Sentences with phrase «about litter box locations»

Use common sense about litter box locations.

Not exact matches

We followed your suggestions about testing new litter boxes, locations, and types of litter — and it worked!
Certainly cats have preferences about what types of litter and what styles of litter box they prefer, but did you know that the location of the litter box can have a big impact on whether or not your cat decides to use it?
It could also be a sign that your cat doesn't like something about the litter box — perhaps it is too small, it is in the wrong location, or it isn't clean enough.
«Behavioral causes include marking (a form of communication in cats), which can occur when the cat is stressed, and inappropriate toileting, which is when the animal develops aversions to something about the litter box or develops preferences for soiling in other locations
When you are deciding on litter boxes for your cat, think about location, size, type of litter, litter box management, and the number of litter boxes needed for your household.
Advise your family about the location of the litter box and ensure that the door or window to that area is always open so that your cat has free access to his / her toilet.
Everything about the location of this litter box screams ambush and is a set up for the cat to be trapped by another animal.
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