Sentences with phrase «about modern climate change»

Using paleoclimate as a grab bag of random, misunderstood factoids to back up wacky ideas about modern climate change is not a good policy.
However, these findings are not relevant to any debates about modern climate change.
How much this tells anybody about modern climate change is open to debate.
However, these findings are not relevant to any debates about modern climate change.

Not exact matches

I confess that I have become somewhat blasé about the range of exciting — I think revolutionary is probably more accurate — technologies that we are rolling out today: our work in genomics and its translation into varieties that are reaching poor farmers today; our innovative integration of long — term and multilocation trials with crop models and modern IT and communications technology to reach farmers in ways we never even imagined five years ago; our vision to create a C4 rice and see to it that Golden Rice reaches poor and hungry children; maintaining productivity gains in the face of dynamic pests and pathogens; understanding the nature of the rice grain and what makes for good quality; our many efforts to change the way rice is grown to meet the challenges of changing rural economies, changing societies, and a changing climate; and, our extraordinary array of partnerships that has placed us at the forefront of the CGIAR change process through the Global Rice Science Partnership.
To the horror of anyone concerned about climate change, modern miners want to set fire to these deep coal seams and capture the gases this creates for industry and power generation.
As greenhouse gases have piled up in the atmosphere, climate change has shifted from being a theory about a future threat to a hazardous fact of modern life.
By comparing the bones of modern whales to fossils, a team of scientists has traced the growth spurt to about 4.5 million years ago, when climate change increased the food supply.
For my Modern World History class, I adapted an argumentative writing task about climate change to ask students «How is climate change affecting people around the world?».
In June the group occupied Tate Modern's Turbine Hall for 25 hours and scrawled words of warning about climate change across the floor in charcoal.
What I find ironic is that it is his can - do optimism that is in this case working against our ability to do something about our dependence on fossil fuels and the climate change that this dependence is resulting in, that is, switching to alternate energy, preserving modern civilization and the world economy beyond Peak Oil and Peak Coal, preventing climate change from becoming such a huge problem that it destroys that the world economy — and more than likely leads to a series of highly destructive wars over limited resources.
Warn us that climate change is destroying our planet, and only a small part of our prefrontal cortex (which worries about the future) will glimmer; then we'll go back to worrying about snakes or their modern equivalent — terrorists.
Goreham's session was summarized in the NEPPA conference material as offering «a discussion about energy, electricity and modern society, with common sense about climate change, public policy, and implications for the power industry.»
Building Knowledge to Reduce Uncertainties — Landscape - scale restoration projects like 4FRI present the opportunity to learn about the influence of accelerated thinning on forest water budgets and resilience using modern forestry techniques and under a changing and variable climate.
In part, they attribute this lack of coverage to a modern media environment where very few stories can survive more than a few 24 - hour news cycles, which is «prohibitive for raising awareness about slowly growing threats such as climate change
As the Post noted («Study Confirms Past Few Decades Warmest on Record», June 2, 2006 [link]-RRB-, the academy study backed up the conclusions my colleagues and I reached more than a decade ago about the unprecedented nature of modern climate change.
Our analysis is based on about equal parts of information gleaned from paleoclimate studies, climate modeling, and modern observations of ongoing climate changes.
«The climate has always changed and it always will — there is nothing unusual about the modern magnitudes or rates of change of temperature, of ice volume, of sea level or of extreme weather events,» Mr Carter added.
If «climate change» alarmists were serious about catastrophies, then the focus would be on preparing for a solar coronal mass ejection (CME) which would destroy most electrical / electronic systems in its path, wiping out modern civilization in that hemisphere.
Worldview 3 Something unusual * MUST * have happened about 1000 years ago (beyond the range of borehole analysis)-- perhaps a Medieval Warm Period — that invalidates modern climate - change science.
It goes deeper, and provides more information on the fact that modern day meat consumption is the leading cause of environmental destruction and human induced climate change on our planet, yet we never hear about it.
In his new book, Why We Disagree About Climate Change, he explores how the issue of climate change has come to be such a dominant issue in modern poClimate Change, he explores how the issue of climate change has come to be such a dominant issue in modern polChange, he explores how the issue of climate change has come to be such a dominant issue in modern poclimate change has come to be such a dominant issue in modern polchange has come to be such a dominant issue in modern politics.
In short, climate always changes and it is very difficult to see why some people get so excited about the modern era of warming
A typical modern, utility - scale, wind turbine will generate about as much clean electricity as 2000 average roof - top solar installations (around 2012, see here), so you would think that people who want action on climate change would support wind power.
Modern predictive models require data about the specific mechanisms of change too, in order to better project the response to climate change.
However, if there are any «lessons» to be learned from archaeology, these are not about «if» or «how» particular human groups adapted to climate change events or developments at a specific place and time in the past; such an emphasis would fail to recognise the unique nature of modern climate change.
(Read much more about this in my survey of modern climate skepticism, Do Climate Skeptics Change Their climate skepticism, Do Climate Skeptics Change Their Climate Skeptics Change Their Minds?)
Reading the Sierra Club report, I'm inclined to think the risk is less that policy makers will follow its recommendations and more that it will be viewed as evidence that those who care about climate change in rich countries are trying to stop poor countries from developing modern, high - energy lives.
In what Batir Wardam of Arab Environment Watch called «an unprecedented expression from an Arab official using [a] modern social media tool,» Jordanian Environment Minister Khalid Irani used this year's Blog Action Day as an opportunity to speak out about climate change on a popular local website.
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