Sentences with phrase «about individual dogs»

A knowledgeable rescue or shelter should be able to answer your questions about the individual dog as well as the breed in general.
Learn as much as possible about the individual dog's personality, history and health before bringing your new family member home.
Our findings suggest that employing assessments that engage other sensory modalities, especially sound, may provide additional clues about an individual dog's behaviour.
The CERF database is what is known as a «closed» database, which means that only statistics are released, not information about individual dogs.
However, and we can't stress this enough: it's all about the individual dog, not about the breed, and a mixed - breed dog very well may end up being «the one»!
The nice thing about a good rescue is that the «staff» will most likely be knowledgeable about that breed, and since most rescues do not have shelter facilities, the dogs are often fostered in the «staff's» homes, so they will know about the individual dogs, too.
When deciding on which toy to purchase for your furbaby, it's important to think about your individual dog's likes and habits.
The play time alleviates dogs» frustration from being in kennels too long and also allow us to identify and understand important information about each individual dog that helps us to place them in appropriate homes.
it's about the individual dog or cat's personality and the chemistry you feel together (yep, we have chemistry with animals just like we do with other humans!).
Statistical reports and summary data, which do not include information about individual dogs, are available to researchers upon request.
I think the flaw in the genes vs how you raise them discussion is neither of them can tell you about the individual dog in front of you.
Please do not email us about the individual dogs we have listed here as they are all in different fosters homes across the four states that we serve.
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