Sentences with phrase «about higher expectations for our children»

«This is about higher expectations for our children (and) the higher expectations that we have for our teachers,» said Gresham.

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The new system could be an opportunity to make a clear new cultural statement about fatherhood, with higher expectations on their involvement — akin to the expectation on mothers — in a way that would make it less acceptable for fathers to drift out of their children's lives.
Specifically, for fathers, higher expectations about their children's educational level, and greater level / frequency of interest and direct involvement in children's learning, education and schools, are associated strongly with better educational outcomes for their children, including: • better exam / test / class results • higher level of educational qualification • greater progress at school • better attitudes towards school (e.g. enjoyment) • higher educational expectations • better behaviour at school (e.g. reduced risk of suspension or expulsion)(for discussion / review of all this research, see Goldman, 2005).
Rather than setting such high expectations with no room for failure, how about having faith in our children to do their best?
We wanted parents to know the truth about how their children were faring in school — and wanted educators to aim for higher expectations in their teaching.
Stipek found that children in didactic, content - centered programs generally do better on measures of academic skill than do children in child - centered classrooms, while children in child - centered classrooms worry less about school and have higher expectations for success than children in content - centered classrooms.
Unfortunately, this belief about setting high standards and expectations for poor children and children of color, upon which decades of research is based, is being systematically discarded by Educrats throughout the country to make the system more fair to the adults working in schools.
Woven into this highly personal narrative about a boy's journey from silent sidekick to hero are themes that translate to public education: the challenges of finding the right school or instructional method to meet a student's individual needs; the impact of social stigmas on expectations and performance, particularly for «discarded students» in low - income neighborhoods, and the need for a culture of high expectations to counter those negative societal assumptions; the importance of tireless, focused, caring teachers who do whatever it takes to help students succeed; and the ability for all children — regardless of learning challenges or race or income level — to learn.
But other reformers have sat on the sidelines, cowardly silent about the problems of the waiver gambit, inexcusably failing to remember that education policymaking is about clear communication in action of the expectations we have for our society to ensure that every child is provided high - quality education.
Paul Tough, author of a book about the Harlem Children's Zone, describes the philosophy behind «no excuses» secondary schools that target at - risk students: «The schools reject the notion that all that these struggling students need are high expectations; they do need those, of course, but they also need specific types and amounts of instruction, both in academics and attitude, to compensate for everything they did not receive in their first decade of life.»
Transformational school leaders hold unwaveringly high expectations for all children, but also challenge those we work with in their beliefs about our students.
Just as there are standards for regular day classroom expectations, the Expanded Learning community realized that having those North Star goals about what high quality programming looked like from both a point of service and programmatic perspective were important to communicate how expanded learning programs contribute to children and youth's overall intellectual growth and development.
16 Parental knowledge is thought to provide a global cognitive organization for adapting to or anticipating developmental changes in children.17 Mothers who are knowledgeable respond more sensitively to their child's initiations, 18 while mothers with inaccurate expectations about their child's development tend to be more harsh.19, 20,21 Studies have indicated that when mothers have higher knowledge of infant and child development, they show higher levels of parenting skills, 16,22,23 their children have higher cognitive skills, 16,24 and there are fewer child behaviour problems.16 Furthermore, a positive association has been found between parental self - efficacy and parenting competence when knowledge of child development is high.
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