Sentences with phrase «about microblogging»

«To be very honest, I don't know how Twitter can be useful to me and my clients,» Charryl Youman, a practitioner with Prudential Florida Realty, in Venice, Fla., says with a laugh when asked about the microblogging service that allows users to send and read short messages on computers or other Web - enabled devices.
Do we need to even worry about microblogging tools like Twitter or collaboration technologies that quack like e-mail but aren't, like Google Wave?
If you are blogging and want to increase your exposure and attract more readers, or if you've just been curious about microblogging, Kendra has put together a list of resources to help you get started with Twitter.
This list will give you a good mix of author insights, publishing news, writer tips and social media tools to keep you informed and maybe even get you excited about microblogging.

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Part microblogging tool, part phone - to - web publishing tool, part social network, Twitter's an odd duck all around — perhaps that explains some of the fascination about it.
First, try Farhad Manjoo's very measured take on why you should not feel guilty if you haven't jumped on the microblogging bandwagon (hint: it involves a fundamental question about whether Twitter / microblogging in general will ever spread beyond a core group of people who are really into it).
Consider yet another version of this idea, as applied to individual self - promotion: personality spamming, a term coined by writer Merlin Mann as a slightly bitter joke about the use of microblogging service Twitter.
A «tweet» is a post to Twitter, the microblogging platform that enables you to post updates about yourself, of 140 characters or less, from your computer or cell phone.
Early last week, IBTimes reported about iPhone 8 photos that were leaked via Chinese microblogging site Weibo.
Tech cognoscenti on Chinese microblogging site Weibo are talking about potential specs and design of what could be the OnePlus 4 or, if Asian superstition about the deathly number «4» is to be avoided, the OnePlus 5.
Before you start throwing around phrases like «social graph» and «semantic web» or writing about your experience in microblogging, viral marketing or Ruby on Rails, remember that the person initially reading your resume may very well have no idea what you're talking about.
Google +: So much has been written already about this new microblogging platform including its value in boosting your Google search results.
To name a few - Twitter is a microblogging platform, Facebook being a pure social networking website helps us connect with our social circle, Instagram is all about pictures and videos.
About Blog Discover the best Twitter articles in our Tips, Advice And Tools section and All the essential information from the Microblogging network.
By now you've heard plenty of talk about the free microblogging service Twitter.
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