Sentences with phrase «about human motivation»

Ujwal and Jason are writing a book that aims to change the way business leaders think about human motivation and disrupt... Read more

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Daniel Pink, a contributing editor at Wired and author of the blockbuster A Whole New Mind, has made human motivation the subject of his new book, Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us.
Therefore, as he sees it, all the Christian need do is just keep quiet about his Christianity and join in revolution simply as a man, on the human level, without dragging in Christian motivations.
That testing includes a continuing attention to whatever the special sciences tell us about the conditions and the character of human motivations.
These do not depend upon the highest ethical commitments of which men are capable, but upon that mixture of human sympathy, rationality and self - interest which constitutes the basic pattern of human motivation While Niebuhr is a realist about the possibilities of human justice he has a strong concern for the social reformism in politics which characterizes modern democracy and the Christian social Gospel.
«That modern secular individuals are prone to cling on to beliefs about science, in the same way that their ancestors turned to the gods,» they write in their paper, «carries no judgment on the value of science as a method but simply highlights the human motivation to believe.»
But we have been thinking about ideas to increase motivation in human subjects.
We've also heard the quote by Jared Diamond to describe agriculture as «the worst mistake in the history of the human race» and this, making sense to us, is our motivation for completely cutting out all bread, pasta, rice and couscous altogether as we're concerned about constant the spikes in insulin.
So many stories about aliens assign motivations that assume or suggest human psychology or philosophy.
Hanks» Langdon is almost an automaton, jumping from one conclusion to the next with little active participation, while Ayelet Zurer is asked to play a physicist with unknown motivations and a seemingly unlimited general scientific and medical knowledge, and yet be about as human as cardboard.
At times, Knight gives his own speeches, using this film to talk about other monstrosity tales, human's feelings towards animals, and Cocteau's motivations for making the movie.
Surely teachers would already know anything I could tell them about human memory, or attention, or motivation that would be relevant to teaching.
In their book How People Learn, John D. Bransford, Ann L. Brown, and Rodney R. Cocking write about a key element that drives learning in humansmotivation.
In the context of intrinsic motivation, relatedness is about human connections.
(In fact, the entire section covering free - roaming cats is of such poor quality — claims directly contradicting CDC data and reports, for example, and its failure to acknowledge the potential for TNR to provide a rabies barrier between wildlife and humans [2]-- one wonders about the motivation of its authors.
If you completely anthropomorphize a dog and give him human feelings and motivations about everything you will misinterpret his actions.
Learning about positive training when Matilda was a puppy taught me about reading the intentions, desires and motivations of my fellow humans — rather than antagonizing them when they don't behave as I want or expect.
My original motivation in creating the flatland model began with the idea that humans are indeed deluded about their own capacities.
Louisa describes SDT about how «humans are driven by three psychological needs that contribute to intrinsic motivation, a heliotropic effect, and are essential for growth and well - being, just like sun, water, and soil are essential for plants to function optimally.»
These are the people who intuitively know all about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (1943: A Theory of Human Motivation) and where they fit in on that scale, which is usually right at the apex of that pyramid.
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