Sentences with phrase «about military drones»

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Concerns about Chinese inroads into advanced technology come as the U.S. military looks to incorporate elements of artificial intelligence and machine learning into its drone program.
The NUCLEAR «stick» is the Big Deterrence and thousand of «mini drones» can be used to «secure and hold» an area while our people stay home and run the show for about 1 % of what we spend on a useless «Military Presence».
Despite playing such a pivotal role in the counterterrorism strategy of the U.S., there's a surprising lack of public information about drones — pilotless military aircrafts that are controlled autonomously by computers or remote pilots.
A regional advocacy group has concerns about the commercial and military uses of drone technology.
The two papers published in DAC raise issues about military use of drones that will likely grow in years to come.
The absurdity of two grown men having a serious conversation is pressed further as the two, now teamed up to save the city from Hammer and Ivan's military drones, argue about who should apologize to whom.
Back when the Fast & Furious series first began, it was more about racing, heisting and vigorous male bonding than, say, landing a truck on a military - grade drone at 150 miles per hour.
This guy Pat Novak, whom Jackson describes as «Rush Sharpton,» is talking about the use of drones in military service oversees.
Andrew Niccol wants to say things about the U.S. military's use of drones.
We don't get any substantive discussion about the morality of drone strikes (somewhat odd, given Jessica's reason for leaving the service), or of the need for oversight of big banks, or really anything at all related to military or corporate interests.
Today we've got Google Assistant can control Nest Secure and my Nest Protect impressions, Googlers are petitioning Sundar Pichai to end Google's AI project with military drone, and we talk about the benefits of the Galaxy S9 over the Pixel 2.
On 18 December 2013, Radio New Zealand's Kathryn Ryan interviewed The Terminator and Avatar director James Cameron, who has close ties with New Zealand, and asked: «You must feel now like the Terminator is a bit of a prophesy, when we talk not only about drones but the ability now for robots to go and do our military endeavours for us, something about which there is quite an ethical debate presently underway.
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