Sentences with phrase «about losing money»

As a reader, I can try new authors and not worry about losing money in the process.
It also doesn't have to worry about losing money on the devices with steep promotional discounts to facilitate adoption.
You don't really worry about losing money in any given year.
That means investors are less concerned about losing their money on lower - quality corporate debt.
This is why one of the first things most all financial advisors do is pull out some kind of an investment questionnaire to gauge how someone feels about losing their money.
I'm comfortable buying in bear markets, but I've still felt bad about losing money.
This sounds like fun except for the part about losing money... and my mind.
Not because you're happy about losing money, but sell the asset.
Even though you have the facts about losing your money, the horror stories always stand out.
I know how to diversify my stocks and I know about losing money.
You've also been open about losing money at various times, including one deal where you lost over $ 1,000,000.
Also, the punishment is real — there is nothing fun or engaging about losing money in that game.
They were very concerned about losing money by selling so quickly.
If it's free, many people will not be so concerned about losing money and will go ahead and sign up with several sites.
It's not just about losing money, it's about not making the money that you were gonna make on that flip.
Ayres and Nalebuff must never talk to investment advisors or they would know that just about everyone «worries too much about losing money
Cash is seen as fairly safe, and if you make sure your money meets the requirements for FDIC insurance, you don't have to worry about losing your money if the bank fails.
By purchasing this policy, a home owner effectively makes himself or herself become a more appealing prospect, because let's be honest, lenders and investors are running businesses and they care most about losing money due to default and foreclosure.
Never worry about losing your money again and buy a slim wallet with RFID - blocking technology now.
You have concerns and fears about losing money in the market, and you need someone to help keep you disciplined when everything seems scary or euphoric, and everyone around you is running in one direction.
Men (adhering to cultural stereotypes) with fantasies about losing money, freedom, and sexual opportunities, or gaining a subservient housewife to raise children, should also back away from the altar.
The pair's opening monologue featured the expected jabs at indie film culture («It's definitely about losing money,» McKinnon said of investors) and some gloating over the Indie Spirits» considerably better representation of diversity in comparison to the Oscars.
If writers are serious about their craft, they will be less disappointed about losing money when their audience abandons ship twenty pages in, and more concerned that they were not able to effectively engage readers.
Some of the key reasons why traders become fearful about losing their money include the following:
«I know we're getting big tax refunds so that helps in mitigating my nerves about losing money.
Pretty much all of them let me know how well the funds are doing, and lately have been griping about losing money.
[5] Ford was said not to concern about losing money on the Focus so the company could sell gas guzzlers for big profits.
Dollar - cost averaging isn't about losing money as the stock market falls.
The book does discuss cases where the Lifecycle strategy would be inappropriate, and one of these is «if you would worry too much about losing money
Jim planned to go fly fishing with his brothers, as they did every summer, but it had been a tough year and Jim was concerned about losing his money if he had to cancel for some reason.
Are you concerned about losing money due to canceled trips, interrupted trips, lost bags, delayed trips, or medical expenses?
You said your very concerned about losing money, but as we discussed, almost every investment has risk.
I would if I broke even — I don't care about making money but reality forces me to care about losing money...
The Reserve Bank Of India has abolished all penalties on foreclosure of home loan, so you need not worry about losing money on closing your loan account with your existing Bank ABC.
For example, if our 65 - year - old pre-retiree David is worried about losing money in the event of prematurely passing away, he can add the return of premium and death benefit riders to his QLAC.
Oddly enough, many people feel much less embarrassed about losing money on a popular stock that half the world owns than about losing money on an unknown or unpopular stock.
You don't have enough money to invest, you don't know anything about the stock market, you are worried about losing money... All of these excuses have likely already cost you thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential earnings over your lifetime.
One of the benefits of buying most types of individual bonds is that, if you hold the bond until maturity, you don't have to worry about losing money on the bond due to interest rate risk.
I'm worried about losing money.
They may have fears about germs, about losing all their money, about being emotionally or physically attacked, about being seen as bad or inadequate, or about being abandoned.
So, no need to worry about losing your money.
So, you can rest assured that your information is safe and you don't need to worry about losing money.
With the help of our highly qualified and knowledgeable assignment writers, students can avail our Write My Assignment services without worrying about losing their money.
This is bad news for investors who worry about losing money.
These risk management tools are your way of being in control of your money / funds, and instead of being «fearful» about losing money, you should feel empowered and confident because you can predetermine how much you are comfortable with potentially losing BEFORE you enter a trade by using these tools.
It's okay to only invest 80 % into stocks if you lose sleep or constantly worry about losing your money.
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