Sentences with phrase «about horses»

Hopefully I'll remember everything I learned about horse racing!
Always on the go and absolutely passionate about horses!
Now we get to the part about horse riding.
Talk about a horse race for 2010's best animated film.
We make sure each child is comfortable and within their level as they learn more about horses.
Three times as many, 6 percent, identified themselves as beyond caring about the horse race.
«I think my staff have had to answer a lot of questions about horses,» the prime minister said.
If your child in interested in horses, for example, find fiction books that tell exciting stories about horses and nonfiction books that will provide interesting facts and information your child might enjoy.
Reading through a 2006 story I wrote about horse armor — please excuse the poor writing, I was only 21 — is fascinating.
Hi I am easy going, very crazy about my horses and their care.
Q: Should I consult with my veterinarian about my horse's parasite control?
I know nothing about horse racing and so for me that part was kind of boring, but seeing the social life, fashion etc was more my cup of tea.
I'm not sure emotionally invested I can be in a movie about a horse.
Same can be said about horse racing and the limited amount of tracks it offers (with that said, horse racing was a very pleasant surprise!).
He cites a famous poem about a horse being whipped across its eyes and then ups the ante.
I enjoy everything outdoors and absolutely love everything about horses.
If you have concerns about your horse's health, we highly recommend consulting your veterinarian.
But he knows as much about horse racing as most viewers probably do — which is to say, not much.
Find the words about horses, listed below, in the word search grid.
He also gives the reader lots of facts about horse rescue farms, horse training and racing.
Enjoy teaching your wee one about horses, pigs, sheep, chickens, goats, and cows when you work on this puzzle together!
People of the past would have said much the same about horses forever being a critical and invaluable part in the transport of people and goods but we know things change.
For a film mostly about horse racing, lots of history is put in the mix.
What if they're not looking for a specific title but want to browse by subject — can they find «children's ebooks about horses» relatively easily?
The Horse Listening Blog offers entertaining and informative posts about horses, riders and life in general.
And of course, we can't forget about the horses, rabbits, and other animals in need of adoptive homes.
Yes they need a controlled maximum speed limit, and again repeated education about horse care and more veterinary visits and medicines.
Your task is simple: just answer a few questions about your horse and his diet.
By helping horses, we also help people to learn more about horses and their care and to improve the quality of life for all involved.
There are only two rules for this club: first, you have to be totally crazy about horses!
Personally, I've NEVER met a racing fan who really cared about horses.
Talk regularly with your veterinarian about your horse's vaccination schedule and needs.
But as has been said about horse racing, the way to make a lot of money in venture capitalism is to start out with really, really a lot of money.
When the word search puzzle is complete, read the remaining letters left to right, top to bottom, to learn an interesting fact about horses.
The pre-purchase exam provides buyers with information about the horse's current medical condition including cardiac abnormalities, eye abnormalities, dental malocclusions and lameness.
In March, Daeshin Kim had a live interview on KCAL9 News / CBS, speaking all about A Horse with Wings and his company Kinderbard that will be sure to peak your interest (and have you fall in love with Kim's young, adorable daughter, Sherman).
Susan Daffron talks to Trisha Wooldridge from the Bay State Equine Rescue in Massachusetts about a horse named Bay State Breeze who is available for adoption.
ask open - ended questions like, «How are you feeling about the horses
Whatever you thought about horse armor, it was, in the end, cosmetic, and didn't materially impact one's ability to play Oblivion.
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