Sentences with phrase «about one's bottom line»

When you have an absent owner who only cares about bottom line profits and a past it manager sticking around for his own ends then it was never going to succeed.
Like many corporations, it's all about the bottom line.
After all its easy to sit and do nothing and spend nothing when your employer is just concerned about bottom line profits.
Either would create a nice bump for your website analytics, but what about your bottom line?
Our company is not about the bottom line — we are passionate about what we do.
Think about the bottom line for each job on your resume and how you might have made things better in your role.
I love the way it all came together, and I'm crazy about the bottom line of this one!
Finally, work on developing a relationship with your daughter in which you discuss and plan together how to make the mornings work better while being clear and calm about your bottom line.
I get people on the phone who only care about the bottom line fee.
Though it is mostly about the bottom line and the good prices they can give me, I really do appreciate the personal touches.
Potential employers are always alert for these words, which suggest that applicants are savvy about the bottom line.
But, in order to speak about the bottom line, a real estate professional needs to do some homework about the company.
How would you compete in this market where the corporate buyers aren't interested in health; they're all about the bottom line?
While entrepreneurs may be only concerned about their bottom line, here are seven other key performance indicators that your sales team should be looking at.
We understand your reluctance to «lawyer up» following a workplace injury, but the truth is that employers are worried about their bottom line.
Millennial employees don't just care about the bottom line or their year - end salary.
And yet, great customer service isn't just about the bottom line.
From the start, the day - to - day is not about the bottom line.
An increasing number are for - profit ventures, too often concerned more about their bottom line than the health and well - being of the patients they serve.
So while environmentalists are enraged by the recklessness of the southeastern utilities» natural gas strategy in an age of climate change, customers who only care about the bottom line on their utility bills have reason to be just as upset.
To them it never is about what is best for AFC or its fans it's always about the bottom line.
«I care a great deal about the bottom line, but I care about my customers even more.
«For the publisher, it's all about the bottom line at the end of the day,» Korey says.
In other words, it's never just about the bottom line with Icahn.
Councilman Frank Borelli asked about the bottom line cost of this project.
In a resignation letter to the FAA, one Albuquerque - based controller summed up the sentiments of many: «I do not feel I can continue to work in an environment that is so vindictive, or for an employer who is more worried about the bottom line rather than safety.»
There are risks in taking the position that we have, and we try to be sympathetic with the problems associated with that risk, but also very hard - nosed about the bottom line.
He made the stereotype of a GM that is all about the bottom line go away.
Amazon doesn't care about quality, it only cares about its bottom line which is money.
If you mix the two up, it becomes predominantly about the bottom line, and both lose out
Many debt resolution companies will try and force you, the square peg, into the round hole labeled debt resolution because they're only worried about the bottom line sale.
It is only about a bottom line claim, and when it comes to denying such a claim with such a devastating diagnosis, this company is more than uncaring.
«There's a ground swell of people [such as Apple investors] saying big tech needs to think about their impact upon children and not just about their bottom line profit,» David Monahan, campaign manager for the CCFC, told CNN Tech.
But Dustin Reidy, who recently started a voter outreach group called NY 19 Votes, said the district could succeed with someone, man or woman, black or white, «who can really connect with voters by talking about the bottom line — wages, pocketbook issues.»
It all costs money if you are so concerned about the bottom line.
They have also made writing all about the bottom line, which discourages quality and experimentation.
Indeed, most people are thinking about their bottom line: paying their mortgage, finding the cheapest interest rates, saving for the future.
This could help Tidal focus more on growth and less on worrying about its bottom line, at least in the short term.
I've found many members of this generation to not only have the interest but also the capacity to change the world, in their caring about the bottom line of a company, their community and the environment.
Education, Enterprise and most businesses always care about the bottom line.
«IOGA's statement says it all — the gas companies believe the state should care more about their bottom line than the public health and well being of the millions of New Yorkers who will be affected if fracking is permitted,» she said.
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