Sentences with phrase «about human existence as»

The fact of evil in the world and in human experience raises serious questions for any Christian discussion, as much about human existence as about the reality and activity of God who in Christian faith is affirmed to be nothing other than «pure unbounded love.»

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Assuming it was Christianity, it ameliorated many of the harsh realities of human existence, such as your own death, the death of a loved one, injustice, feelings of being at the mercy of the forces of nature, and so on, gave you answers to questions about life, and so on.
It is the overarching meta purpose as in the purpose of human existence as opposed to an individual self created self bestowed purpose of life (such as caring for ones family) that I was musing about.
«Although I am an atheist, I respect all religions and take them seriously as vast symbol systems containing deep truth about human existence.
How much the CES actually cares about «the most profound metaphysical questions concerning human existence and the nature of reality» within any recognisably Catholic perspective is, however, to put it as mildly as possible, perhaps in some doubt.
If it is true, as Holloway argues, that the very foundations of matter and the identity of human nature are aligned upon the coming of the Word made flesh, then a society which is uncertain about the existence of God and whether Man has any meaning or purpose must be subject to crisis, alienation and chaos even more inevitably than CiV is able to show.
At any rate, Bultmann always emphasized that it was his task as a Christian theologian to offer answers, whereas the task of a philosopher was only to sharpen the questions (and particularly the question about human existence).
All this has been taken into God; all this is immediately known to God; all this is treasured in the divine memory; all this qualifies whatever we are prepared now to say about God and about the divine relationship with the world and more especially about that relationship as it has to do with human existence.
If religion arises as a positive response to the appearance of the world or human existence in a fallen form, then one might expect the movement of religion to revolve about the repetition or re-presentation (anamnesis) of a primordial paradise.
And when he was thinking about human existence itself, he was intent upon saying that a whole human person was compounded of body as well as of soul; in the end, he said, the two would be reunited after the separation which death had brought about.
So the very deepest insights about human existence that came to her, Israel described as the Word of YHWH.
In these quite different ways, something is being said about a refreshment or enablement which is provided for human existence; and something is also being said, even in a fashion which sometimes seems curiously negative (as in Indian religious thought and observance), about a relationship with a more ultimate and all - inclusive reality that establishes a kind of companionship between our own little life and the greater circumambient divine being.
Thus to talk about «the spirit of man» was to say that human existence is not only a matter of mind and body, as we have represented this in our previous discussion, but is also a matter of relationship, in which there is an openness to, and a sharing in, the life of others.
Every human existence which is not conscious of itself as spirit, or conscious of itself before God as spirit, every human existence which is not thus grounded transparently in God but obscurely reposes or terminates in some abstract universality (state, nation, etc.), or in obscurity about itself takes its faculties merely as active powers, without in a deeper sense being conscious whence it has them, which regards itself as an inexplicable something which is to be understood from without — every such existence, whatever it accomplishes, though it be the most amazing exploit, whatever it explains, though it were the whole of existence, however intensely it enjoys life aesthetically — every such existence is after all despair.
This point of view is not compatible with the Jewish way of understanding human existence, and it is in flat contradiction to what we now know about ourselves as human.
As soon as one begins to think about the basic issues of human existence, one is faced with the question of where to turn to find a trustworthy guidAs soon as one begins to think about the basic issues of human existence, one is faced with the question of where to turn to find a trustworthy guidas one begins to think about the basic issues of human existence, one is faced with the question of where to turn to find a trustworthy guide.
If we engage in the «de-mythologizing» of the Revelation to St. John the Divine, as we must also «de-mythologize» the creation stories in the book Genesis in the Old Testament, we realize that what is being said is that as human existence and the world in which that existence is set has its origin in the circumambient, everlasting, faithful Love that is nothing other than God — we recall Wesley's hymn, quoted a few paragraphs back, that «his nature and his Name is Love», and Dante's great closing line in The Divine Comedy about «the Love that moves the sun and the other stars» — so also the «end» toward which all creaturely existence moves is that very same Love.
God is the structure of reality and the power of being which brings about these transformations of human existence, which can be described in personal terms as response to love and forgiveness and in ontological terms as the reunion of the separated.
They recovered the classical experience of reason as the potential infinity of human questions, showing how this dynamic «ratio» as a desire for understanding is healed and transformed by the paschal - metanoetic experience of faith in the Sophia - Cod of compassion and love.4 Aquinas, for example, understood God as «intimately present within everything that exists since God is existence» and that Cod's omnipotence — Aquinas wrote very little about it — regards not actualities but possibilities, and is best manifested in forgiveness and compassionate mercy.5
For as God is love, so that the affirmation of His love is no afterthought or addendum to a series of propositions about His omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, transcendence, etc.; in similar manner in respect to human nature and activity, to human becoming, to human existence as such, love is no addendum, no afterthought, no extra, but the central reality itself.
They see religion particularly at work in the endeavor to bring about such changes in the total structure of human existence as will transform this world into one in which everyone may develop a rich and good and happy life.
I don't know about you, but I would believe the people who study the human mind, thoughts, and behavior (i.e. psychologists and sociologists), over someone who says there's some spooky external agent that no one can possibly verify the existence of, and which has no consistent pattern of action with which to use as evidence for verification.
So in case what has been expounded here is correct, in case there is no incommensurability in a human life, and what there is of the incommensurable is only such by an accident from which no consequences can be drawn, in so far as existence is regarded in terms of the idea, Hegel is right; but he is not right in talking about faith or in allowing Abraham to be regarded as the father of it; for by the latter he has pronounced judgment both upon Abraham and upon faith.
