Sentences with phrase «about human persons»

This analogy of theological truth about God with truth about human persons is absolutely essential to Brunner's thought.
Of course it would be naïve to assume that sitting down with ISIS terrorists would produce a quick change of heart, but a fearless, coherent defence of orthodox Christian belief about the human person, human love and thus human society is essential and is, at present, generally lacking even among church leaders.
Far from being arbitrary, it reflects the truth about the human person and in that way helps build communion.
The truth about the human person is a reality that is discovered, acknowledged and received.
For the faith includes the truth about the human person and human communities, which nations ignore at their peril.
At other times, witnessing to Christ means challenging that culture, especially when the truth about the human person is under assault.»
It begins debates about the human person and the structure of social relationships by presupposing a particular view of the human person and of what the structure of social relationships should be.
Their deliberations showed the work of reason in a great repertoire of movements and a great range of mood and observations; and their decisions hewed closely to enduring truths about the human person.
One might have hoped that many of Thomas» own principles about the human person, liberty, conscience, and the indispensable freedom of faith would have led him to oppose the widespread legal consensus.
But this is to dodge the crucial question, which is precisely the question of the truth about man — the truth about the human person — on which any defense of human freedom with real traction must ultimately rest.
So I will highlight the importance of Jason Joseph's Catholic response to Pat Deneen: The freedom properly claimed is the freedom the church — an organized body of thought and action — to tell the whole truth about the human person.
This means «equipping the saints» to be twenty - first - century apologists who can (pace Pope Francis) offer compassionate aid to the walking wounded of postmodern society, explain the truths about the human person that the Church believes are essential to a truly human political community, and, if necessary, hold fast to Gospel - based Christian moral convictions even if that means professional or economic distress.
The Church, in other words, puts everything into proper perspective through its witness to the truth about the human person, human community, human origins, and human destiny.
Therefore when He becomes man, it will need a real co-operation from one parent - the woman - since there must be a vehicle of enfleshment to make the Incarnation possible while excluding the determining factor of the male by which the Incarnation would have been an event subject to human will, thus bringing about a human person.
Without a basis in strong truths about the human person, however, human rights easily become plastic, malleable masks for power.
As the persecution of Christians continues in Sudan and East Timor and elsewhere — as people of faith continue to testify to the gospel of love and the truth about the human person — the continuing story of the martyrs will have to be told in the twenty - first century as well.
In other words, we can examine how we learn from and about another human person, and let that same process lead us to learn the Jesus who lives among us as powerful Lord.

Not exact matches

The first type of gossip — the type you actually want to encourage — is about making human connections with the people you work with.
«Part of it is the nature of working with creative people that are looking for an outlet to express it not just in their work, but as a way of showing affection for their co-workers and having fun,» explains Bluebeam's Chief Human Capital Officer, Tracy Heverly, about the tradition.
This is exactly the kind of thing that people sounded the alarm about in recent years — that robots are going to displace human workers.
In a realm of swirling, incomprehensible big biological data — which is, perhaps, another way of thinking about the human body — the opportunity to use computer learning to better anticipate which drugs will work well (and not so well) in any one person is one we shouldn't pass up.
We've figured out some drugs that usually work, but as we learn more about the human body and our genetic code — the things we have in common but also the things that make us unique — we may come up with a new sort of medicine, tailored for each person.
And it gave me a new mission as a human being about the relationships that I would develop with other people
That party could have a political discussion in the kitchen or people doing keg stands in the living room, but it's all about that whole range of human expression.
With an estimated 46 million people globally living in slavery, human trafficking is being taken increasingly seriously in all countries with Britain home to an estimated 13,000 slaves and authorities identifying about 3,260 people victims in 2015.
In the end, understanding the world is about understanding people, and fiction gives you the best, most nuanced, most varied human stories and character portrayals.
The idea — that an ability to understand and manage emotions greatly increases our chances of success — quickly took off, and it went on to greatly influence the way people think about emotions and human behavior.
People can tell you you're beautiful, smart, intelligent, the best, or they can tell you that you are the most horrible human being on earth — but what matters is what you think about yourself.
They can talk about how they leverage Human Resources to manage people and help them get over any humps to success.
It's fascinating to learn about the hugely varied ways in which people respond to a universal human experience,» says Morton.
When you believe that people are human beings first and worker bees second, you say something about their worth.
«Our policies from the last Administration — and quite frankly the Democrat policies of today — of an open border and sanctuary cities allow and enables these drug smugglers who don't care about human life to put people in this horrific situation,» Patrick said.
It's about people: human - to - human interaction, and the underlying issues with running a business that tend to run opposite of personal development.
Business Insider previously spoke to Elena Belogolovsky, an assistant professor of human resource studies at Cornell University, who said that you don't have to disclose salary information for every employee, but you need to give people concrete information about how they can earn more.
But for jobs you care about, building relationships and getting in - person interviews without a resume gets you a human interaction they can say yes to.
«The «feel good» language about mutually beneficial cooperation is intended to benefit autocratic states at the expense of people whose human rights and fundamental freedoms we are all obligated as states to respect,» Mack said.
Petz offers plenty of caveats about this one — consult your human resources department first, for one — but with the right group of people, this can add some fun to the day.
It's because — like it or not — human beings make snap judgments about the people they meet for the first time.
«It's the human condition to want to help people with stories of our struggles and also to hear stories about people who've overcome the odds,» she says.
On Monday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British war monitor, said about 511,000 people had been killed in the Syrian war since it began in 2011, with 85 % of those being killed by Assad's government.
What's most exciting about this, is that customers will still receive human - like service that recognizes emotion and can respond accordingly just like a person would.
Joris Luijke, VP of people at Grovo, is another human resources expert who knows all about recruiting and retaining in fast - growth environments.
One person surveyed said, «If companies want to be more «good,» it is just about being normal, being human
A person who sees a problem is a Human Being; a person who finds a solution is visionary; and the person who goes out and does something about it is an entrepreneur.
«There is something about building relationships and working with people on Capitol Hill that requires human nuance, and many companies won't just leave this to a machine,» she says.
As human resources expert Susan M. Heathfield explains, «Poor goal setting makes people cynical, wastes their time and fosters confusion about where to concentrate actions and energy.»
In 2002, before the sale of PayPal even went through, Musk started voraciously reading about rocket technology, and later that year, with $ 100 million, he started one of the most unthinkable and ill - advised ventures of all time: a rocket company called SpaceX, whose stated purpose was to revolutionize the cost of space travel in order to make humans a multi-planetary species by colonizing Mars with at least a million people over the next century.
25:54 — Andy talks about human nature regarding investments: people want to sell when the market drops and buy when it goes up.
People who try to separate their private convictions about human dignity and the common good from their involvement in public issues are not acting with integrity, or with loyalty to their own principles.
When talking to people about human trafficking, he has them imagine that their own son, daughter or grandchild could be walking home from school and be kidnapped, bound, gagged, driven halfway across the country and sold into slavery in a split second.
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