Sentences with phrase «about life form»

We're not talking about all life forms, we're talking about animals that experience pain.

Not exact matches

«Start - ups are going to talk to a reporter about their fundraise, it will hit the media — they won't have filed their form in advance — and then, apparently, they will be ineligible for 506 for one year,» Joe Wallin, a start - up lawyer in Seattle, pointed out this morning as he live - blogged the hearings.
They also form a thorough and useful list of reminders that can help you keep perspective about what really matters in your life and career, going forward.
Aligning purpose with culture is about defining and embodying the values that will guide your organization towards purpose, and delivering tools to your people - in the form of purposeful habits - that will allow them to live out the purpose in the work they do every day.
«As technology jumps forward and people are changing preferences we have to think long and hard about what the public sector offers to people when it comes to money and how do we facilitate people living in society getting access to money in the forms and shapes they prefer them to be,» Skingsley said.
This early form of viral marketing provided a vehicle for word - of - mouth about the band and their extraordinary live shows to spread, and grew their fan base exponentially.
Facebook has also made a number of moves towards getting more serious about TV, including steps that appear to be moving it away from the short - form, user - generated content that is popular on Facebook Live, and more toward longer - form, more traditional fare.
Notwithstanding the clear statistical rationale for making completion of the long - form census mandatory, I'm not entirely unsympathetic to those who say «I shouldn't have to give the government detailed information about my life».
Listening to their stories about our business and their lives teaches me about shared values, which form the foundation for a strong corporate culture that motivates people to do their best every day.»
The way you approach a goal, your beliefs about your life, and your mental game form the foundation for any success or failure.
If you love to write and have a message about life you want to share for others, then blogging might be a great form of eventually - passive income for you.
However, I don't discount the possibility of a higher life form, sentient energy, or something along those lines possibly having a hand in our coming about.
So if I created a sentient form of life that required millions of years to come about I would require no loyalty.
About the veil, specifically though, we must also see it as potentially a form of oppression for the individual, as Ayaan Hirsi Ali has courageously and under threats pointed out poignantly through life and art and biographical writings.
The pillars of one's DNA, the spirals of all celestial life forms and formations cellularized containments is where God's Sons and their given wives are taken in as residents there abouts.
what about the other life forms on this planet?
She visited the United Stated once, a long time ago and that has given her all the insight see needs to form opinions about every nuance of American life.
Most of their reflections in life have been not how successful they were in the job market, how much money they made, it was usually about the relationships that were formed in life, especially their loved ones.
What started tumbling out of the closets at the time of Stonewall [the late sixties protest by which the movement marks its beginning] is profoundly altering the way we all live, form families, think about and act toward one another, manage our health and well - being, and understand the very meaning of identity.
Despite the sinfulness of its people, the Church is always the privileged place of encounter with the living God, who continually forms his people into the community in which the full truth about humanity is grasped.
The same is true for any argument about extra-terrestrial life in the cosmos in any form (even so - called «ghosts» and other phenomenon).
There is often a great deal of talk about opposing a sense of victimhood and entitlement — which most people in my neighborhood would probably agree with — but we must recognize that people are still being victimized by police brutality and other forms of trauma; they are entitled to both the basic necessities of life as well as opportunities to provide those and more for themselves.
Science has taught us extraordinary truths about this universe — from what composes matter (atomic physics), to the great variety and forms of life (evolution) to medicine (germ theory of disease).
To my mind, it accords better with what we know about the laws impressed upon matter by the Creator that the production and extinction of the past and present inhabitants of the world should have been due to secondary causes, like those determining the birth and death of the individual... There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been breathed into a few forms or into one...»
Well, if we take your statment, «All we know so far about life in the universe is here on Earth so it's safe to at least theorize that alien life forms have a very good chance of being bipedal and humanoid.»
