Sentences with phrase «about it deep»

One month he's giving 50 of his friends a new novel he adores, the next he's suggesting everyone get out the tissues and check out a heartbreaker of a memoir, then a bit later he's back on his blog enthusing about a deep dive into eviction in America.
Post-election, I sent out an email to all of our subscribers and talked about my deep disappointments in the election turnout and what our plans are: to go to the red states and set up pop - ups there, talk to the other side and extend an olive branch.
OK, you probably don't ever use these exact words, but many older managers react to Millennials» constant questions about the deeper reasons for requests with bemused (or maybe not so bemused) impatience.
«Writing about your deepest thoughts and feelings may help to reduce recurrent unwanted thoughts,» reports the post.
«Expressive writing — writing about your deepest thoughts and feelings — has been tested extensively,» PsyBlog says, noting that a regular writing ritual has been shown to have both health and psychological benefits, including helping to quell repetitive worries.
Unfortunately, the people behind convincing Brown to jack up the minimum wage are people who are always assuming the worst about deep - pocketed employers exploiting their employees while assuming unicorns when it comes to the consequences of their policies.
Canadian investigative reporter Mike De Souza reports on InsideClimate News that Canada's pro-Keystone ad campaign in Washington, DC is misleading Americans about deep cuts...
What about the deep enterprise stories newspapers have long thought synonymous with metro journalism?
These investments have evolved over time — initially all I... [Read More...] about A deeper look into my portfolio
The authors put the case this way: «Think about the deepest joy you experience in life — it doesn't typically come from thinking about how great you are.
That's to have fun with those who would wonder about the DEEP POINT of the point in the middle.
But I care enough about Bob to talk with him honestly about our deepest differences — including my assessment that on both halves of the Snow couplet, public Mormon theology and traditional Christian orthodoxy are still far apart.
We need to talk about our deepest longings and fears and troubles.
And I nod — and we will love all always and live given always, no matter what is said or not said, — and always now is the time to speak the whole truth about the deep worth of God's daughters.
Morality is about the deepest part of our being.
Setting aside the much discussed question of Lincoln's religion, there can be no doubt about his deep immersion in the cadences and parables of the Bible.
A lot has been made in the past couple of years about deep problems in the American justice system, particularly when it comes to prisons.
But don't the sensibilities that Glover points to — sympathy, dignity and moral identity — tell us something about the deeper texture of reality?
Genesis 1:2, the Bible is not talking about deep space, it is talking about deep water, and it tells us this in the next sentence: «And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.»
If you want to have a discussion about the deeper things in life — love, death, aging, loneliness, joy — you are more likely to find someone game for the topic in church than elsewhere.
I think one thing missing today by people on all political sides is the ability and willingness to sit down with each other and have long conversations about deep issues.
I wanted someone I could talk to about deep matters.
For example, it could be argued that the «things of the Spirit» that Paul is referring to are about the deeper truths and mysteries of the gospel that Paul has been referring to previously in 1 Corinthians 2:9 - 15 (See Vance, The Other Side of Calvinism, 231).
Experiences of grief — or even experiences of extreme joy or ecstasy — shatter the willing suspension of our doubts and raise questions about the deeper meanings of life.
A friend speaking about a deep friendship said «I just enjoy it one moment at a time».
Every passionate vested interest has working in it a high measure of anxiety about deep threats, perhaps perceived, perhaps imagined.
Each trip from apartment to curb seemed to set the two of us thinking about deeper things.
Eventually, the group decides to spend a weekend learning about how certain social groups are beaten down, about the deeper problems of change and about what the gospel and the church have to say on such matters.
In particular, this means that we should distinguish between communism and the many efforts to bring about deep social changes which actually are an essential antidote to communism.
Please, don't let us marginalise faith in God, or ignore what Christianity offers, or sneer at the possibility that men and women can know about the deepest and greatest things.
In her lovely chapter on «honoring the body» in Practicing Our Faith, Stephanie Paulsell writes about the deepest Christian beliefs concerning the human body.
These are the programs which appeal to many members of the mainline churches, people who go to church almost every Sunday, yet give little evidence of being uneasy about their deep involvement in secular culture and values.
We talk about the deeper meanings we sometimes find in the contemplation of these things and how we sometimes feel God's presence there, and sometimes God's absence.
Deeper Story: What I love about Deeper Story is its diversity of voices, brought together by consistently fantastic writing.
Above all, we keep returning to the truth that living chaste lives in accordance with the Catholic Church's teaching truly does bring about a deep joy and peace to the soul, whatever one's sexual attractions.
Maritain's talk of a «crisis» in Catholicism evident even before Vatican II was over seemed wholly out of touch with the council's great success at bringing about deep changes Maritain himself, as much as anyone, had long passionately advocated.
It is about deep inversions and strange power for daring obedience.
I happen to believe that every little thing we think, say and do reveals something about our deepest selves.
But in her final chapter Faludi speculates about a deep wound shared by American men of all classes: the absence — physical, psychological or both — of their own fathers.
Another Christ of Culture manifestation is evident in the «Be Happy» radio and TV programs that appeal to many members of the mainline churches — people who go to church regularly, yet give little evidence of being uneasy about their deep involvement in secular culture and values.
Six years of the BJP's rule brought about deep shifts in Indian politics and the economy.
As in some marriages, the argument isn't always about the topic at hand but rather about a deep seated anger over some other issue.
I think a counselor is good if you need someone to talk to about the deeper stuff — of course good friends should be confided in — to a point — but not so that the friendship becomes just about that — because then it feels like a counseling relationship — and the friendship may be lost as you will associate that friend with your sin which you want to get rid of, and when you are free from the sin, you may want to be free from those associated with the sin too.
We forget that she was a woman who knew something about unceasing prayer, about unmet desire, about humiliation, about deep sorrow and pain.
Theology is not simply the study of God, but an interaction with God, a conversation with Him and with others about the deep mysteries of divinity.
During the annual Eranos meetings in Ascona in the years 1951 to 1955, Joachim Wach often told me about the deep impression that the contact with the living forms of religious expression in modern Islam and Hinduism had made on him during his travels in Morocco and India.
Congregations don't expect to spend time wrestling about deep theological questions with themselves and with others.
You said, «I'm talking about deep down, that little girl or boy in you, in your heart, you can't honestly say, I know there is no God.»
Oh some claim it on an anonymous forum, and others claim it publicly for the sensationalism and notoriety, to spur debate, I'm talking about deep down, that little girl or boy in you, in your heart, you can't honestly say, I know there is no God.
How do we talk together now about the deeper issues without mutual accusations?
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