Sentences with phrase «about market share losses»

Morningstar analysts expressed concern about market share losses and financial troubles at the company.

Not exact matches

Procter & Gamble reported better - than - expected quarterly revenue on Thursday, but its results did not allay concerns about loss of market share in its core business.
For instance, since the market began plummeting Friday, 24/7 Wall Street notes a drop of about $ 1.4 billion in the value of Buffett's 479.7 million Wells Fargo (wfc) shares, and a loss of $ 1 billion in the company's position in IBM (ibm).
Goldman Sachs» leadership has faced numerous questions about the loss of market share in fixed income, currencies and commodities in recent years.
In mid-August shares hit a three - year low, representing about a 50 % loss of market cap since October 2013.
I bet the makers of stone tools were just as upset about their loss of market share to the bronze tools as our fossil fuel CEOs and investors are about their own eventual downfall.
Though Austin ISD has been slow to the challenge compared to adjacent school districts, it is interesting to note that research shows that as traditional government - run schools lose market share to competitors, they start to innovate when the enrollment losses hit about 6 percent.
(For instance, from Ken Auletta's New Yorker piece on publishing and the iPad intro: «Amazon had been buying many e-books from publishers for about thirteen dollars and selling them for $ 9.99, taking a loss on each book in order to gain market share and encourage sales of its electronic reading device, the Kindle.»
With the market uncertainty about the ultimate losses in structured securities backed by the residential real estate mortgages, and in light of the dramatic drop in the value of shares of publicly - traded FGIs, the FGIs face a difficult market for new capital.
Genworth Financial Inc., with about a 33 % market share of long - term - care policies sold to individuals, said in May that it is seeking premium increases averaging more than 50 % to stave off more losses in its oldest policies.
For example, if you own shares of XYZ security that are currently trading at $ 50 per share, and are concerned about holding the shares in a declining market, you could set a stop - loss order at $ 48 per share.
He was talking specifically about Sony's loss of market share, mind - share and overall performance in the latest competitive console arena.
I bet the makers of stone tools were just as upset about their loss of market share to the bronze tools as our fossil fuel CEOs and investors are about their own eventual downfall.
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