Sentences with phrase «about ick»

Bartholet: Yeah, I mean, you know, it's funny and to some people, you know, there are somewhere else in the article I talk about the ick factor or the yuck factor.
Probably leftover from kid talk about ick vegetables.

Not exact matches

It won't be too long until phones are about as sexy as toasters or, ick, desktop computers.
There's also the «ick» factor of it all... Most guys left or right know what I'm talking about.
I can eat them just about every day if wheat didn't leave me feeling ick (that being said, I still eat them from time to time) Now that I have your recipe though, I can eat them guilt free ~!
I guess the thoughts I did have about breastfeeding were that it seemed vaguely ick to me personally (ie: while I'm not grossed out by others doing it AT ALL, I didn't love the thought of doing it myself).
I forgot to say I also like what you said about «the ick - factor» people (my sister especially) sometimes tell me they could never cloth diaper because it's too gross.
The first time I heard about alternative menstrual products that were reusable, I was intrigued but also a little icked out.
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, mom of four talks about Clorox's Ick - tionary.
Kyle Richards, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, mom of four talks about Clorox's Ick - tionary.
I am wondering about going green with my period but the Diva Cup seems less ick?
Also, ick, I'm so sorry about getting sick right before a flight: / That's the worst!
I know what you mean about the visible thong & builders bum, never was a fan of that look... ick!
Price begins with this — what she calls the «ick factor», or society's aversion to talking about the sexuality of their elders.
The Lovely Bones finds Peter Jackson regressing into his worst instincts and a newfound squeamishness in a film about, ick, a fourteen - year - old girl's rape and murder, leaving the most unsavoury details of Alice Sebold's revered source novel to the golden - lit imagination.
3 - Abitibi definitely has the «ick» factor that Michael Burry talks about.
I can't get passed the «ick» factor or thinking about health differences down the line..
When Katie Holmes talks about having a Tom Cruise poster when she was 8 years old, some say «Ick» while others say «who cares he's still hot?»
Ick and the Emotastone: An Emotes Book About Accepting Differences by Matt Casper and Ted Dorsey
The house is about 20 years old and the master bedroom is still painted that original pale peachy ick that many builders use.
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