Sentences with phrase «about measures being taken»

Governor Andrew Cuomo had a stop at Onondaga Community College to introduce the Start - Up NY program and to talk about measures being taken to boost the economy in Upstate NY.
WE KNOW THIS: The NSA routinely talks about mitigation efforts to purge U.S. people data; however, they always talk about these measures being taken after they have control of the data.
The kids helped me a bit with the napkins, and we spent time talking to them about these measures we were taking to make less waste in the lunchboxes.
We experience transition periods with newly acquired businesses as they learn about the measures we are taking

Not exact matches

In a panel discussion in Silicon Valley Saturday, however, Musk took a more measured tone on AI, encouraging members of the audience to think about how to prevent it from progressing along a potentially apocalyptic path.
Media stories about how robots are taking jobs are plentiful, but little actual research has been done to measure how much it's happening or what the real effects are.
Officials have so far been evasive when asked how the three nations can continue trying to update the North American Free Trade Agreement at a time when the U.S. president is about to take a highly protectionist measure.
Had Trump taken the measures suggested repeatedly by ethics experts on both sides of the political aisle, he would by now have put his assets in what's called a blind trust, which would entail turning over his empire to a third party with whom he will have no contact, who would sell off the properties and reinvest the resulting money in other assets without providing the president any information about the sales or the purchases.
This notice is designed to provide you with a summary of the non-public personal information we may collect and maintain about current or former investors; our policy regarding the use of that information; and the measures we take to safeguard the information.
Additionally, Facebook is taking unparalleled measures to assure the public about any concerns they may have over how their data is used.
Web site security and restrictions on use As a condition to your use of Services, you agree that you will not, and you will not take any action intended to: (i) access data that is not intended for you; (ii) invade the privacy of, obtain the identity of, or obtain any personal information about any other user of this web site; (iii) probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of this web site or Wellington Management's network or breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization; (iv) attempt to interfere with service to any user, host, or network or otherwise attempt to disrupt our business; or (v) send unsolicited mail, including promotions and / or advertising of products and services.
You're implying in your article that after taking trade measures against Mexico, the U.S. is going to just stand around and do nothing about other surplus countries.
Web site Security As a condition to your use of this Web site, you agree that you will not, and you will not take any action intended to: (i) access data that is not intended for you; (ii) invade the privacy of, obtain the identity of, or obtain any personal information about any other user of this Web site; (iii) probe, scan or test the vulnerability of this Web site or MFS» network or breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization; (iv) attempt to interfere with service to any user, host or network or otherwise attempt to disrupt our business; or (v) send unsolicited mail, including promotions and / or advertising of products and services.
Under the measure, owners of a company would be held responsible if they knew about sexual harassment and failed to take corrective action.
I've been reading a lot in the news lately about the different protectionist trade measures countries around the world are taking in the name of safeguarding their local growers, producers and manufacturers.
SEO has been around for decades, but only since the early 2000s has the search engine giant, Google, taken measures to make SEO more about the web user's experience than following specific formulas to make one's website rank high in search results.
It'd be phenomenal to keep that up, but in terms of growth, it's more about people taking action and it's like I really want to measure the results, which is like pretty impossible to do, but at the same time that's why I really like things what we're doing with the student loan debt movement, where people are reporting back with how much student loan debt they're paying off.
In his first State of the Union address, President Donald Trump flicked at a lie about the US coal industry that he began telling early on the campaign trail: that there was a «war on coal,» that coal's jobs will return, that regulations by the Obama administration are responsible for its ills, and that the measures he has taken in office can reverse its fortunes.
The author reviews a book by Stanley Hauerwas: When Hauerwas asserts that liberal Christians are those who take «humans, not God, as the center of Christian faith,» or when he says that one of «the most cherished conceits of modernity» is that «humans are the measure of all that is,» he reveals that he has not thought hard enough about what liberalism and modernity mean to their proponents.
When Hauerwas asserts that liberal Christians are those who take «humans, not God, as the center of Christian faith,» or when he says that one of «the most cherished conceits of modernity» is that «humans are the measure of all that is,» he reveals that he has not thought hard enough about what liberalism and modernity mean to their proponents.
A key conclusion in Joseph Shaw's helpful report was that «After about 1960, give or take a year or two, growth by all measures went into startling reverse.»
Moreover, when one takes the full measure of Paul's experience on the Damascus road and of his subsequent thinking about the risen life, both of the Lord and of his followers, there is a profound disparity between his spiritual conceptions and the stories of a revivified body with its physical functions intact.
