Sentences with phrase «about judgment day»

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The more I learned about the real Marcia Clark, not the two dimensional cardboard cutout I saw in the news, but the complicated, whip - smart giant - hearted mother of two, who woke up every day, put both feet on the floor and dedicated herself to righting an unconciscable wrong, the loss of two innocents Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown, the more I had to recognize that I, along with the rest of the world, had been superficial and careless in my judgment, and I'm here today to tell you I'm sorry,» Paulson said to Clark while onstage.
Anytime God brought judgment He warned His people as we read about Noah, God Gave Noah the exact day, 7 days before the flood, God warned Lot and his family, The Ninivites were warned etc...
What is never speculated about is what might have been said behind closed doors: you never, for instance, hear the story of Saint Josemaria entering Franco's office and announcing that he has come to talk to the Generalissimo about he will say to God on the day of judgment.
We will look at much of this imagery in a later post when we consider the violence in the book of Revelation, but the imagery is only brought up here to show that when Jesus talks about the flood in Matthew 24, He likens it to a similar form of world - wide judgment that falls upon the earth at the end of days.
On judgment day, I don't want to try to rationalize why I voted for a cult member who caused souls to be damned, by feebly explaining that I was more concerned about repealing Obamacare, preventing a redistribution of wealth, preventing abortion (those lives are in heaven), preventing gay marriage, and restoring individual liberties.
And, oh, when the hour - glass has run out, the hourglass of time, when the noise of worldliness is silenced, and the restless or the ineffectual busyness comes to an end, when everything is still about thee as it is in eternity — whether thou wast man or woman, rich or poor, dependent or independent, fortunate or unfortunate, whether thou didst bear the splendor of the crown in a lofty station, or didst bear only the labor and heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despair.
@ex - muslims atheist: The fact that you think A messenger of God is going to punish you on judgment day pretty much sums up how much you know about a religion you say you were a part of.
So it is that the final scene of a play about people many consider damned might be, in Barth's terms, a more profoundly Christian picture of judgment day than the one in the Heidelberg Catechism.
Why then waste so much time on worrying about where is the soul kept now on earth, than encouraging to soul to run the race with a good end so when judgment day comes the soul may be able to answer for what THE SOUL has been accomplished and failed.
The Third Reader, after talking about a boy who snitched a too - large piece of cake from his mother's plate, reminds students: «There is a day of most solemn judgment at hand.
We need to educate radical Muslim especially wahabist about Christianity and change judgment that they have about Christianity and the wrong ideas ex that we worship more than one God., they don't know that we have one god (Father, Sun and Wholly Spirit are the same God), they don't know that we fast every Wednesday and Friday in our live, and 40 days in Easter, and 2 other months, they don't know that we don't adore pictures and structures... ect.
That too is a judgment day passage, a warning about an approaching advent of God.
When your son or daughter steps out of the door each day, they are using their own judgment to make decisions about what they will or won't do.
Just like cupcakes and second hand smoke, these are moral or physical RISKS about which parents make judgments every day.
And he's going to have to make some judgments about what he's going to do over the next few days but that's not related to the Democratic Party.
In about 1864 (during American civil war between the Union side and the Confederates), President Abraham Lincoln, through an executive order / decree, suspended the legal «writ of summons», made a law that was back - dated (retrospective effect) and used it to try some detained saboteur suspects, and those convicted were executed within days after the review of the judgment.
Cuomo, asked about the future of fracking in the state one day after the Democratic primary, said he's still reserving judgment.
When we had the Court of Appeal judgment earlier, we had to write a letter and it took about four days before the secretariat was opened to us.
But we were worried about the spate of celebrations in the government houses in Port Harcourt (Rivers State) and Ado - Ekiti (Ekiti State) on the day preceding the judgment.
New research suggests that people do change their own personal judgments so that they fall in line with the group norm, but the change only seems to last about 3 days.
Now when Iâ $ ™ m having an off day or Iâ $ ™ m in a funk, I think to myself, â $ What would 60 - year - old me say about me at this moment?â $ The answer is always free of judgment and always filled with wisdom and compassion.
Amazingly, it's also about redemption, or trying to become genuinely good people to earn passage to heaven on judgment day.
Parents frequently make judgment calls about whether their child is too sick to go to school, or whether a family vacation or extracurricular activity is worth missing a day for.
I don't know about you, but my best judgment comes from putting things aside and coming back a few days later to reassess.
Thank you for the answer but the judgment call about how useful a 2 day window is, is irrelevant.
Another factor is that consumers who had tax liens or civil judgments in their credit reports also tended to have other signals of credit riskiness: about 89 % of consumers with judgments or liens had a delinquency of 90 days or longer on their credit record, compared with 34 % of consumers without those black marks.
This will help to minimise the stress of the final day and also to make sure that you are not trying to make a decision about aftercare in an emotionally distraught state immediately after your pet's euthanasia when your judgment may be impaired and you may make a hasty decision that you later regret.
I remember reading this quote in which you refer to Taylor: «I do not believe that «the experts» in any field should be dictating climate policy because there are plenty of important value judgments built in to those policies and experts however defined have no objectively better values than you or I.» I thought about that statement all day.
Furthermore the more contemplative readers may wish to think about the issues being raised for a few days before rushing to judgment.)
At the end of the day by his own admission, Mann is a «public figure» and the bar is set far too high with regards to comments about him for this case to end in anything other than a judgment for the defendant.
I try to give each artist / band a fair listen, but considering the volume of submissions I receive on any given day, I have to make judgments about the music very quickly.
Personally, I think the proposed rules could benefit from some stronger language about disclosure to clients; if you're using a team of Indian lawyers to work on a summary judgment brief, your client should be in the loop from day one.
I extend the time for the filing of the appellant's notice to 21 days after the giving of the decision by Judge O'Dwyer about publication, anonymisation and redaction of the [substantive] judgment.
It was plain from the judgment that counsel who represented the defendant at the hearing before the judge had something of a field day when examining the police witnesses about the conditions.
Since I've designated today as a day to think about ethics, it's worth quoting from a recent US judgment on a issue that had and has both legal and moral implications that comes from the boomer days — the Viet Nam war and the consequences of the use of Agent Orange — and comparing that to how the Canadian government handled the problem that produced Authorson v Canada.
And plaintiffs in Alberta will be unhappy about the serious drop in the rate of judgment interest on new year's day, from the munificent annual rate of 2.75 % to the nugatory rate of 0.825 %.
Since I've designated today as a day to think about ethics, it's worth quoting from a recent US judgment on a issue that had and has both legal and moral implications that comes from the boomer days — the Viet Nam war and the consequences of the use of Agent Orange — and comparing that to how the Canadian government handled the problem that produced Authorson v Canada... [more]
At least once a month, set aside a full hour of a day where you and your spouse talk about things that bother you — judgment free.
When your son or daughter steps out of the door each day, they are using their own judgment to make decisions about what they will or won't do.
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