Sentences with phrase «about one's donors»

We collect information about our donors such as name, address, phone, email address, mailing preferences, stories about pets and names of pets.
I contacted the milk bank to learn more about the donor criteria.
And it's important to know about donor milk as an option.
Some of the questions that you might want to ask when you're thinking about donor milk: You might want to question the mom's history or ask for blood test results.
The designation required the group to submit details about its donors and expenditures.
Open sperm donation is really called open identity, which means that you have access to the donor or information about the donor once you reach the age of 18.
Learn more about donor support, new clinical, research, and training initiatives, philanthropic events and opportunities, and more.
I wrote a post a while back about the donor car I bought for the engine and the transmission.
The artist asks that the donated items have some personal significance or tell a story about the donor's life.
We do not generate any other genetic information about the donor.
You know, I was just thinking, you know, thinking about donor milk and how much screening process moms have to go through when they want to donate milk.
I cried as the lactation consultant started talking to me about supplementing, about donor milk, about formula.
If you have any questions about this Donor Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
The head of the Northern Irish Electoral Commission, Ann Watt, has made it unequivocally clear that she thinks information about donors from 2014 onwards should be published, saying: «While all reportable donations and loans received from 1 July 2017 will now be published by the commission, we would also like to see the necessary legislation put in place, as soon as possible, to allow us to publish details of donations and loans received since January 2014.»
By: Meika Rouda I have been talking to a lot of people about the donor egg and sperm scenario ever since I wrote about Ellie Lavi and her children, who are not recognized as being American even though their mother is an American citizen.
Asked about donors» now seeking refunds, Mr. Levy's spokesman, Josh Hills, said, «It's not something we've been concerned about, because there have been so few requests.»
Access database information, input information about donors in a system, and perform various related activities for an office.
The first study of the social and ethical issues associated with a provocative approach to treatment for ulcerative colitis has found that the majority of potential patients are eager for what is now called «fecal microbiota transplantation» to become available, although many have concerns about donor selection, screening, and methods of delivery.
So where did you hear about donor milk, Emily?
Read about our donors, what inspired their gifts and how those gifts are making a difference in the lives of animals and people:
Probe about donor stewardship assurance, conflicts of interest, internal policies governing self - dealing, asset treatment, ethical compliance, expense reports for staff, gift policy and reputational risk.
Data has always been key to philanthropy, knowing about donors helps tailor campaigns.
What's unique and exciting about donor - advised funds including Schwab Charitable is that you don't need to create a trust document to do that.
Health care professionals are always welcome to clarify some facts or information about donor breast milk.
An almost bigger task, though, will be to raise public awareness about donor milk, Anderson acknowledged.
Those would be thin reasons for suspicion in most cases, but this doctor's practice was shut down in 2009 for misconduct, including having falsified data, lied about donor descriptions, and exceeded the maximum legal number of six children per donor.
Zak's Safari is a book about donor - conceived kids of two - mom families.
Where a couple used a known donor, issues about the donor's parental status have arisen not only under New York's law, but also in other states as well, reinforcing the importance of second parent adoptions to forestall conflicts that could arise in other jurisdictions.
The only information that we generate about the donor from her DNA are the Donor and Milk IDs.
If you're struggling to conceive naturally, approach a doctor about donor eggs and other fertility options sooner rather than later, because after 45 your chance for conceiving through IVF drops significantly.
He can't even raise money for the NYGOP... and he's going to speak persuasively about donors for Steve Levy's campaign?
As they are forced onto the defensive about donors, they are told their behaviour means they do not deserve taxpayers» money.
What's really funny (or pathetic, if you happen to be a Aussie paying his salary) is that you got all the info about the donors in the short time since that lazy a — Dicker's column appeared in print, and he didn't have any of it.
The mayor repeatedly referred to how frequently he spoke with lawyers about donors and the fundraising issues now under the microscope — which of course, to some, might raise the question of whether he or his team suspected they were running up against the law.
Astorino has said he doesn't know anything about the donor except that he lives in Rockland County and «is above board.»
But Mr. de Blasio has insisted he is being singled out, while other elected officials — again, implying the governor without saying it — have raised money similarly and without the voluntary disclosures Mr. de Blasio has made about donors.
The article says that some groups are not always forthright about their donors, but that on the whole most are; while also noting that at times a group has released a report related to a donor with a particular interest.
«As much as the governor wants to coercively go after people to get them to do things on his behalf, at the end of the day, he only cares about his donors and himself,» he continued, saying that he will do whatever it takes to win, including «dismantling anti-poverty organizations like he's trying to do.»
Number 10 will insist this is insignificant - but the Labour Party will no doubt jump on this and say that Ed Miliband has been much more transparent about the donors and backers he's had dinner and meetings with.
Mayor de Blasio did his best to bury his corruption scandals over the weekend: On Friday, he dropped his long - promised column about donors who didn't get favors from City Hall...
Other studies have found that neither openness nor secrecy about donor insemination create difficulties for family functioning or child adjustment.
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