Sentences with phrase «about my questions without»

I mean, cant people hear me out without prejudice and think about my questions without judging me?
So again, think about these questions without simply dismissing them as contradicting Holy Writ:

Not exact matches

These nifty concepts, developed at MIT in the 1980s, allow people to prove a statement true without revealing any other details about the item in question.
Going into a meeting without first letting people know about its scope will only result in sub-optimized decisions and endless questions that should've been answered beforehand.
The lack of totally new devices raised questions about whether Apple had run out of ideas without the visionary Jobs.
But when it comes to the #DinnerMode movement, the idea of dining with family spawns an interesting corollary question: What about the countless people without families who could still benefit from nightly time away from their phones?
But now, according to The Journal, we learn that Flynn's work involved a meeting on September 19, 2016 with senior Turkish government officials to discuss how to remove a Turkish dissident from the United States without going through judicial or other legal processes — actions that could violate U.S. criminal laws and that certainly raise anew serious questions about Flynn's judgment and ethics.
Then, without saying Alexa again (which has always been an annoying step if you want to ask multiple questions in a row), I asked about the weather for the rest of the week.
In fact, product stockpiles grew 59 % year - over-year while the company sales are projected to increase by 15 % in the next quarter, leading to questions about how Lululemon will get rid of so much yoga apparel without resorting to deep discounts.
Without trying to start a fight about which coffee shop, Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks, makes better tasting coffee, Dunkin' Donuts is without question the better American coffee franchise — by default, really, since it actually is a fraWithout trying to start a fight about which coffee shop, Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks, makes better tasting coffee, Dunkin' Donuts is without question the better American coffee franchise — by default, really, since it actually is a frawithout question the better American coffee franchise — by default, really, since it actually is a franchise.
Until now, Facebook has tried to weather the PR storm without putting its top executives in the crossfire, generating questions about their leadership and whether the social network was really taking responsibility.
Family members, authority figures, or executives who want to appear to care about the opinion of another person, but really want their instructions carried out without discussion, often favor tag questions.
As with any revolution, many rush into action without considering weighty questions about what comes next and what unintended consequences may arise.
What if they could answer questions about what accounts to focus on next and what content to put in front of the prospect to speak to his pain points without hours of painful research?
Without question, there is a lot to think about in 2012.
Vietnam's has recently jumped from low to lower - middle income, and policy makers are now facing questions about avoiding the «middle - income trap» and generating economic growth without increased exploitation of natural resources and cheap labour that would result in deteriorating environmental and social standards.
Without question, employers care about providing the best possible retirement savings options for their employees.
Consumers should be wary of companies that will work on credit without asking them any questions about their current financial situation and goals.
Without one, you'll find that either you spend the whole day answering questions about the story so that a journalist has enough details to write something interesting, or it just won't get picked up because it's too much like hard work for an already busy reporter.
But if your company is simply passing every sales lead along to the sales team without even asking any questions, you're missing a big chance to learn more about the prospect.
I mean, a philosopher or scientist can talk about any of the things Christians talk bout without using the «wrapper» (transcendence, god, truth, love, etc.), which begs the question, why talk about these things through Christianity at all?
As a very old man, one who has worked at developing some kind of understanding of who we are, what we are, why we are here, and where we are going, I can tell you that no one has definitive answers, but without some underlying system of belief about these questions you will not grow old gracefully.
You do comprehend that all Atheist means is without a belief in a god or gods, right??? I'm not the one claiming a god and given that you refuse to answer any questions, it is rather safe to say you're lying about all you claim.
Google developed this tool to help users ask questions about mental health in anonymity, without the stigma or shame of talking with a doctor or someone they know.
This issue is about the power the church has had in this country for decades without being questioned or challenged.
Most likely it was one or both of your parents, and it happened at an age when you pretty much accepted anything they told you without question, but that's not essential for what I'm about to describe.
