Sentences with phrase «about miraculous»

My work is about a miraculous thrill.
I didn't really know too much about them myself until my freedive instructors told me about their miraculous abilities.
LONEY: As a child, I was fascinated by James VanDerZee's fancy photos.Sometime in the early 2000s, I found his biography and was determined to write a picture book about his miraculous comeback story later in life.
However by some strange reason lots of residents know nothing about this miraculous site.
This is patented technology which is said to penetrate deep into the intestinal tract and bring about miraculous results.
It teaches everything you need to know about these miraculous states and opens up new pathways of being previously remained unfathomable to us.
You must have come across flashy - ads holding promises about miraculous results that you can expect with few days of use.
Discover why big companies don't want you to know about the miraculous healing benefits contained in this tiny bottle.
I could go on and on about the miraculous benefits of Activation Products, including on marine phytoplankton.
Yeah, we know you're tired of reading about miraculous diets, but you know what — we feel exactly the same, so we're not going to try to sell you any bullshit.
There are many claims about the miraculous healing properties of ACV, but very little science to back them up.
There simply isn't a way around this and anyone who tells people about a miraculous new tool, routine or drink that allows spot reduction or whatever is trying to cash in on their ignorance.
Four years later, Badylak still gets several emails a day asking about his miraculous pixie dust.
Not only will they be learning about the miraculous surprises nature stores, but will also have fun while doing it.
At every single prenatal and post-natal appointment, doctors and nurses tell expecting parents about the miraculous benefits of breastfeeding.
This is one of those questions that is launching athletes into heartfelt stories about their miraculous recovery from devastating injuries to win the big game.
I heard about its miraculous properties and i would love to try it!
The gospel was concerned about man's hopes, fears, decisions and commitments in the present, not about miraculous occurrences in the past.31
Whenever a narrative contains a miraculous event, it is not about the miraculous event.
This initial part is about the miraculous, God saving the apostles, God pealing the scales off Saul's eyes.
Perhaps some preacher has called the disciple; perhaps he thinks about the miraculous «body» of the Buddha perhaps he is moved by compassion for the suffering creatures.
But this story is really about God's power and his care for men, and not mainly about a miraculous calm.
Whether John MacArthur wanted it or not, his Strange Fire conference has re-ignited the long - standing debate about the miraculous within Protestantism.
Newton's law says nothing about the miraculous force of God stopping the moon and the sun.
It's also reasonable to keep those two notions distinct considering what might be viewed as a political push to add credibility to Paul's writings about the miraculous since there was little there beyond hearsay.

Not exact matches

When you consider that Saturn is 750 million miles away — about 9 times farther than Earth is to the Sun — these close ups are nothing short of miraculous.
Keep in mind that there is nothing miraculous about China's recovery.
What is miraculous about this is unrelated to our daughter's qualifications - they are excellent (thanks to her mother's genes)- but is related to the depressed nature of the employment market in the legal profession.
That totally discredits your legends about Paul of Tarsus, Doubting Thomas, and quite a few others who have claimed «miraculous» «enlightenment» from this «God» character.
He says that he would «convert on the spot» if any of these could be shown to him: verifiable fulfillment of prophecies that couldn't have been contrived; scientific knowledge in holy books that wasn't available at the time; miraculous occurrences, especially if brought about through prayer; any direct manifestation of the divine; aliens who believed in exactly the same religion.
I ask this for three reasons: 1) Warfield begins the chapter with Edward Gibbon's conversion to Catholicism, which was related to Gibbon's belief in the continuation of the miraculous; 2) he spends several pages in the same chapter critiquing another famous convert to Catholicism, John Henry Newman, noting what he sees as Newman's shift toward the miraculous; 3) even though he knows that Gregory of Nyssa, Athanasius, and Jerome all wrote about saints in which the miraculous was prominent, he still makes the claim that these «saints» lives» follow other Christian romances and thus represent an infusion of Heathenism into the church.
The reason for this great display of miraculous healing is due to the challenging truths Jesus is about to teach.
nothing miraculous about that... the «miracle» would be the translating of it... and no one saw Joe do that... so sorry..
In doing so, they make us think hard, again, about how this miraculous liberation took place — something no one expected on October 16, 1978, when a little - known Polish cardinal, who styled himself the pope «from a far country,» was presented on the central loggia of St. Peter's as the new Bishop of Rome.
@ Cedar Tree:????? All sorts of miraculous, superhuman nonsense has been attributed to ancient rulers of other figures of yore whose existence was once accepted by this or that group and who may or may not have been based in part on some historical person or persons and absolutely NO ONE these days takes every word in every text written about these figures to be literal truth.
He went on to tell some miraculous stories about how he got special permission to fish in some tribal fishing waters, and how the biggest fish he caught was out of a little stream of water in central Ethiopia.
At an early date it was a favourite of those who expected the imminent coming of God's reign on earth; Papias (early second century) made use of it and supplied other traditions about future miraculous fertility from what (he said) had come from John the Lord's disciple.
Jesus uses this incident to censure them for their forgetfulness about the meaning of the bread in the miraculous feeding.
It may be that if we had been there we might have found a «scientific» explanation of what the early Christians regarded as miraculous; and it is legitimate enough to use such knowledge as we now have, for instance, about the treatment of psychosomatic disorders, as a help toward the explanation of some of the cures reported in the gospels.
It is common for people to say that there is much about the resurrection of Jesus that they do not profess to understand, but that the evidence makes it clear that something of a unique and miraculous order occurred, which had the effect of leaving the tomb of Jesus empty, and of convincing the disciples that Jesus was alive in some real sense.
Only a later narrative (Luke 5:1 — l1) permits us to see (perhaps with historical correctness) that the saying about fishers of men was spoken in connection with a miraculous draught of fishes.
By that time various legends about Jesus were growing steadily, such as that of the Virgin Birth, and the more miraculous stories of what he did during his earthly ministry.
But I've been on this earth for 54 years and was totally immersed in the miraculous healing culture for about 30 of those years.
I can walk about existence on my head; but the next thing I can not do, for I can not perform the miraculous, but can only be astonished by it.
Many who heard about Tabitha's venture to and return from the other side believed, perhaps because it was a miraculous event.
That's because there's nothing miraculous about rain.
If you are in a church where everybody seems to have devotions every day, their prayers are always answered in miraculous ways, and everybody seems to be talking about God all the time... you might be in a fantasy church.
Seemingly miraculous recoveries were brought about.
Penn and Teller do illusions... nothing miraculous about that... someone healing the eyes of the blind or raising the dead... now that's miraculous.
There is nothing miraculous about birth.
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