.
Though Google is notoriously secretive about their methods and policies, many experts feel that 2014 will see the search engine giant focusing on two elements: 1) great content and 2) the size of your social media footprint.
The answer will show me two things: one, how you feel about failure, and two, how you deal with it.
After my colleague and Canadian Business blogger Chris MacDonald responded and wrote about the controversy surrounding Victoria's Secret and its use of cotton from Burkina Faso, I feel compelled to take issue with some of the questions he raises.
A virtual or immersive - reality feature on this story could easily distort the way that people feel about what happened.
So, get to where you feel good enough about [something].
«I feel more rewarded about Flatiron, beyond the money potentially everyone could make over time, because of the fact that we're actually making a difference in cancer,» he said.
Everyone likes to feel heard, and consulting your subscribers about their needs can help build trust in your relationship.
You get comments, you get insight, and you can now see how your followers feel about different topics.
Palmer reached out to a wide range of pediatricians to find out how they feel about these parents, and he was surprised to encounter mostly sadness rather than anger on the part of these doctors, who often feel like they've let their patients down by not convincing them to vaccinate.
And how about this uplifting message from Jagmeet Singh after he won the leadership of the New Democratic Party on the weekend: «At a time when people are feeling so despondent, when there is a lack of hope, when it feels like things will only get worse before they get better, Canadians must stand united and champion a politics of courage to fight the politics of fear.»
According to the experts, it's not necessarily about what you keep as much as it is the feelings and intent behind those things.
More than 40 % of respondents admitted to putting off learning about investing because they feel they're stretched too thin to contribute.
When you read a highly negative comment about your business (or about yourself), you not only feel angry but experience a very real physical reaction.
Whatever it is they need, and whatever company it is, we take care of them as instantaneously as we can — to make them feel secure, and make them feel «They really care about me.»
Handing in your resignation letter to your boss who constantly nags you about your report and paper works that are long overdue will definitely give you a feeling of relief since you can be free from the confines of your office that locks you in from Monday to Friday, 9 - 6 PM.
If a young woman entrepreneur hasn't found a market for her product outside of her sorority sisters, Whitehead says, it's crucial to be able to tell her that without worrying about hurting her feelings.
By taking a positive approach, users will consistently relate your company / message to optimism and feel better about you
Your blog is great and helped me feel better knowing about the offshore software Development.
You can palliate that feeling with any number of distractions now... but what about 40 years from now?
It's about your ability to feel secure, no matter what your financial situation is like.»
You'll likely notice how much you've accomplished in the previous term and feel good about your momentum.
But a more important question is how we as a society feel about the impact of the entire online tsunami on society overall.
In line with the study about stressful jobs, other research demonstrates that similar forms of expressive writing (writing out your thoughts and feelings like in a diary) helps those coping with stressful situations such as unemployment.
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