Sentences with phrase «about judgment by»

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You'd think that investors would be among the most cold - blooded and rational consumers of information — after all, fortunes depend on them making bias - free judgments about what they hear on earnings calls — but according to this new research, they are actually highly swayed by one tiny shift in language, just like everyone.
She compared those snap judgments about teacher effectiveness with evaluations made after a full semester of classes, by students of the same teachers.
But Darrell West, director of governance studies at the Brookings Institution, has done his best to comb through disclosure reports and, by combining that information with qualitative judgments about softer forms of power, come up with a ranking of our new oligarchy.
That judgment, about whether the government should get involved in the entire P2P throttling debate, will likely be made by the end of the summer, but Bell certainly could not have helped its assertion that congestion is a huge problem by opening its own (non-P2P) video download store last week.
OTTAWA — The Bank of Canada tried to quell questions about its governor's impartiality and judgment Monday, saying Mark Carney was not afoul of conflict rules by vacationing in the
Yet we do not go to cancer wards preaching to the victims of lung cancer about their sinful lifestyles... Could it be that the weight of our moral judgments is clouded by the fact that a lot of conservatives smoke (smoking can even cause harm to nonsmokers who are unwilling breathers of the cancer - causing substance)?
And indeed he cautions against any subjective judgments being made by or about individuals - «humble spouses follow the Lamb more easily than proud virgins».
Nevertheless, I am convinced that rather than continue to assume that growth, as measured by Gross National Product is an appropriate goal of national and international policy, we must examine how it relates to economic welfare, and that requires that we dare to make judgments about what constitutes welfare.
Rome is wrong to deny ordination to women, but by the same token it was wrong centuries ago about the nature of priesthood; Rome should have rendered a different judgment in the case of contraception, but there is no authentic apostolic authority to make such a judgment in the first place.
The pastor does not do the parishioner a favor by withholding teaching about this final judgment.
Decisions about the organization and movement of a theological course of study are, I suggest, largely a matter of prudent judgment by the theological school itself.
Due to the work of McKee at Boston University and Bennet Omalu (subject of the recently released movie Concussion), we are learning about more and more athletes diagnosed with CTE — Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, a condition marked by «memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression and, eventually, progressive dementia.»
If we think of «theory» as the forming of generalizations or synoptic judgments and think of «practice» as requiring judgments about particular cases, then inquiry guided by these three types of questions will always require capacities for doing both.
On judgment day, I don't want to try to rationalize why I voted for a cult member who caused souls to be damned, by feebly explaining that I was more concerned about repealing Obamacare, preventing a redistribution of wealth, preventing abortion (those lives are in heaven), preventing gay marriage, and restoring individual liberties.
If you are burdened by your sin, and you are distressed about God's judgment coming upon you, take note of this word!
Morality, by definition, is a value judgment about certain behavior and that requires a person to make the value judgment — so, it must be subjective.
As I have argued in these pages and elsewhere, the «presumption,» by detaching the just war way of thinking from its proper political context» the right use of sovereign public authority toward the end of tranquillitas ordinis, or peace» tends to invert the structure of classic just war analysis and turn it into a thin casuistry, giving priority consideration to necessarily contingent in bello judgments (proportionality of means, discrimination or noncombatant immunity) over what were always understood to be the prior ad bellum questions («prior» in that, inter alia, we can have a greater degree of moral clarity about them).
Precisely in acknowledging God's primordial will as represented by Jesus, one necessarily pronounces a truth - judgment about Jesus» revelatory function — or, to use the traditional term, office.
The word about sin is the penultimate rather than the ultimate word of the gospel, which witnesses to the power of God, in both judgment and mercy, to provide by grace the resources we can not provide for ourselves.
Those who merely read about College, without studying the careful manner in which that judgment is supported, may indeed fear that it provides a foundation for the blustery attacks on higher education by the secretary of education.
Judgments about manners are made by applying the principles of esthetic excellence to the field of human relationships and personal conduct.
Art Estopinan — who has a four - year - old son with a disease similar to Charlie's — has helped inform judgments about the Charlie Gard case by relating the poignant story of physicians telling him to take his boy home because he had two months to live.
When members of it hear Reinhold Niebuhr or some other prophet talk about sin and the judgment of God, it all sounds so strange that while they are fascinated they are baffled by it.
Fourth, as used in most evangelical discussion, the term is a philosophical judgment controlled by categories alien to Scripture; it is a slogan based on «how God ought to have inspired the Word» which has been substituted for careful patient analysis of what the Bible does teach about itself.
Austen wants our judgments about her characters to be shaped by the principles they display, not by their ability to charm.
To be sure, there is nothing new about the fact that the clear assertions or implications in scripture that God is really related to the world as Creator and Redeemer, and hence by experiences of love and care, judgment and forgiveness, create difficulties for theological reflection.
