Sentences with phrase «about human scale»

From getting rid of 90 % of our belongings, to living in a pop - up tent trailer in Baja with Andrew and our 11 year old daughter, to purchasing our own 5 acres to create our vision of off - grid tiny living, what we have been learning about human scale, material goods, needs, joy, freedom, and contentment has been life - changing.

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Other issues raised by the committee included why Facebook does not provide an overall control or opt - out for political advertising; why it does not offer a separate feed for ads but chooses to embed them into the Newsfeed; how and why it gathers data on non-users; the addictiveness engineered into its product; what it does about fake accounts; why it hasn't recruited more humans to help with the «challenges» of managing content on a platform that's scaled so large; and aspects of its approach to GDPR compliance.
Other new questions about environmental issues include large - scale land acquisitions in the supply chains of food companies and related human rights problems.
I've been retired about 6 months now — to see see the relative effect of saving and compounding over a human - scaled period of a few years check out this graph of my fund value over this period (hope the link works for people)
Given the scale of our universe, it seems likely that god wouldn't be interested in humans at all, and his design would be so far beyond our imagining, so why care about humans?
Christian campaigners have reacted to a new thinktank report that says the government is «clueless» about the scale of human trafficking in the UK.
Such an account is inevitably conditioned by the historian's scale of values and by his fundamental convictions about human nature.
This metaphysical agnosticism diminishes as we develop larger - scale interpretative arguments, all of which draw on often unspoken, even unconscious, assumptions about the way human history and culture unfold.
well i get where you come from but i wouldnt call it less passionate but more practical, i just do nt like to be butthurt ^ ^ i am fan of arsenal to enjoy the time i spend on football but if it ends in failures i try to get over its and be constructive about it, and i am not a fan of people who cant control their anger pains and have to project their frustrations onto the people who could be held responsible but not in this scale, in my opinion of the society humans should be able to control their emotions a bit and never stoop as low as to be abusive and i do think that a lot of comments on justarsenal were abusive and sorry but i do nt think of it as passionate an extreme example would be ultras you could call them muuuuch more passionate than me but in my opinion they are just scum of football, but of course i do nt want to compare the JA - commenters to ultras xD i just tried to illustrate my opinion ^ ^
This approach reflects the organisation's dedication «to informing a vast, world - scale public about the human rights abuses that they encounter in the milieu they enter, and to evoking public indignation about them» (Fox 1995: 1609).
«Social research has a history of using both small - scale experiments and computer models to explore questions about human behavior — but there are very few examples of how to use these two techniques in concert,» says William Rand, a computer scientist and assistant professor of business management in NC State's Poole College of Management who is co-lead author of a paper describing the work.
Their creations included a miniature human brain and a scaled - up heart of a baby chicken, both printed to about the size of a quarter.
«What we're talking about here is a means of mind control on a massive scale that there is no precedent for in human history.»
«One of the most unusual things about human cooperation is its large scale,» he says.
As large - scale genome sequencing projects, such as the Human Genome Project, near completion, the research community's focus is shifting toward efforts to determine functional information about these sequenced genes.
Ray Baughman, Ph.D., took a bundle of nylon fibers about the width of ten strands of human hair and wound them into a long, tight coil, just like an old - fashioned telephone cord but on a much smaller scale.
Nanotechnology is the idea that we can create devices and machines all the way down to the nanometer scale, which is a billionth of a meter, about half the width of a human DNA molecule.
It was refreshing to see an AI movie that was not about violent robots and raised many interesting AI issues in the broader public sphere — such as scalability (dating at massive scale), the realistic and sad aspect of human loneliness being filled by machines (already happening in China via chatbots) and the issues that arise as AI surpasses human intelligence.
The scale of the problem is daunting, and even though enormous attempts are done to reduce the runoff humans are still pumping about 10 million tonnes of extra phosphorus into our freshwaters every year.
«These are time scales that human beings can get excited about
On a global scale, the new results suggest that humans use about 10,700 cubic kilometers of water per year, more than all the water in Lakes Michigan, Huron, Ontario and Erie combined.
«A survey (about sleep) on human beings on such a large scale is rare,» said Yanagisawa.
I think that few people appreciate the scale of the 1,000 Genomes Project and just how much information it's already yielding about human genetic variation.
We are talking about the scale of human agency.
While we await the definitive documentary about the glut of garbage, Waste Land reduces this global catastrophe to touchingly human scale.
The human scale of this story about a very real threat to one Norwegian village makes the movie more tragic and also more chilling.
Curtis's free - floating anxieties are intended to connect up with our fears about the collapsing economy, about the safety of the world and our families, but Nichols never loses sight of the small - scale human dramas at the film's core
A smart, human - scale procedural about working for change, «Selma» is both real and impressively cinematic, full of facts and feelings both — and a much - needed reminder of what America is capable of in the face of what seem like immovable forces of injustice and inertia.
