Sentences with phrase «about living a simpler life»

Not only about how much stuff I have that I just don't need but just about living a simpler life.
Batesburg, SC About Blog Our Simple Homestead is all about living a simple life in a modern world by preserving the art of homemaking and homesteading.
Batesburg, SC About Blog Our Simple Homestead is all about living a simple life in a modern world by preserving the art of homemaking and homesteading.
Batesburg, SC About Blog Our Simple Homestead is all about living a simple life in a modern world by preserving the art of homemaking and homesteading.
Batesburg, SC About Blog Our Simple Homestead is all about living a simple life in a modern world by preserving the art of homemaking and homesteading.

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Instead, keep things simple and reduce stress by focusing on the daily process and sticking to your schedule instead of worrying about big, life - changing goals.
Takeaway: This simple gesture not only created a likely customer for life but also became an amazing referral marketing tool for the sender, Jimyz Automotive, an auto - body shop probably few people previously knew about.
In a prior article, I wrote about how you can make life easier and simpler for yourself - and your fellow travelers - when it comes to getting through the security line efficiently.
The simplest way to think about it is, as consumers, each of us accesses things we need for our personal lives through the internet.
How about fast - growing startup Slack: «We're on a mission to make your working life simpler, more pleasant, and more productive.»
Growing your startup is about winning the attention from your potential users through bringing value to their everyday lives or solving simple problems.
Podcasts make learning simple - just download the file, plug in you earphones, and go about your regularly scheduled life.
«A simple door knock from a trusted neighbor really mattered more than anything else - to say, «Hey, let me tell you why I'm supporting Barack Obama, I live down the street, let me tell you about an issue you care about,»» Messina says.
The premise is that it is all about living in the present, accepting change and having a simple set of principles that guide you through life.
I've written about financial checklists before, and the concept is simple: a checklist is a list of dumb, obvious things that you know you're supposed to do, but in the hustle and bustle of real life, you will forget one or more of them.
Where that money is likely to go is fairly easy to document with some simple math: Once a person goes on Medicare, the most common Medicare supplement plan they purchase, Patel explains, is Plan F at a cost of about $ 300 per month (costs vary depending where you live) per person.
While thinking about what to write, I suddenly had a moment of clarity as I stomped the snowy pavements of NYC, I want to dedicate my editor's letter to the pages I'm reading because they sum up in the most simple and logical way why we as a generation are mentally suffering more than ever before and how life could be infinitely more fun with a small mindset shift.
About ChipCare ChipCare is a Toronto - based company producing life - saving diagnostics for infectious and non-communicable diseases in remote health settings with a mobile, simple - to - use & lab quality blood - testing platform.
I guess that's as this is the «living expenses» pool and you just stick to as simple as possible plan, almost a savings plan, and forget about it.
Thinking about life as a series of «dropping outs» and «dropping ins» rather than a simple linear path.
«The simple fact that I am able to lift my head and sing about these things, write them down, own them, is proof that we are able to live through difficult and challenging times.
And through these simple practices I am learning no matter what happens in the coming days, weeks and months — worrying about it will not add a single hour to my life.
The truth about religious lives is not so simple.
You would never believe that a 6 part wind up watch could put itself together, but the milllions of miracles that are required for life, this planet, this universe, to exists you don't even bother to think about the simple mathmatical impossibility.
His lyrics are beautiful — all about life and love, the simple and good things.
As a Baptist minister, the older I get... the more I study Scripture... the less I know about Scripture and about God... and the more I teach the simple basics: Man is a sinner in need of a Saviour and guide for both this life and the next, «Come.»
If one is not prejudiced either by social beliefs or by scientific training into the conviction that life originated spontaneously on the Earth, this simple calculation (of the 2,000 proteins coming about chance) wipes the idea entirely out of court.»
A review of Kierkegaard's treatment of the temporal «moment of vision» or «instant» (Augenblick) in this work is probably the best insulation against supposing too quickly that what Heidegger means to bring out about Dasein by insisting that in each case we «are» it is the simple subjective immediacy of psychic life.
