Sentences with phrase «about marijuana»

And just like with tobacco use; it's a very bad idea to withhold information about your marijuana use from the insurance company on your application form.
These policies do not have any underwriting and don't ask about marijuana use.
Find more answers to frequently asked questions about marijuana detox here.
When she decided to address the issue of how to talk to your kids about marijuana in a recent post, she did it with her typical flavor and flair.
Good point about marijuana laws not being enforced but still on the books.
Here's what you need to know about marijuana stocks before investing.
The prevailing safety concerns about marijuana from mainstream medicine, mainstream media, and government officials are focused on the brain.
Tell your insurance agent about your marijuana use and be upfront about how often you consume marijuana, whether for recreational or medical purposes.
Many marijuana users end up lying about their marijuana use on their life insurance applications to just avoid the complication all together.
That's why it's important for parents to start talking with their kids NOW about marijuana to ensure their children understand the reasons why and how to say no to retail marijuana.
In most case studies, it is very likely that pregnant women are either afraid to tell the truth about marijuana usage or simply don't remember the amount that was used.
Discuss changes in the law or bring up the subject when there are stories about marijuana in the news.
As to the standpoint about marijuana, I really don't have a strong feeling on it.
Though you may think otherwise, I actually know very little about marijuana.
It's all about marijuana, from the artwork to the text and the actual coffee.
While a lengthy lecture isn't likely to be helpful, sharing a few statistics about marijuana could educate your teen about the risks and dangers.
Probably because of stigma, we don't hear the same public health messages about marijuana use as we do with substances such as alcohol and nicotine.
Over the course of 10 years, the team administered five intelligence tests and confidential surveys about marijuana use.
You're more likely to get acne from worrying about marijuana than from smoking it.
Needless to say, all the pot use, wild antics while high, and discussion about marijuana gets very old after a while — like five minutes.
That's why life insurance companies can be so cautious about marijuana use — both recreational and medicinal.
There are some life insurance companies that don't have questions on their application about marijuana use.
As with tobacco use, it is very important to be descriptive about any marijuana use when applying for life insurance.
Begin the conversation by asking, «Okay, so tell me what you know about marijuana».
Tell your insurance agent about your marijuana use and be upfront about how often you consume marijuana, whether for recreational or medical purposes.
In addition, 16 percent said it was acceptable to lie about marijuana use to secure lower life insurance rates.
The survey also asked about marijuana use, including whether it was recommended by a healthcare professional.
Be honest with your agent about your marijuana use.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made no secret of his feelings about marijuana legalization.
Sessions has made his intentions and feelings about the marijuana industry crystal clear.
I'm talking about marijuana packaging company Kush Bottles Inc (OTCMKTS: KSHB) stock, which is up more than 10 % since the beginning of this year.
It tends to leave the one thinking about marijuana rather than plant - based plastics, treeless paper, fabric, and healthy cooking.
Click here to read more about the Marijuana Resume Writer and my cross-functional background in both the hiring industry and the cannabis industry
If the insurer learns about your marijuana use from a medical exam, your policy will be voided.
«I, as you know, am dubious about marijuana,» Sessions said on Tuesday.
Not surprisingly, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center has seen an increase in the number of reported cases of pets eating pot: 539 calls about marijuana...
«There is counseling and advice for folks on having their children avoid cigarette smoke, but no one is being advised on what to do about marijuana smoke,» Goodwin said.
We thank readers for their diverse and sometimes intense responses to our recent comments about marijuana legalization in California and about the reversal of a US policy.
There are also many misconceptions about marijuana — especially now that medical marijuana is being used by many people with health conditions and many states are legalizing pot use.
«There isn't awareness about marijuana [use],» said Felecia Pullen, Chief Executive Officer of PILLARS.
A new State Farm Canada survey released last week found a number of emerging trends which reveal Canadians» perceptions about marijuana use, its safety, and driving while under the...
Paul responded to the question about marijuana by calling the American War on Drugs «outrageous.»
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