Sentences with phrase «about one's climate»

I am far more concerned about climate change in the long run, though I think peak oil and gas may be worse crises in the short run.
And they took their eye off the ball in terms of public opinion, in talking about climate science and looking at what the denial machine was doing.
For example, the likelihood that a Christian survey respondent expressed a great deal of concern about climate change dropped by about a third between 1990 and 2015.
No, she did not talk about climate change since it was a much smaller issue when she was alive.
A second is, How can we measure what people know about climate change independently of who they are?
There's a way of thinking about climate change that is gaining momentum around the world.
This survey asked people to express their level of worry about climate change on a scale from «not at all worried» to «extremely worried».
A public that understands the state of the science is more likely to want something done about climate change.
It is the proven false information about climate science that has been paid for by the fossil fuel industry to delay sensible, responsible action that is the problem.
We should not care about climate sensitivity, that is based on climate models that have always been wrong.
Nevertheless, it's still interesting, and there is much to be learned about the climate system from studying the details.
There is something about these climate models that I would like to understand.
Although the rich world's energy poor are largely forgotten in discussions about climate policies, they bear an unfair burden for well - meaning proposals.
In other words, should teachers give weight to what the vast majority of actual climate scientists say about climate science?
Of course, that's not saying much, given last year's presidential election didn't feature a single debate question about climate change.
Even before the world decided to get serious about climate policy, not all was well in the world of coal.
You can use it to share the truth about the climate crisis with friends and family members.
I want to choose something that is informative and accessible, even for people without much knowledge about climate change, politics, or environmental issues.
For weeks, this document has been put in the hands of most every journalist that writes about climate issues, and many articles have been written about its contents.
Anyone who believes that the second goal can be discarded is not taking domestic politics seriously; anyone who would neglect the first is not talking about climate policy.
Note, I assume nothing about climate scientists other than they are examples of intelligent humans pursuing a noble calling.
Given the large and growing (my opinion) uncertainty of the aerosol forcing, how can we make meaningful statements about the climate sensitivity from paleo - experiments?
Today faith leaders from every corner of the world are connecting the dots between our heads and our hearts, between the scientific facts about climate change and our human response.
The fact that most people who know nothing about climate science think they know everything about it.
So, more of us than before fall 2009 have learned that we must work in a very different environment than existed when nobody outside the field cared much about climate science.
I'm routinely told not to speak about the climate issue because I have no climate science expertise.
Where is the evidence that media coverage substantive affects views about climate change one way or the other?
The most alarming thing about the climate change debate is that there is still a debate.
It helped to teach people about climate prediction and more generally about computer modelling.
I now encourage you to move beyond the assumption that scientists disagree about climate change.
I've talked since 2005 about how to raise awareness about the climate crisis.
They're regular citizens from all walks of life concerned about the climate crisis and committed to taking action to solve it.
For example, we're looking at, to what degree, you can communicate about climate change as a public health concern.
For many lawmakers, public opinion about climate change is a significant element to consider when forming policies about global warming.
Understanding and trying to make sense of the different stories told about climate change by the media is the focus of this book.
Given the stakes here — this is the biggest news story about climate change in quite some time — I think it is important to examine this charge.
We know enough about climate risk to assert that the level of risk is enough to be a serious issue, more so as time goes by.
Do you feel emotionally overwhelmed, at least occasionally, because of news about climate change?
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