For children in the early years, the DfE said the new measures will be about learning right from wrong; learning to take turns and share; and challenging negative attitudes and stereotypes.
Two «care staff champions» at each home were trained over four day - long sessions, to take simple measures that involve talking to residents about their interests and decisions around their own care.
I doubled the recipe and I'm taking them to a reception tomorrow:) I agree about the scale measurements - it makes it so much easier to measure!
It's about brand integrity; it's about valuable content; it's about partnering with other people to make yourself bigger than you are; and it's about measuring what you can take action on.»
To form the burgers ~ I thought about buying a hamburger press but didn't want to spend the money ~ so I take a wide ~ ish 1/2 cup measuring cup and pack it full (mine is stainless steel) pressing down ~ then I «fwump» it carefully down on a surface ~ the compacted burg easily «falls» out, take a flat wide knife and carefully press it out as wide as I want it.
«I built this store that's all about health and balance and taking care of yourself, and meanwhile, I've been working insane hours, not paying myself enough, stressing beyond measure, and not having enough time to do any of the things I'm promoting,» she says wistfully.
If they're proud of their growing techniques, they'll happily share details about the measures they take.
What I do is take the chocolate off the heat when the chocolate is at about 40 C, keep stirring it (so the heat from the pot gets distributed evenly throughout the chocolate), and measure the temperature constantly to monitor how fast it's going up.
In his column for the FIFA Weekly, the 78 - year - old spoke about the need to tackle discrimination in the game and that «no half measures» can be taken in the fight against racism.
What measure I need to take during this trip will be there any snowfall or storms or any hurdles which you can think about.
It is important to talk to your teen about drug use, not only if you feel they may be taking drugs, but as a preventative measure.
Oversee them intently and be careful about their safety and take safety measures to avoid any hazard or trouble during cooking, apart from all that's going on, it is you who the children are looking up to and if you have a smile on your face, they will light up as well and take part more enthusiastically than ever.
While there is no cookie - cutter approach or check - list of To - Dos that will guarantee a satisfying experience with breastfeeding, taking measures before baby arrives to learn about breastfeeding and to line up -LSB-...]
Look at it from his point of view: It's a big, scary world out there, and every step your toddler takes toward independence comes with an equal measure of fear about what he's stepping into.
At each prenatal visit you can expect time to have your questions answered, discussion around topics relevant to your current stage of pregnancy, clinical care including having your blood pressure and pulse taken, having your midwife palpate your baby, measure your fundal height, listen to your baby's heart beat, and time to catch up on whats been going on in your life and how you are feeling about your pregnancy.
This continuation is more specifically about babies and children and gives parents safe measures to take.
While there is no cookie - cutter approach or check - list of To - Dos that will guarantee a satisfying experience with breastfeeding, taking measures before baby arrives to learn about breastfeeding and to line up a network of support can make for more positive outcomes.
Because Floating Hospital for Children is all about making kids happy, they have taken measures to make sure that children will seen quickly, no matter what time of day.
Doing these things will not take the place of carefully watching your baby while he or she is wandering about the house but they will help give you some measure of reassurance that baby is as safe as is conceivably possible.
Myths and facts about breast milk Complimentary feeding Role of media in promoting proper young child feeding: Media should focus on and promote measures that are required to be taken urgently to ensure the survival of children Download.
I'm thrilled to hear you were able to make it work and you feel good about the measures you took to meet your baby's needs!
Senator Stewart - Cousins says she's certain the governor is «equally interested in protecting the lives of New Yorkers,» but she says the measures introduced on the Senate floor Wednesday are really about the legislature taking action, in its first days back after the Parkland, Florida, school shooting.
Politicisation of the Paralympics is uncomfortable, but the only way to allay all this fraught sniping is to have a measured debate about how best to assess for disability benefits, taking the hostility towards Atos» scheme into account.
First, try Farhad Manjoo's very measured take on why you should not feel guilty if you haven't jumped on the microblogging bandwagon (hint: it involves a fundamental question about whether Twitter / microblogging in general will ever spread beyond a core group of people who are really into it).
Jacksonians take a populist view of US foreign policy; they support unilateral military action to pursue American enemies and defend American honour, but are suspicious about global meliorative measures like overseas aid and global governance structures.
Once the new measures are filed, they'll be set to take effect in about two months.
Just as Mr. Cuomo was unenthusiastic about permanent mayoral control, Mr. de Blasio was unenthusiastic about Mr. Cuomo's education reform agenda, particularly his push to increase the use of standardized testing to measure teachers and his plans to take state control of struggling schools.
Heastie, asked about the potential amendments to the governor's bill, says he still thinks the Assembly measure is better, because it provides enough money so that low wage workers can also take advantage of the benefit.
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