The implausible conclusion is that the evolutionary past came into existence only as human beings learned about it.
Percy conveys the postmodern, post-Christian Tupperware partygoer's disappointment in the randomness of a world «lacking mystery and substance» as he employs a playful literary technique involving human «looniness» to explore the dilemma of man's uncertainty about the nature of existence.
What Jesus had said and done not only told others about God; it was a human existence, in all its integrity, in which God had acted and wrought, so that within a hundred years, at the most, Jesus himself was described as an act of God.
This is clear enough from the foregoing theological reflections on the relation between faith and justice; for whatever else faith and justice may be said to be, they have been shown to be possibilities of human existence, whose metaphysical implications necessarily include claims about the reality of the self such as properly belong to metaphysical psychology.
But it makes good logical sense to say that as elements of human knowledge, the so - called apriori truths are mere hypotheses about the universal conditions of existence.
As to their presuming to set their destination, surely the editors can not complain about that, since they so strongly agree with the Supreme Court dictum in Casey that there is no higher truth than «the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.»
As in Becket, the Roman Catholic saint emerged as a problematic hero, but the panel decided that it was a statement «about a man who cared more for honesty and integrity than for his life... and is therefore a profound statement of the possibilities of human existence under the pressure of faith to oneself and to God.&raquAs in Becket, the Roman Catholic saint emerged as a problematic hero, but the panel decided that it was a statement «about a man who cared more for honesty and integrity than for his life... and is therefore a profound statement of the possibilities of human existence under the pressure of faith to oneself and to God.&raquas a problematic hero, but the panel decided that it was a statement «about a man who cared more for honesty and integrity than for his life... and is therefore a profound statement of the possibilities of human existence under the pressure of faith to oneself and to God.»
Whatever we perceive to be the truth about God, I think there is some things we all can agree on, believers and anyone who doesn't believe in the existence of God and that is that it is self evident that all are born equal and with dignity and it's best if everyone relate to each other as part of the human family.
Just as the discovery that sodium chloride has properties not exhibited by sodium and chlorine in isolation tells us something about the nature of sodium and chlorine which we could not otherwise know, so too the existence of subjectivity in combinations of atoms that make human brains tells us something about the nature of those atoms that make those brains.
Second, I suggest that the talk about «resurrection of the body» is an assertion that the totality of the material world and of human history, as well as of every man in that history who, with his brethren, has achieved good in his existence in the world, is usable by God who through it has been enriched in His own experience without changing in His supremely worshipful deity — the God unsurpassable by anything not Himself, but open to enrichment in being what He is and in terms of what He does.
We have quoted the Scots theologian Chalmers who spoke of «the expulsive power of a new affection» as a means of purifying and ennobling human existence; and the historian of French spirituality, Henri Bremond, has written about the way in which prayer, at its best, is «a purification of the self.»
In that sense, we may agree with Martin Heidegger's oft - quoted talk about human death as being «the finality» of our existence.
On an ontological level, process thought suggests that this experience of human existence as relational is not an exception to all other forms of existence, but is an exemplification of what existence is about.
We're talking about my very existence as a full - fledged human being in the eyes of the law of the State of New York... and the laws of the United States of America.
As humans have learned about the size of the cosmos (and our not - so - central place in it), we have grappled with weighing our specialness against the possible existence of alien beings on other worlds.
I love nature, music, learning about the world and our existence as humans.
This is not just about making sure that we don't fall back into a tribal, patriarchal existence with women and the weak as mere chattel, but what we mean as humans, our bodies and ourselves.
It's a nihilistic film but one whose outlook of existence actually accomplishes to say something about us as human beings.
An absurd horror comedy, the film offers no dialog at all, just grunts, as humans — devolved into ape mentality — go about their poop - throwing, territory marking, television smashing daily existence.
We are here on Mother Earth as humans, and our purpose is to become truly humane, as we make our choices and decide the purpose of our existence, for we are already in Mars, in the universe, in the moon, but we are still looking for our soul... human rights, and the economic, social and cultural rights of peoples, and the practices for the care of the planet are the ways to be about the exercise of our full humanity.
As they go about their daily existence, they become a disconcerting reminder that nature endures in the absence of humans.
I am not a subscriber to the «great Man'theory of history, I favour the idea that the pressures of human desire, experience and history culminate occasionally in one individual whose socio - historical importance is inevitably (as humans) defined through the base circumstances of their physical and temporal existence (i.e. the thing we think first about Einstein is the hair and the tongue, right?).
While One Million Kingdoms combines original imagery of astronaut Neil Armstrong during the first manned moon landing with passages from Jules Verne's novel «Journey to the Centre of the Earth» and focuses on the human desire to explore the unknown, AnnLee ponders in Two Minutes Out of Time about her existence as a fictional casing that waits to be filled.
It is about listening and talking, about toil and play, but above all these texts also reflect the uncertainty of human existence as played out in language or within power relations.
As to CO2 and life, well we are at the lowest long term CO2 levels seen in hundreds of millions of years but on a scale relevant to human existence, say the last 800,000 years we are about top of average levels and no more.
Debates about the existence and start date of the Anthropocene are occurring alongside a revolution in thinking about humans as uniquely social and technological beings.
Horizon: Zero Dawn follows the story of Aloy, a young woman and tribe outcast intent on finding the truth about her parentage and existence as she hunts robot dinosaurs and human bandits.
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