Sentences with phrase «about one's composition»

And for more information about the composition of breast milk, read this review.
The subsection on «the use of breastmilk substitutes», needs to highlight the need for code implementation, and full information about the composition, costs and risks associated with artificial feeding.
The presence of a stratosphere can provide clues about the composition of a planet and how it formed.
Whether the topic brings up race, religion, sexual orientation, immigration, etc., think about the composition of your students.
I learned about composition, lighting and minor editing which has helped.
I want to proceed with slowly losing the additional weight but equally as concerned about composition....
The protocol includes 19 questions about the composition of the family, and about the child him / herself and the relationship with his / her parents.
He's the only person who can write about composition in a way that's exciting.
We've already talked about composition of breast milk and its benefits for your baby.
This is one perfectly balanced plan especially if you are worried about the composition and supplements you need to give to your pet.
I've learned a lot about composition and arrangement from him.
The artist must also consider how decisions about composition, color, and paint application determine the look of these impossible scenes.
Given that the newly discovered planet is so far away, astronomers can't actually tell anything about its composition.
The scale tells you nothing about the composition of your weight.
While the overall growth of the economy during the current expansion has been good, there has been concern expressed about its composition.
If people want to restore self - managing varied landscapes, they can draw on the knowledge provided by the new study about the composition of natural ecosystems in the past.
My kids have plastic toys and I do not call manufacturers about the composition of every single one.
See how you're feeling about the composition, balance, use of color, etc. 8.
I actually did both, got some classical guitar lessons in school when I was young, and then I continued studying on my own, mainly about composition and arrangements.
I don't have much call for such a sight within my work but the basic elements about the composition are easily carried over and can be made to work under very different circumstances.
There's nothing distinctive about her composition (something I realized in the first five minutes, never a good sign).
You can read all you want about composition but until you're there and you have your hands on; you can't know.
Each painting teaches the reader something different about composition, materials, and painting techniques.
These changes provide clues about the composition, density, and temperature of the medium the wave is passing through.
Driving in the darkness, the adrenaline flows with anticipation for the unknown night ahead, the mind itself in overdrive thinking about compositions and outcomes.
Experiment with different mark making techniques and learn about composition.
Perhaps real estate professionals could help their clients if they revealed a bit more about the composition, causes and remedies of real estate bubbles.
Are you interested in suggesting an underlying story or are you mainly just working with the painting's formal concerns about composition, color and space?
Find out about the composition of our alternative to salt and delve into the background science.
Finally, in true Miller - Urey fashion, he threw in a gaseous mixture of simple molecules, mimicking what was then known about the composition of interstellar clouds, and watched the results.
More research of the underlying structure of memory and brain - imaging studies are needed before firm conclusions can be made about the composition of the memory composites.
After several years of flying under the radar the company is only now making itself more widely known and would not provide details about the composition of QuantumFilm, citing competitive reasons for secrecy.
A. No, its all about the composition, tones, shadow and light.
Those analyses are likely to take several weeks, but should provide important insights about the composition of the global ocean beneath Enceladus» surface and any hydrothermal activity occurring on the ocean floor.
A spectrometer will measure the light absorbed by the asteroids» surfaces, which will tell much about their composition.
Different fret button combinations make for different chords and keys, so upon figuring out what keys are which you can make just about any composition of your liking.
By doing so, they thought it should be possible to deduce the physical size of the gene (the «target») and that measuring its sensitivity to radiation might reveal something about its composition.
Thinking too hard about the composition of our Senate will make your brain hurt.
Coordinates must be justified by scientific data, notably bathymetric data about the shape of the seabed and seismic data about the composition of the seabed.
Providing feedback to directors, or having conversations about its composition can be especially tough, Gwin said.
This year, the issue of overboarding will further put boards on the defence about their composition.
As a result of the win, the Supreme Court of Canada reinstated language in the collective agreement between B.C. teachers and the government respecting maximum class size and rules about composition.
A friend made a joke about the composition of attendees reflecting a typical Democratic Party gathering.
In Part II of this series, I gabbed about composition.
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