Sentences with phrase «about kashrut»

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Home; Schools; Testimonials; Integrations; Mobile Apps; LOGIN Close Learn about the Jewish dietary laws of kashrut (kosher), why we observe these laws, the various foods and combinations that are forbidden, and the
Learn about the Jewish dietary laws of kashrut (kosher), why we observe these laws, the various foods and combinations that are forbidden, and the Open infrastructure, based on blockchain, which provides the possibility to create, train and use high - quality medical neural networks
The word anarchy comes from the ancient Greek ἀναρχία (anarchia), which combines ἀ (a), not, without and ἀρχή (arkhi), ruler Learn about the Jewish dietary laws of kashrut (kosher), why we observe these laws, the various foods and combinations that are forbidden, and the
Providers know much more about the quality (or kashrut) of their products than consumers, who must therefore rely on trust or some sort of regulation or certification.
The garden planted in the former prison yard is intended to teach visiting school children about the Jewish rules of eating (kashrut).
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