Sentences with phrase «about immortality»

So in answer to the first question about immortality — does it exist — a relational view would answer: If it does, it's only because of God.
They acknowledged their own serious doubts about immortality.
In this respect, all fully developed teachings about immortality gravitate toward the Omega end of the scale.
Most of us, I'd wager, don't spend a lot of time thinking about immortality or the distant future.
Jesus Christ is all about immortality and in this world we who know him as he prescribed get to try that out..
The revelation of God in Jesus has uttered a word about immortality that can not go unheard.
If we were to speculate further about immortality using the general relational approach of the previous chapters, what else might we say?
That kind of uplifting rhetoric manages to neatly bypass one of the most telling worries about immortality.
None of the developed traditions about immortality fosters self - absorption.
Recently, at a wedding reception, I polled some friends about immortality.
Marlowe is irritated that he never got credit for writing Shakespeare's plays, one of many obnoxiously presented wink - wink jokes about immortality aimed at fans of vampire fiction who have probably heard this stuff a million times.
After confiding in Nicole about his immortality and his certainty about the passion they can share, Jake begins to rethink what makes a «monster.»
To prove herself, Lara and Jonah Maiava, a returning character from the preceding game, begin their investigation in the dangerous and icy lands of Siberia, in search for the ancient city of Kitezh, which Lara believes to hold some truth about immortality.
To tackle the mystery of the eternal hydra, Krulwich and his NPR science reporter Adam Cole, produced a video to show us more about the immortality - lottery winning hydra:
One thing I've learnt from decades inside boardrooms, is that, by and large, oil, coal and gas companies live in an analytical bubble, deluded about their immortality and firm in their beliefs that «renewables are decades away from competing» and «we are so cheap and dominant the economy depends on us» and «change will come, but not on my watch».
But a $ 5 - million academic grant, to be centered at UC Riverside, may go a long way toward gaining insights into the possibility of an afterlife and delving into what science and culture say about immortality.
The second question about immortality, presuming there is an afterlife, is: What is it like?
You realize that when Paul was teaching about immortality and eternal life that he was talking about two different principles.
Shalom and Robertson discuss Hartshorne and his ideas about «personal identity», about the idea that «to be» is «to create,» about «soul - substance,» about immortality, about the «person» and the «self.»
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