Sentences with phrase «about important matters»

These kinds of conversations can also prove the ideal opportunity for parents to engage in conversations about the important matters that your child may be dealing with.
I understand by theology self - conscious Christian reflection about important matters.
This is an entirely serious movie about important matters.
It is hard to think of efficient market theorists as knowledgeable about important matters.
In addition, in some situations a spouse habitually hides information or lies about important matters.
These functions in turn include a variety of activities — reading, writing, computing, memorizing — that purport to advance disciplined thinking about important matters of human concern.
What is important are family relationships, with children who hardly ever talk about important matters with their mothers and often quarrel with them more likely to stay out late.
It also gives you an opportunity to discuss and express your values and beliefs about important matters in a relationship, such as finances, family, parenting, children, and you and your partner think, believe and value about being married and what it takes to make a marriage healthy, strong and last.
The concern of public relations professionals, advertisers, and politicians with image and appearance as an instrument for persuading people about important matters in the real world of events and decisions is matched by the growing scholarly and intellectual interest in signs and symbols as makers, not merely conveyers, of the world we live in.
The polar ice caps are melting, world leaders are taunting each other like schoolyard bullies, and billion dollar companies are revealing themselves to be clueless about important matters.
Today I find myself in strong disagreement with the Church about an important matter.
As Christians try to make intelligent decisions about these important matters, accurate information is indispensable.
Pluralism is just the fact that there are many different religions and conflicting points of view about important matters out there in one's cultural environment — the recognition if you will of a modern Tower of Babel.
Lear marvels that so much of what passes for commentary on Socratic irony in Plato's dialogues has to do exclusively with the question of whether Socrates dissembles, whether he wears a mask of unknowing behind which lurks either certainty about important matters or skepticism, perhaps even nihilism.
Don't worry: In close families, kids» values about important matters generally align with those of their parents over time.
«I certainly would want to bring more accountability to the people through getting more information out to the public in a more timely fashion about important matters like the county airport,» she said.
Drop out of community college; they are not teaching you how to think critically about important matters.
Responding to those types of questions in your blog and sharing resources with other technology directors via Diigo will enable you instantly to share ideas about important matters relevant to your work.
- Anthony Burgess» [Vidal] deals with issues that most other novelists (and historians) are reluctant to confront... talks straight about important matters, so it is perhaps true that we have to come to terms with Vidal if we are to do justice to ourselves.
Indeed, PEI is an awesome summer vacation destination in Canada, but let's take a quick minute to talk about an important matter before getting into the meat of this blog post.
This involved learning ways to take care of and soothe each other, being the first to know about important matters, as well as understanding that all important family decisions are decided together — including the best way to handle their daughter.
And we're fed up with the angry, polarized environment — we want to have real, productive conversations about these important matters.
That's why premarital counseling should be mandatory, and I consider it as early intervention, created to help you improve your relationship, learn effective ways to communicate, help you set realistic expectations, teaches you how to manage conflict effectively, gives you an opportunity to discuss and share your values and beliefs about important matters, such as finances, family, parenting, children, and your beliefs and values about marriage and what it takes to make a marriage last.
I define «theology» as «intentional Christian thinking about important matters
A 2006 study published in the American Sociological Review found that 25 percent of participants said they had no one to confide in about important matters.
If you need to reach us about an important matter, our CC4C Hotline is 925 -938-CATS (2287) for a message.
Lisa C. Decker, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), Real Estate Collaboration Specialist in Divorce (RCS - D) and Founder and CEO of Divorce Money Matters ® and DivorceTown ® USA was interviewed by Personal Finance Expert and TV personality, Farnoosh Torabi, about important matters to consider before getting divorced to help people avoid common, costly and permanent mistakes.
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