Sentences with phrase «about neatness»

Something about neatness where it can't be immediately seen makes me feel more together.
But since the 5S process is about neatness and efficiency, I'm thinking it should be more frequent.
Granted, some children will not care about neatness for many years but some do care and may not be able to verbalize their preference at a young age.

Not exact matches

When a young child works, plays and lives his life freely with his parents (or parent substitutes, such as grandparents or other guardians) in a one - to - one relationship in the home and out and about, he has a better chance to develop sound character traits systematically: neatness, orderliness, promptness, dependability, honesty, diligence, perseverance as well as kindness and concern for others.
Hello and nice to meet you.Let me tell you something about myself.I'm best described as an open minded and kind person with a passion for neatness and learning.During conversation's I usually empathize with other people easily and see the other persons point of view, so feel free to talk with me...
Of course spelling counts — as much as accurate facts about clouds, weather patterns, and of course neatness also count.
To evaluate student - created posters about different U.S. states, an elementary social studies teacher used a rubric consisting of four different measures: directions followed (5 points); information conveyed (10 points); creativity (10 points); and design / color / neatness (5 points).
Puppies aren't neatness freaks like cats, lick - lick - licking themselves until all that swallowed fur URKS up in a slick nasty mess you find barefoot at 3 a.m. Nope, puppies, are less concerned about their own appearance — a game of hose - tag or going for a swim keeps them happy, while cats hate water, go figure!
This fourth step is about establishing standards and a system for organization, and integrating them into your workflow in order to maintain a high level of neatness.
In addition, organization and neatness are essential nursing skills; a nicely put resume says a lot about a how good a nurse you are.
The term spring cleaning is popping up everywhere I look and, for someone who could easily be described as «neatness - challenged,» seeing all the Facebook posts, HuffPost articles, and news stories about ways to improve your spring cleaning regime don't typically inspire me as much as they trigger a sense of guilt.
You can learn something about a person from the design, condition, and neatness of his or her business card, so your cards should accurately reflect your brand, real estate specialties, and personality.
Students fill out questionnaires that ask about their attitudes toward neatness, studying, smoking, drinking, personality type, socializing, overnight guests and sleeping times.
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