Sentences with phrase «about nuclear attacks»

«We don't worry as much about nuclear attacks on our satellites as we used to, and I think that's a mistake,» O'Hanlon says.
In the past, there were many false alarms in US and Soviet Union or Russia, about a nuclear attack from the other side.
To introduce a unit on photosynthesis, for instance, he launches into a story from his childhood about building a fallout shelter with a friend after seeing a TV movie about a nuclear attack.
It's a video recording of Johnathan Irons ignoring all warnings about the nuclear attack plot.

Not exact matches

But that story is about what to do after a nuclear weapon blows up by surprise, such as in a terrorist attack — the goal is to limit exposure to radioactive fallout that arrives minutes after a detonation.
The B61 is America's primary tactical nuclear weapon that can be carried by just about all of the US military's attack aircraft, from Marine Corps AV - 8B Harriers to the Air Force's B - 2 Spirit bombers.
He said he had talked last week about North Korean being «a handful of months» away from being able make a nuclear attack on the United States.
Lets see... what did that mean in Nazi Germany... What did it mean in Soviet Russia... What does it mean in working in the executive levels of an oil company... a tobacco company... a slaughterhouse... what does it mean in being captain of a nuclear attack sub with armed with live nuclear missles... what does that mean in managing an «Apple» store in China... what does it mean in congress... how about being a member of Assad's team?
You jolt awake mid-panic attack about those plans for nuclear war.
The president started yesterday morning with a Twitter attack on U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer over alleged hypocrisy about the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
A Downing Street source said there was «no credible evidence» at the moment that terrorists would try to attack a civil nuclear facility, but stressed it was right to remain vigilant about safety at nuclear sites.
While on the campaign trail, Trump talked about a Navy man who was sentenced to federal prison for taking photographs inside a nuclear attack submarine.
Amid concerns about airborne anthrax and stealth nuclear attacks, it's easy to forget that terrorism is largely a low - budget, low - tech affair.
The attack on the nuclear facility took place about a month after North Korea attacked Sony Pictures with wiper malware that zapped over 4,000 of the company's desktop computers and servers.
The tragic events of September 11, 2001, raise troubling questions about the vulnerability of nuclear facilities to terrorist attacks.
The cell's new leader, Karrar, pushes Darwyn aside as plans progress for the nuclear attack on Los Angeles; Farik teaches a lesson about the terrorist way of doing business to an American philanthropist at a school in Yemen.
Reece Dinsdale, David Brierly and Karen Meagher, in a stunning debut performance, star in this graphic docudrama about the effects of a nuclear attack on the working - class city of Sheffield, England as the fabric of society unravels.
Fuqua: «Actually this film was written a few years ago before all of the current nuclear stuff, but we went out of our way to make it more about extremist terrorists as opposed to the country itself attacking us.»
Asher has held a variety of positions, but a lot of what he learned about leadership and sales he picked up in the Navy, where he served as captain of two nuclear - powered fast attack submarines before becoming the program manager for a billion - dollar software development program.
Do the young today worry subconsciously about their future, as we did under the threat of nuclear attack during the Cold War?
It has become increasingly unacceptable for supposed climate activists to attack nuclear power — which is why Bill McKibben, Al Gore, Mike Brune, Ralph Cavanagh, Fred Krupp and Hal Harvey aggressively duck the issue when someone confronts them about it.
Who cares about 8 % unemployment, the flatlined economy, abandoning Americans to die in Bengahzi, Joe Biden's buffonery, fast & furious, national debt, USA credit downgrade, trillion dollar annual budget deficits, deliberate sabotage of the coal industry, ACORN, failed foreign policy (Iran with nuclear weapons, bowing to China, stiffing U.K and Israel, etc) abysmal people judgement (Biden again, plus H. Clinton, T, Geithner; K. Sebelius; E. Holder, etc), stopping the pipeline for Canadian oil, blocking drilling in US land, secret «kill lists», ObamaCare, attacking religious liberty, you didn't build that, unseemly chest - pounding over bin Laden (GM is dying but bin Laden is coming back to life), 20 years of Jeremiah Wright, failure of crony capitalism deals with Solyndra - NextEra — Ener1 — Solar Trust etc., over 100 rounds of golf in 1st 3 yrs, choom, the Chevy Volt, insisting the Ft Hood massacre was «workplace violence», secret college transcripts, «clearly the Boston police acted stupidly», disregard of the Simpson - Bowles budget recommendations (after commissioning their work), and lots more irrelevant stuff.
This matters because the climate change debate has been hi - jacked, emissions made worse by the net effects of renewables for a fast lobbyist buck in fact, driven by ignorance and misleading attacks that lump clean low carbon gas with dirty high carbon coal, and old school anti-nuclear activists who oppose nuclear generation on factualy spurious grounds, while it is in physics and engineering fact by far the best solution on any measure, through promoting irrational fear unsupported in any area of the facts and proven physics they deceive the unknowing about with simply false or msleading «sience».
While the internet's original design was all about decentralization — so the network would withstand losing nodes in a nuclear attack — in practice, most of today's email traffic is concentrated in a handful of large service providers like Google and Microsoft.
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