Man - made hypothesis of where we came from, such as from evolution (saying that proteins formed in a «prebiotic soup» and then «joining hands» with DNA, so that eventually a living cell is born), is not satisfying nor does it provide logical answers as to how the quality of love came about nor a conscience, that literally means «co-knowledge» in Greek.
(Bertrand Russell apparently had some form of spiritual experience near the end of his life, but felt it was too late to change his mind about religion.)
Man, sure wish we cared less about size and form... if there's 2 or 3 believers, or 2 - 3000... or if we meet in a building or home or the street... and cared more about if the living presence of God in power is there.
It's almost as if the people who genuinely believe this are closeted masochists... they can only feel good about themselves or their lives if there's a threat of physical harm and / or punishment in some way, shape or form.
And this is what the Catechism teaches: The question about the origins of the world and of man has been the object of many scientific studies which have splendidly enriched our knowledge of the age and dimensions of the cosmos, the development of life - forms and the appearance of man.
The consensus on the evolution of primitive life is that simple life forms (prokaryotes, organisms whose cells lack a distinct nucleus) inhabited the Earth about 3 - 4 billion years ago, eukaryotic cells (those with a nucleus which contains the genetic material) emerging 2 - 3 billion years ago.
Think about it: God used dead dust to form Adam and planted the tree of life to keep him alive.....
When they face their fellows they are not thinking primarily about what they can get out of them and, as for life as a whole, their ambition is to be gentlemen, as George Bernard Shaw has defined one — a man who tries, in one form or another, to put more into life than he takes out.
That way of living — shaped by memory, bounded by tradition, directed to the future, formed to meet obligations both sacred and profane, and ultimately answerable to permanent truths — can not be embodied in the practice of lone individuals, because at its essence it is about relational commitments.
Preoccupied with abstract theories about the proper role of liturgy in the Church's life, the reformers focused on the rationale behind forms of worship and devotion not on their latent vitality and potency.
I acknowledge my obligation to form a right conscience about pictures that are dangerous to my moral life.
And what about young Muslims in the Middle East ready to risk their lives in some form of holy war?
It's the butterfly thinking about returning to being a caterpillar, it's a form of life that just can not be recaptured.
This is especially true for young adults, who are still forming their views about life.
There is even a hint of idolatry about the cult of admiration for C.S. Lewis that began forming even during his life, with its shrines, sacred texts, keepers of the flame, and theological niceties.
t its most fundamental level, Christianity requires a belief that an all - knowing, all - powerful, immortal being created the entire Universe and its billions of galaxies 13,720,000,000 years ago (the age of the Universe) sat back and waited 10,000,000,000 years for the Earth to form, then waited another 3,720,000,000 years for human beings to gradually evolve, then, at some point gave them eternal life and sent its son to Earth to talk about sheep and goats in the Middle East.
My encouragement to you is to not worry too much about which forms new followers choose to keep or cast aside, but to focus on developing the transforming life of Christ inside them (breath and reality) and let the Spirit show them how to express what's inside in a way their community can understand.
We do, however, have very good testable theories about how living creatures change, diversify, form different species, and go extinct.
Now let's talk about if there are any other life forms in our universe...
So why not be a good Christian and stop lying to kids about how the Earth actually formed and how life evolved?
The reference to nonviolence has been separated from the context where it was to be directed at «other life forms» and been scaled back to «practic [ing] nonviolence... to resolve conflict,» although there does remain a suggestively malleable remark about «awakening to a new reverence for life
This is of course what they say about education, politics, work and all other forms of public life.
Exodus 21 and Psalm 139 form, in my judgment, the two clearest statements about how God views prenatal life.
about people who experience same - sex attraction trying to live a Christian life, this fuller exposition of his thought on the new ideologies presented a fascinating look into the way in which colonialism — discredited by liberals and to lesser extent many conservatives as well — has gone away from the actual military and political rule seen in previous centuries, to a stealthier and subtler form of the exertion of foreign power.
Topher, I think Joey is talking about the relative probability of life also forming elsewhere in this vast universe, not necessarily saying that aliens seeded the earth — although it is possible that life formed elsewhere in the solar system and came to earth via meteors etc..
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