Sentences with phrase «about me nursing in»

Despite my previous confidence about nursing in public, more recently, I have reverted to feeling anxious at the reaction of others.
Today's show is about nursing in public.
I won't be so paranoid about nursing in public.
We'll also talk about nursing in an SSC next week!
I overcame my fears about nursing in public, and grew into a person who views breastfeeding not just as a «personal choice», but a public health issue.
Robin Kaplan: Here's a comment from one of our Facebook friends, this is from Shelley, and what she wrote was, «I posted this on the Leaky Boob as well, but with all the negative stories we've been hearing lately about nursing in public, I thought I'd share the wonderful breastfeeding encouragement I had a couple of weekends ago, from my 85 - year - old great uncle.
Robin Kaplan: And I think that - and I want to ask Daisy as well about her experience - but the thing that I want to point out is; I think that people, when they hear about nursing in public harassment, I don't think they realize the repercussions on the mom who is hearing this and the devastation and the way that it makes her feel.
We're all about nursing in this post co-sponsored by Momsense.
What do people think about me nursing in front of them?
I don't know what he would say about nursing in public even if there are other options.
To start, you'll need a supportive pillow so that the baby is right at breast height for nursings and if you're modest about nursing in public, you may want to purchase a cover - up — there are quite few available on the market.
Originally I didn't post the link to the picture, as the discussion was not about nursing toddlers but about nursing in public in general.
Personally, I don't think there is anything inherently inappropriate about nursing in a business meeting.
Find out all you need about nursing in Public.
But given the many benefits of breastfeeding and the fact that a hungry baby waits for no mom, you'll quickly hang up any hangups about nursing in public.
Today's post is about nursing in public.
She likes to chat about it, dares you to say anything to her about nursing in public and is a walking PSA for all things breastfeeding.
I know my experience is probably not universal, but I hope, perhaps, other moms will feel a little braver about nursing in public, even if their «nursling» is old enough to ask for milk, or even spell it.
So, if you are interested in calling about nursing in public hotline for «Best for Babes» their phone number is 855 - NIP - FREE so, 855 - NIP - FREE, Nursing in Public Free.
My comments about nursing in shul is to prevent those who do from getting dirty looks or being asked to leave.
Without any more preamble, a list of things you may not want to know about nursing in public:
When my daughter was born, I had huge hang - ups about nursing in public, and it took me a while to realize that that's just what they were: hang - ups, not halachic issues.
And again, that wasn't necessarily about nursing in public.
I was nervous about nursing in front of my male friends and was worried about what their wives would think (None of them had kids yet).
I feel uncomfortable about nursing in public, so my plan is to buy a nursing camisole to cover my tummy and practice in front of a mirror so that I know what people can and can't see.
Thomas, who created the BBC / PBS series Call the Midwife — an unlikely cult hit of a show about nurses in 1950s London — seems to have been compelled by a desire to make the book more accessible to modern audiences.
I am currently editing and preparing for publication a book about nurses in the First World War — who were based on the hospital ship Maheno!

Not exact matches

Two - thirds of nurses and about 80 per cent of doctors use personal smartphones in the course of their work.
What it's about: Based on the acclaimed play, «South Pacific» is about a nurse who falls in love with an older French plantation owner with mixed - race children she has trouble accepting.
Our premier issue (April 1979) carried an article about a garage - born computer company tentatively nursed to life by a couple of guys in their twenties who whimsically named it Apple.
By 2020, about 20 % of Canadians will be over age 65, which means jobs in health - care management — a variety of positions ranging from research lab managers to nursing - home administrators.
For example, in - store pharmacists and nurses can order the lab work to diagnose and counsel consumers about their conditions.
An administrative law judge will hold a multi-day hearing in January about a state move to revoke the license of a Hollywood, Fla., nursing home where residents died after Hurricane Irma.
The shareholders of Citigroup who are still nursing stock losses of 85 percent from the bank's pre-crash days aren't going to be too comforted by reading about Rubin's musings about existentialism in coffee shops around Harvard when he should have been cramming for finance courses that might have led to his questioning the more than $ 1 trillion bucks that Citigroup held off its balance sheet in the leadup to its crash.
-- could come on about 5 minutes before starting the descent and say, «Hi parents, I want to let you know that we'll be starting down in a little while, and your little one might experience some discomfort due to the change in cabin pressure, so this would be a great time to have a bottle prepared, or get into a comfortable nursing position.»
In the wake of media reports about problems at Surrey Memorial Hospital and serious concerns raised by nurses, the B.C. Liberal government announced that it would conduct a review of Fraser Health, producing a three - year strategic plan to be implemented in the new fiscal yeaIn the wake of media reports about problems at Surrey Memorial Hospital and serious concerns raised by nurses, the B.C. Liberal government announced that it would conduct a review of Fraser Health, producing a three - year strategic plan to be implemented in the new fiscal yeain the new fiscal year.
Questions loom about the Alberta Health Services $ 100 - million surplus in the midst of nurse layoffs and whether Health Minister Fred Horne approved the agency's controversial bonuses for its senior executives before he fired the entire board of directors.
We even had a German lady in our nursing home who began to speak German again and would be talking to her dead husband as if she was having a conversation with him everyday for about two weeks and then the day before she pasted she said, «My husband wants me to go with him»!
Gee, it would be nice if they put the same amount of effort in caring about those who are already born, such as the homeless sleeping on sidewalks or the forgotten elderly in nursing homes.
I whispered these words from Teresa of Avila to myself on the plane during turbulence, in the green room before The View, for the doctors and nurses at NYU Hospital, after getting called a heretic and whore on the Internet, every time I thought about the person at the bottom of that escalator.
There is another story about a man who had given way to a chronic disability, and for years had nursed a grievance which excused him from doing anything about it» (Someone else always gets in before me!»).
I nursed the baby in the old rocking chair, knowing full well I would be back there again in about three hours, I bathed small bodies and clipped fingernails, I checked reading folders and signed permission slips and packed lunches.
I think the last time Maggie sat still in my lap was the last time she nursed which was about 6 months ago.
What, then, can we say about the experience common among the elderly, especially those in nursing homes, that the rate of time seems to slow down radically?
Oh, please, «musings» and the other nitwit who replied... I am talking about a professional who dragged her baby around as a statement - at WORK - and purposely nursed the child - without trying to cover anything - in front of people in order to make them uncomfortable.
Speaking of which, I wonder about simply having a special section of pews in the back for parents of nursing babies to sit.
Those who regard the Servant example as perhaps a little strained and antiquarian may prefer to think about other cases mentioned in the book: the shipping clerk who dispatches land mines, or the nurse who hands instruments to a doctor who plans to use them for an abortion.
This was notably the case in the successful campaign against Negro slavery, in the many efforts, not so successful, to curb war and bring about international peace, in the Red Cross for ministering to the sufferers from war and from natural disasters, in the inauguration of the modern nursing profession, in the fight against the excessive use of alcohol, in the efforts to improve the care of prisoners and the insane, in the multiform endeavors, never before so numerous, to give larger opportunities to the underprivileged, and in some of the many programs for the thorough reconstruction of society.
To some extent, this attitude of denial has come about because of changes in our society in this century: the marked decrease in the number of deaths at an early age; the development of specialized professions for the care of the dying and the dead; the emergence of geographical mobility, with the consequence that most of us live at some distance from aging and dying relatives, including parents; the growth of separate communities for the aging, not only nursing homes but retirement communities.
I absolutely breastfeed in public, and usually without a cover — because have you tried to nurse a baby past about two months old using a cover?
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