Sentences with phrase «about justification»

Questions about justification are certainly in order, but for a number of reasons I think these are not the right ones.
I want to say quite simply what a Catholic Christian thinks about justification, or, to express it more cautiously, what he is allowed to think.
The council itself said little about justification, but it set a mood that made discussion of this old point of division inevitable.
Feminism raises the question about the justification of continuing the Christian tradition at all, whereas black and Latin American theologians primarily call us to be more fully and responsibly Christian.
The 95 Theses are not about justification or the authority of the Bible, they are about liberating the oppressed.
We used to ridicule those who talked about justification by faith because that talk seemed to be an excuse for them not to take Jesus» call to discipleship seriously.
The Bible sometimes talks about justification by faith and sometimes a final vindication by works at the final judgement.
Paul never wrote about justification, sanctification, or any of other «big words of the Bible.»
All debate among churches and scholars since that time seems more about justification of denomination rather than question of divinity.
«We have serious doubts about that justification, we can not see how the European Union's friends and allies in NATO can be a threat to national security in the U.S..
Without the truths of the death and resurrection of Jesus, there is no gospel, but the gospel is way more than a message about justification and how to get eternal life.
He applied his own theory about justification as establishing a covenant of grace to the marriage union, and argued that «God draws a husband and wife into a covenant relationship with each other.»
thoughts about justification recently, though I am not sure what to make of it.
Every single theological statement is only important and intelligible if it is considered within the whole complex of statements about justification.
The whole business about justification and law — for example, Abraham and his heirs, which Paul uses as a comparison to clarify the issue — usually confuses more than it clarifies.
He is making an attempt to clarify what he believes Paul teaches about justification, especially in passages like Romans 3:21 ff.
We are justified by faith in the Messiah not by believing the correct doctrine about justification.
When Paul talks about justification in that sermon, he doesn't mean that believers are regarded as righteous in God's sight.
In fact, it used to bother me that Jesus wasn't more clear about justification by faith alone.
In the light of this broader description of evil we should reformulate the theodicy problem so as to ask not only about the justification of disorder in a world created by an allegedly all - good and all - powerful God, but also about a world that seemingly can not exist apart from an intrinsic adventurousness.
In Romans, for example, where we usually read about justification and righteousness, Wright uses the phrases «covenant justice» and «being in the right.»
1Password debuts $ 3 / month consumer subscription plan (Computer World) I am a little unclear about the justification for the price.
Could you talk a little bit about the justification behind the Volcker Rule and the effect you think it's had on the market?
The judge used this case to make positive comments about justification, reminding employers that the requirement to justify a PCP should not be seen as placing an unreasonable burden on employers or «casting some sort of stigma upon them.»
The emergence of superweeds also raises questions about justifications for genetically engineered crops
It is the Bible translators who wrote about justification and sanctification.
That is, the big question about justification for Paul was not How do I find gracious God?
First of all, it is critical to note that the overall message of Romans is not about justification or how to receive eternal life.
I couldn't connect to the kind of devotional, emotional spirituality so many of my friends seemed to enjoy; and most of the time I'd rather study the details of Paul's arguments about justification than meditate on a Psalm.
Yes the church is constituted «in the Messiah» and «in the Spirit» and not (as much reformed teaching says) «what you think about justification by faith (alone)».
Jeremy, I have a few question about justification.
The Bible teaches that predestination is about our glorification and sanctification; not about justification.
God reckoned Abraham righteous because he believed that message, but the message itself isn't about justification.
Placher picks up on Stout's observation in Ethics After Babel that it is important to distinguish claims about truth trom those about justification.
Romans 4 is about our justification being through FAITH alone and not by keeping the law (ie: doing good works).
But let's be clear about something: Paul never wrote about justification, sanctification, or any of other «big words of the Bible.»
Kojo Yankson asked a question about the justification for the appointment of 110 Ministers and whether or not it was time for the President to reduce the number.
As to your question about the justification for paying someone an ownership fee to claim the land initially, this would only make sense in the purists vision and the someone would potentially be everyone depending on the terms of the transaction you as the potential owner would have negotiated with all other rightful claimants.
(3) Personal opinions you may have about the justification or rationale for drug and alcohol testing.
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