I know that I've shifted in what I blog over the years — less blogging about my tinies experiences / lives, for instance, less burn - down - the - Internet soapbox rants, less day - in - the - life blogging with simple stories from daily life — but that means that when I do write, it's with more thoughtfulness and intention, I hope.
One of these that remains in my memory was a time when this simple man, who complained to his confessor that he does not know how to speak, talked late into the night about the nature of God and indeed what life with God is.
The consensus on the evolution of primitive life is that simple life forms (prokaryotes, organisms whose cells lack a distinct nucleus) inhabited the Earth about 3 - 4 billion years ago, eukaryotic cells (those with a nucleus which contains the genetic material) emerging 2 - 3 billion years ago.
If we are talking about how to receive eternal life, it is not simple belief that matters, but believing in the right person for the right thing.
They needed to be among the assembly yesterday of about 3000 believers in three different services that heard the message of the cross given and the simple message of the gift of eternal life by believing in the one that was nailed to the cross for our sins.
I think that much of the confusion about the security of eternal life comes from this simple misunderstanding.
Lewis spoke frequently and with great fondness about the simple pleasures of his academic life — friends, books, nature — so it's easy to gloss over these thing as just that: simple pleasures.
If you take the time to look up into the sky at night, or amaze at life itself, or think deeply about black holes, or try to understand how complicated something as simple as a tree leaf is, and NOT think there is the possibility of there being angels, demons, God, and Satan... well, then I say you are missing something big.
They have just enough general truth about life to convince the simple minded of their authenticity, which has then allowed the leaders of these religions to maintain control of the populace.
This difference is an extremely important one to note for the simple reason that the ideas of the new reformers enjoy an increasing appeal» their notions about moral agency and the nature of the moral life cohering so well with the views about these matters that now are characteristic of American culture.
I'll even offer observations - humans have manipulated existing organisms dna, created new virus and bacteria, clone animals, and attempt to create new animals - yet simple minded folks still reject the idea that another more intelligent creature might have done the same thing and created life on earth in the same fashion while at the same time acknowledging that there is a strong likelihood of other life existing in this universe - talk about being dumbed down and arrogant.
Nature is beauty, life can be simple, people can care about each other and we can and should work for the betterment of humanity instead of arguing about whose god reigns.
There is no need to theorize about why the Bible has authority when one finds oneself living in a community in which that authority is presupposed and which is constantly being renewed through the simple experience of its operation.
You allow them to simply talk about the passages of life: divorce, children leaving home, alternative marriages, and the simple joy of finding a job.
I would strike up a conversation, then say «you don't know me but I'm a Christian and God is going to share with me about your life» I don't mean simple things like «you have the flu» or «Headaches», but deep, personal things that others couldn't know or even guess.
Second, stores that once had substantial collections of serious evangelical theology now carry mostly celebrity biographies and very simple books about Christian life.
Adults frequently say the sermons they really like are those prepared and delivered to children because they are simple, vivid, employ ordinary language, and are concerned about life.
The question, therefore, is not whether classification is a good thing, but whether we are about to return to the simpler view of life that existed in the 1930s, when pictures that lowered «moral standards of those who see them» were forbidden.
It was no better than the piety of bourgeois idealism with its naive preachments about moral optimism, its identification of the ideal society with the Kingdom of God, and its simple confidence in the possibility of implementing in public life the absolutes of the Christian faith.
Therefore Dodd defines the parables thus «At its simplest the parable is a metaphor or simile drawn from nature or common life, arresting the hearer by its vividness or strangeness, and leaving the mind in sufficient doubt about its precise application to cease it into active thought.
Pietro speaks in a simple and open way about his wife and their life as a couple and family; the way Gianna's passion for life and for God brought such joy to the many aspects of family living.
We then go about our day after this earth life as angels to God, remembering this life here as a simple dream and reflect upon it every now and again.
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