Sentences with phrase «about human relationships»

Based on what we now know about human relationships (attachment theory), how the brain processes information (neuroscience), and the effect of nonjudgmental awareness (mindfulness), much of human suffering can be transformed into psychological growth, leading to personal resilience and a deep connection with others.
Building a network takes time, because it's all about human relationships and building trust.
Barry Woods Johnston's art is about human relationships both personal and interpersonal.
Note the line about human relationships.
«My documentary work is known for transcending sensational subjects to tell compelling human dramas that raise many complex questions about human relationships and behavior.
Creative transitions between scenes and times add a stylish element to a story that is ultimately about human relationships, aging and loneliness.
Not only one of the best romantic films ever made, this is arguably one of the best films about human relationships of all time.
What unfolds is a fascinating suspense thriller about human relationships and a tender, stunning mystery.
This well - crafted film, which presents thought provoking messages about human relationships, has the unfortunate inclusion of sexual content and language.
Perry has made a film about human relationships that shies away from flare - ups and shocking twists.
Buck Brannaman — master horseman, raconteur and philosopher — is a no excuses cowboy who travels the world teaching a hard - won wisdom that's often more about human relationships than about horses.
Despite pretending to be an intimate drama about human relationships for a generous portion of the snooze - inducing running time, The Amazing Spider - Man 2 reveals an altogether more sinister purpose in its final throes.
I have a theory about human relationships: «You can earn a person with a smile and lose it with one word.
The confusion has given me an appetite for understanding more about human relationships in general, and I have decided to retrain as a psychotherapist here in the UK.
His core point is that there is nothing that psychology knows about human relationships of any kind, including sexual ones, that precludes similar relationships with robots.
Ken had programmed these figures so that they captured a small truth about human relationships, in much the same way that someone else might express a fleeting insight in a poem or a short story.
Those who had argued in favor of premarital sexual relationships — many of them Christians — had tended to make assumptions about human relationships which allowed them to avoid analysis and struggle.
I recommend that you read the book «Theology of the Body» which teaches the Catholic theology about human relationships.
Like many endeavors that dig into deep questions about human relationships, the album has a natural spiritual undertone.
Undoubtedly, however, the next generation of robotics poses new questions about the human relationship with machines.
The scientific name for flax — Linum usitatissimum — reveals a lot about our human relationship to this plant.

Not exact matches

It's about having clear goals and a plan to reach them, but it's also about the constant ebb and flow of human relationships.
And it gave me a new mission as a human being about the relationships that I would develop with other people.»
Missing from Melania Trump's address were specific anecdotes about her relationship with the candidate, the kind that could display the personal, more human side of the presumptive Republican nominee, who has been criticized for his harsh rhetoric.
Marketing is about fostering meaningful relationships with your customers, and if your content is created for search engines rather than human beings, you shouldn't be surprised if eventually your followers stop following.
But for jobs you care about, building relationships and getting in - person interviews without a resume gets you a human interaction they can say yes to.
Think about, for example - does it eliminate human relationships or simply help you optimize and accelerate the search for the next great relationship?
The United States and China enjoy a generally friendly relationship, with strong economic ties, albeit with frequent barbs about trade, jobs, currencies, human rights, Tibet, the South China Sea and North Korea.
«There is something about building relationships and working with people on Capitol Hill that requires human nuance, and many companies won't just leave this to a machine,» she says.
The relationship between China and Tonga is mutually beneficial — China doesn't harangue Tonga about human rights while giving it aid, and China gets a strategic ally.
Take a listen to the 115th episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast for a deep dive into this topic and hear case studies about brands that are putting up barriers and brands that are tearing them down and making the decision to be human, own their mistakes and put relationships and long term customer value and loyalty first.
I moved toward an intimate relationship with Jesus — which taught me all I needed to know about the most important questions we as humans ask.
In human relationships we evaluate how others feel about us based on their actions towards us.
Everything about us, our human history tells a story, our human story and God's story of redemption of mankind through His own initiative, by sending His Son Jesus Christ who declared Him and explained Him so that we would KNOW Him and be able to have living, active relationship with Him, by believing on the Name of His son whom He sent to redeem us.
This possibility challenges us to ask about the relationship between divine and human agency.
We look to the Bible for insights about the nature of God, the nature of humans, the nature of our relationship to God and the world and each other, and the kind of life that is appropriate to these.
Having granted the legitimate, indeed essential, place of human reason within religion, we need to identify the truth about God and the world, and the relationship between them.
But if you can start and maintain relationships with Christians who see things differently than you do, you'll discover they are real human beings who care about other people.
If redemption is about Grace alone, with no place for human nature, than how can there be a relationship between the human and the divine?
They are also stories about the divine - human relationship in the present, in our present.
Second statement: The Bible has stories about the divine - human relationship.
More appropriately, what is good, appropriate and right about desire, about passion as a means of talking about the God - human relationship?
These questions about the genesis and the relationship to the rest of nature of the human person mark where, for the present, coherence seems hardest to come by.
While there are serious reasons to have reservations about research into human cloning, the idea that it would undermine the relationship between men and women or the basic family unit is not morally or theologically convincing.
Here, for example, Novak reformulates his arguments about the necessary relationship between democracy and capitalism (and vice versa), as well as his location of the cause of the wealth of nations in the creative, inventive, and entrepreneurial spirit of the human mind.
I asked Dyer a few questions about the relationship between human creations like the iPhone 5 and the coming New Creation.
«It seems to me religious life is about a relationship between human beings and a divinity, and relationships have other dimensions besides exchange.
All this has been taken into God; all this is immediately known to God; all this is treasured in the divine memory; all this qualifies whatever we are prepared now to say about God and about the divine relationship with the world and more especially about that relationship as it has to do with human existence.
Sometimes in human relationships it's about what you're looking for.
Furthermore, if we recall that to be human is to be social, so that our relationship with others is integral to and largely constitutive of our own identity, then our thought about survival of death must be very different from the highly individualistic view so popular in the past.
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