In particular, these handouts cover the following specific content about tuberculosis in South Africa: Case study of one communicable disease, such as malaria or tuberculosis, at a country scale, either an LIDC or EDC, including: o environmental and human causes of the disease o prevalence, incidence and patterns of the disease o socio - economic impacts of the disease o direct and indirect strategies used by government and international agencies to mitigate against the disease and respond to outbreaks.
Whereas humans are better at experiencing authentic emotions and building relationships, formulating questions and explanations across scales and sources, deciding how to use limited resources across dimensions strategically (including which tasks machines should be doing and what data to give them), making products and results usable for humans and communicating about them, making decisions according to abstract values.
And in the process, Boser acknowledges one of the fundamental contradictions related to this accrued scientific knowledge of education and human development: At no other time have we known so much about human potential — the plasticity of the brain, the conditions that activate and stimulate human performance, and the ways technology can deliver knowledge and skills - training at a scale and efficiency that was unimaginable even a decade ago.
To read more about High Schools on a Human Scale or to order a copy, click here.
This is history on a grand scale — a book about politics and war and social issues, but also about human nature, love, religious faith, virtue, ambition, friendship and betrayal, and the far - reaching consequences of noble ideas.
«Just like human weight loss programs will use food gram scales to educate us about portion size and caloric intake, weighing your puppy / kitten's diet right from the start will help you to be sure you are feeding the correct amount,» she says.
It's nice to see designers thinking about what ways these wonderful «space marine» armors could change combat, and while the scale of powered armor doesn't exactly match that of mecha, and thus is really a whole different kettle of fish, a lot of the solutions are the same — just as giant robots shouldn't be treated as human analogues, humans in powered armor should have different skillsets following from their upgrade.
With vastly contrasting pixelated art and a futuristic story, 2064: Read Only Memories challenges players not only to solve the mystery to save their friend, but to evaluate their feelings on complicated and incredibly relevant issues about what it means to be human, the dark side of technology, and how discrimination can have a larger - scale impact on the world.
«The GDELT Project is an initiative to construct a catalog of human societal - scale behavior and beliefs across all countries of the world, connecting every person, organization, location, count, theme, news source, and event across the planet into a single massive network that captures what's happening around the world, what its context is and who's involved, and how the world is feeling about it, every single day.»
She deliberately juxtaposes objects whose scale, textures, or categories of use combine to make statements, at once biting and humorous, about the human condition.
Lynn Hershman Leeson Infinity Engine (2013 - 2017), a large - scale installation simulating a functioning genetics lab generating narratives about the future of the human species in the age of genetic engineering.
The immediacy of Feldman's large - scale signs reminds the viewer of the importance of the human touch in a digital age where experience is so often mediated, and they are unsentimental about it.
Suh addresses the nature of wildfires» large - scale government response projects, which reveal central questions about human presence in nature and the overwhelming uncertainty of human control over natural phenomena in our society.
I could make other references to scientifically studied differences between men and women but this may not be the place... Of course this is all on a sliding scale so - to - speak... nothing about humans is black and white, including gender differences.
The exhibition will feature a new large - scale installation of Infinity Engine (2014), an interactive work first prototyped at YBCA in the 2013 exhibition Dissident Futures, that re-creates a functional genetics lab to generate infinite narratives about the future of the human species in the post — genetic engineering age.
Talk about a jumping off point for further exploration... One reason small businesses have an advantage over big box stores and chains is that they are human - scaled, or in your term, humanified.
After seeing James Bishop, which is currently on view at David Zwirner (September 6 — October 25, 2014), I would urge anyone who cares about what an artist can do with paint to go and immerse themselves in this beautiful, sensitive, astringent exhibition of eleven mostly square, human - scaled paintings in oil and four small works (all are less than six inches in height and width), done in oil and crayon on paper.
PATRICK TUTTOFUOCO STUDIO GUENZANI A parody of a city: a group of ten skyscrapers, each about six feet tall - i.e., human scale - made of wood, plastic, and painted metal.
Although it was only about a foot & a half long it seemed that the rhythms and proportions of human scale and movement were articulated and resolved in its hollows and its penetrations.
STUDIO GUENZANI A parody of a city: a group of ten skyscrapers, each about six feet tall — i.e., human scale — made of wood, plastic, and painted metal.
Scientific explanations do not incorporate presumptions about emotional reactions of the planet to human affairs, but it is possible that large scale projects like the Three Gorges Dam and its reservoir create new stresses in the Earth's crust leading to earthquakes.
This line from the 2007 report's chapter on human health is about as straightforward as any language can be: «Despite the known causal links between climate and malaria transmission dynamics, there is still much uncertainty about the potential impact of climate change on malaria at local and global scales
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