I am looking for authenticity, relevancy, no ovewhelming bands that take away from the experience of worship, clergy who are willing to answer my hard questions, who understand doubt is a stepping stone to deepening my belief, who accept everyone as Jesus did (and we know Jesus was a rebel who accepted and led all sorts of people), who don't feel the need to try to be hip, who speak about things without inserting politics, who are wiling to trash the temple to bring us back to the truth, who will step out of the box of comfort and be real.
And I wanted to introduce the topic through a series of questions, precisely because questions are about as far as I can go with this topic without tripping up on my own failed attempts to establish guiding principles or rules about how to engage other people with wisdom, conviction, and grace online.
Donald Cole, who used to host the Open Line Bible Answer Call in Radio Show says that without fail, he receives at least one, sometimes as many as five questions about eternal security during every single show.
When read this way, we are invited to enter into conversation with God about the Bible, rather than simply accept everything the Bible says without question.
We are both seminary students looking toward pastoral ministry, and have a lot of questions about how to be leaders in the church without abusing it with our demons.
As a white, privileged male, I especially have questions about whether the church would be better off without me.
Which means that we decide questions of truth without thinking deeply or even very honestly about them.
Too often, I hear faithful people waving away their problems, affirming that «God works out everything for good» without asking hard questions about how.
But we must do so without self - righteousness, and with compassion for how hard it is for our pro-choice friends and neighbors to change their minds about such a weighty moral question.
They are critical questions about our own existence that can hardly be asked, let alone answered, without knowing the theological context in which they first were formulated.
Still, without raising any question of the «fitness» of blacks for citizenship, it is fair to ask now about opportunities unexploited, about rights unexercised, about whether we are too much responsible for what ails our urban centers, about duty and obligation.
It's worth noting that the Lancet findings are not without detractors, and some experts have even raised questions about its methodology.
In that case, in interpreting a body of propositions hitherto believed to be about the supposed entities, we can substitute the logical structure without altering any of the details of the body of propositions in question.
Also, the point David was making about rights was that the more conservative denominations enjoy the right to be welcomed and affirmed without question, while this is often not the case with LGBT people.
Without minimizing the difficulties, theological schools and the religious groups they serve must ask themselves the hard questions: Do we care about the quality of religious leaders we educate?
In Gall's case, this juxtaposition not only reduces philosophy and theology to mere «bluster,» thereby liberating us to act without thinking seriously; it suggests that none of the consequences that follow from, for example, the codification of same - sex marriage — the redefinition of kinship, the irrevocable technologizing of human «reproduction,» further expansion of the «new eugenics,» deliberate creation of three - parent households, and least of all, the fate of children conceived in this brave new world — even provoke questions of human import worth thinking seriously about.
There are many questions about the Christian god that many people simply ignore, mainly because it makes sense to question, and when force to face the reality that there can be morals, goodness, peace, right and wrong, and so on, WITHOUT the Christian god.
where as Socrates only had about 7 writings outside of his works, and yet many people tend to belive him without question.
Too many attempts to hijack and control, not enough asking the tough questions about life (without reverting to easy or usual answers).
Atheism is about believing in nature and reality (science, technology, etc) as opposed to believing in magic mythology without questioning its authenticity.
And, oh, when the hour - glass has run out, the hourglass of time, when the noise of worldliness is silenced, and the restless or the ineffectual busyness comes to an end, when everything is still about thee as it is in eternity — whether thou wast man or woman, rich or poor, dependent or independent, fortunate or unfortunate, whether thou didst bear the splendor of the crown in a lofty station, or didst bear only the labor and heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despair.
In this book he argued that religion created a conscience which is quick to understand social need, that religious philanthropy gives charitably but without raising ultimate questions about the causes of social maladjustment, that religion «unifies individuals, stabilizes societies, creates social imagination and sanctifies social life; but it also perpetuates ancient evils, increases social inertia, creates illusions and preserves superstitions.
We are «secular» in the sense that we pursue the immediate goals of life, without asking too many ultimate questions about the meaning of life and without being too disturbed by the tragedies and antinomies of life.78
Be wary of anyone who tells you to stop questioning God or «just believe» without being honest about your desires, beliefs and reservations.
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