Sentences with phrase «about its governance arrangements»

• If a charity trustee or member of senior staff is closely associated with a political party or is running as a prospective parliamentary candidate, then the organisation should think about its governance arrangements and risk management, such as by considering what steps might be taken to avoid being seen as politically partisan.

Not exact matches

It had well - founded concerns about the vague and unsatisfactory governance arrangements of the institution when Beijing first invited Canberra to join.
Lacking from this conversation is a more robust analysis about the ways land governance, resource rights arrangements, and land use planning — the social aspects of the conservation challenge — affect mangrove conservation and rehabilitation.
I argue this because the regime [7] offers the best means to engage with law firms about their ethical infrastructures — their management systems, their governance arrangements, their workplace cultures... We do this with the knowledge that a firm's ethical infrastructure is just as if not more important than a lawyer's character in shaping their conduct.
That the federal government and COAG adopt the Principles for Indigenous social justice and the development of relations between the Commonwealth government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as proposed by ATSIC in Recognition, rights and reform, as forming the framework for negotiations about service delivery arrangements, regional governance and unfinished business.
Recommendation 8: That the Government adopt the social justice principles from ATSIC's Rights, recognition and reform report as the starting point for negotiations with Aboriginal peoples in the Northern Territory of a justice agreement framework under the 1997 National Summit on Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, community justice mechanisms and about service delivery arrangements, regional governance and unfinished business, including the recognition of Aboriginal Customary Law.
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