Sentences with phrase «about losing a few pounds»

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It's not because I'm worried about cholesterol (that myth was debunked years ago) or because I could stand to lose a few pounds (that's whiskey's fault).
I've been on a health kick recently and lost a few pounds and feel good, not that my husband has noticed, so understand how you feel about your biceps when you make the effort to be more desirable, but maybe we have to stop blaming ourselves?
Shelley Rattet has lost about 25 pounds these past few months.
Then, over the next few days after the birth, you will lose about another 5 pounds (2.5 kg).
Now that the MoD seems to have lost the battle with the Treasury over who will pay the # 20bn bill for replacing Trident, many in the military are asking serious questions about whether we actually need it or not - given that every pound spent on Trident, will be a pound not spent on the basic equipment that will be needed to fight the sort of smaller - scale global operations senior officers foresee as the likely role of the military in the next few decades.
Tufts University researchers found that getting 14 additional grams of fiber each day helps people eat about 10 percent fewer calories and lose 5 extra pounds in four months.
If your goal is to lose those few extra pounds and improve your definition, there are many ways to do it, but not all of them will give you the results you want as fast and efficiently as the one we're about to uncover in this article.
I would love to lose a few pounds but my thyroid issues and stress levels make it a slow process, I have written more about this here.
After 4 weeks, the first group lost very little fat and muscle, and the second group lost, on average, about 4 pounds of fat and very little muscle and experienced very few negative physiological consequences.
A pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories, so you'll lose a pound each week by consuming 500 fewer calories than you expend each day.
About a year ago I lost 70 pounds (give or take a couple) which left me at around 130 pounds, I still had some stomach fat and chest fat i wanted to get rid of but it wouldn't budge, so I decided to try Starting Strength, after gaining an alright amount of strength and muscle I decided to try and shed off the last few pounds using p90x and I'm currently 9 weeks into it and have lost 2 pounds....
If you are carrying many extra pounds, feel depressed and have lost your self - esteem, then read on about a few things you could do in order to reduce your weight and be able to start living a healthy and fulfilling life.
I want to lose a few pounds but I am worried about going into starvation mode because that is a lot of food, and I some days I struggle getting 1500 in a day.
I finally learned about proper eating vs. dieting, and not only lost my permanent «3 - month pregnant belly» plus a few pounds, I improved my digestions issues, overcame my sugar addiction and started feeling MUCH better ever day.
The plant - based group also reported subjectively feeling better and experiencing significant improvement in their grip strength, fewer tender joints, less tenderness per joint, and less swelling, with the added benefit of losing about 13 pounds.
Coach, today is my first day of «losing 10 pounds in month», I read all about what I need to eat but I have a few questions.
They know that one pound of fat has about 3,500 calories, so they figure out how many fewer calories they'll need to eat per day to lose one pound of fat — 500.
If I feel like I need to lose a few pounds (like it was after Christmas), I just avoid dairy and anything sweet - tasting and stay at about 30 grams net carbs.
The plant - based group subjects also reported subjectively feeling better and experiencing significant improvement in their grip strength, fewer tender joints, less tenderness per joint, and less swelling, with the added benefit of losing about 13 pounds and keeping most of that weight off throughout the year.
Growing up during several Russian revolutions, he was probably more worried about starving than losing a few pounds.
I'll talk more about customer reviews later but for now, keep in mind that it can take anywhere from a month to 3 months before you'll lose a few good pounds.
A pound of fat contains around 3,500 calories, so eating 500 fewer calories than you need every day will help you lose about a pound of fat per week.
I've been reading a TON about that, and I see the value in the arguments «for it», but not sure how it could help / affect me in the state I'm in now - wanting to lose those last few pounds of fat (and yes, I know they are fat, I used to be < 20 % bodyfat and up to 10 lbs lighter than I am now).
I made it my goal to learn everything I could about hormones, regional fat storage, and how your basic endocrinology is PREVENTING YOU from losing those few pounds of fat.
I've been in the fitness industry for about 13 years, and written hundreds of articles about fat loss, nutrition, muscle building, and how to lose the last few pounds.
A few weeks later I saw Jon, a 44 - year - old high - stress office executive who needed to lose about 50 pounds.
And yes many people report losing a few pounds, and I will say while weight loss is not my goal, I am not going to complain about losing those pesky last 5 pounds that never goes away.
I sometimes break into that rut of «well, when I lose a few pounds...» no, wear a great outfit and feel good about yourself now.
Women tend to be so down on themselves, always pointing out the few extra pounds they need to lose, or other «flaws,» or talking about the losers they've been dumped by --- all while on a date!
Whether you're trying to lose a few pounds or improve your fitness, we understand that you might be concerned about dinner dating when dieting, but you really needn't be.
She is the tallest at about 18 inches and she weighs 38 pounds, she also needs to lose a few.
He stands about 14 inches tall and weighs 30 pounds, needs to lose a few.
Lukai is about 17 inches tall and weighs 53 pounds, he needs to lose a few pounds.
Of course, if you're trying to help your dog lose a few extra pounds to get down to an ideal weight, then talk with your vet about the best strategy for balancing increased exercise with the right amount of daily food intake.
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