As to your claim about the keys being used to determine moral right and wrong, I don't see that anywhere in Matthew 16 or Isaiah 22, and although the Jewish people may have understood this as referring to such judgments, they understood then (and even today) that moral judgments are made by God alone and through a proper understanding of what God has said in Scripture.
I hadn't spent much time thinking about what it's like for gay kids to overhear their parents talking about gay neighbors with derision and fear, for example, or how narratives about judgment and hell can be processed by kids in some pretty destructive ways.
But I think maybe that's a reference to how love keeps us from fearing one another or fearing God's judgment, not about how love keeps us from fearing death by fiery plane crash.
So when we, in the Church, discuss homosexuality as though it were an issue faced by «other people» who are «out there,» when we resort to stereotypes and language about hell and judgment and damnation, we may be doing serious damage to the most precious and vulnerable among us.
Oakes appears to think that the American Catholic populace - at - large (including, presumably, him and me) is relieved from having opinions or making judgments about the justness of a particular act of war contemplated by our country because the classical just war theory permits those judgments only to statesmen and generals.
although emphasis upon judgment is not lacking, it was a glory about to be revealed, the radiance of which could already be discerned by those who had eyes to see.
So in case what has been expounded here is correct, in case there is no incommensurability in a human life, and what there is of the incommensurable is only such by an accident from which no consequences can be drawn, in so far as existence is regarded in terms of the idea, Hegel is right; but he is not right in talking about faith or in allowing Abraham to be regarded as the father of it; for by the latter he has pronounced judgment both upon Abraham and upon faith.
In private correspondence during the 1950s Dawson expressed serious doubts about this situation, offering the judgment that philosophy and theology were suitable subjects only for those who were already educated, and suggesting that the medieval universities had ultimately been killed by the dominance of scholasticism.
When I go to bed at night, I'm not visited by the «ghosts» of people I abused, neither do I have to worry about standing before the judgment seat of God to answer for that.
There are certain ways of speaking about Jesus which imply, or even come near to stating, that Jesus did something to change the attitude of God to men, that somehow Jesus changed God's wrath into love, that somehow Jesus persuaded God to hold his hand and to pacify his anger to withhold his judgment of condemnation, that, to put it very crudely, Jesus by his sufferings and his death bought off God.
The depiction of Jesus as a Cynic philosopher with no concern about Israel's destiny, no connection with the concerns and hopes that animated his Jewish contemporaries, no interest in the interpretation of Scripture, and no message of God's coming eschatological judgment is - quite simply - an ahistorical fiction, achieved by the surgical removal of Jesus from his Jewish context.
It is surrounded by larger and deeper value questions that it can not resolve by itself3 The technical expert may make judgments about these more comprehensive issues of good and bad.
But to wimp out with the «Will jolly, I don't really know for sure because there are all these different views held by different people for different reasons and based on very different levels of judgment and intelligence, so I don't really know what I personally think about anything.»
During the past forty years, voters have been taught by TV to make political judgments based on how they feel about a particular candidate, rather than how to evaluate a candidate's actual positions and actions.
If one is talking about further understanding of and investigation into a truth taught by the Church in the process of the development of dogma then the hermeneutic criteria given by the Church herself apply in the case of infallible teaching and non-infallible teaching: genuine further understanding must retain the same meaning and judgment regarding the teachings put forward by the Church (cf. Dei Filius, Vatican I).
It climaxed in an expectation of final judgment that can not be identified with our fears of an end brought about by atomic war or environmental collapse.
«the Principle of Redemptive Withdrawal allows us to discern in the depths of these portraits a God who, with a grieving heart, brings judgment on people by simply withdrawing from them, thereby allowing them to experience the destructive consequences that are — inherent in their sin but that are typically brought about by means of other agents who were already «bent on destruction.»
When it entered the lease, Harris Farm did not know Woolworths had the first right of refusal and chief executive Angus Harris was reassured by About Life's chairman of directors Michael Green there were no restrictions on selling the store, the judgment says.
Despite the uncertainty brought about by the various separate judgments delivered in Metcash, the ACCC has indicated it «will continue to assess the likely competitive effect of an acquisition on the basis of a «real chance» test».
How they are doing that by making people make snap judgments about people's appearances is unclear, and even the producers haven't expanded on the idea.
As such, it promotes intellectual development by helping children to understand, and reason about, how relationships work, and to develop moral judgment and empathy.
And before that a mother told me that she never talked about her experience feeding her baby for fear of judgment because she switched to formula just a few weeks in due to difficulties and postpartum depression compounded by needing to return to work.
I'm not bashing formula here, or passing any kind of judgment about parents who use it by either choice or necessity.
However, you might want to draw out their experience by letting them tell you what happened and, as described above when I was talking about reflective listening, don't add your judgments into it.
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