Sentences with phrase «about one's homework»

I don't worry about homework when I'm doing yoga, and a little bit after, I don't feel stressed.
The teacher spends the first 30 minutes talking about our homework from last night, then 20 minutes assigning our homework for the next night.
During the following lesson, the teacher asks about the homework.
He had completely forgotten about his homework and had gone off to play at a friend's house instead.
Furthermore, parents now question teachers about homework more than ever claiming that valuable family time is being lost.
This would certainly be a risky strategy for changing how schools and teachers think about homework, but it certainly would gain attention.
With that in mind, read through these pages, flip the learning in your classroom, and watch students get excited about homework!
They talk about their parents becoming more and more serious about homework and grades.
Is your child or teen fighting with you every step of the way lately, from refusing to get up on time in the morning, to complaining about homework at night?
Parents of older students should help their kids learn to communicate directly with the teacher about homework issues.
Talk to your child about the homework problem Is the work too difficult or too boring?
My biggest frustration is that I miss him all day while he's at school and then I find us battling about homework instead of enjoying family time.
And I had such complicated feelings about homework when I was a kid — it was a burden, occasionally, but it was also something I felt complete ownership over.
If you don't already, check in with your kids every night about their homework.
It's also important to talk about homework time, time for extracurricular activities, and time to rest.
Unfortunately, there can be times when they ask me something while I am doing homework, but they have to repeat it to me because my mind was wrapped about homework.
If your child has a positive attitude about homework, it can reduce their resistance and potential struggle.
Now, for the part about their homework being for the parent rather than the child.
The first thing to do is find out why she is lying about homework being done and why she is not paying attention at school.
It's still a little strange to not be super paranoid about homework assignments.
What does it say about homework that children dread doing it and rarely find it of value?
Although the debate about homework generally falls in the «it works» vs. «it doesn't work» camps, research shows that grade level makes a difference.
Our students are reading all day long — text messages on their phones, emailed directions about homework, apps from advertisers.
Most teachers really do assign only a reasonable amount of homework, so you might want to ask whether the struggle over «too much homework» is really too much struggle about homework.
For example, how do you convey messages about your homework and grading policies, ability - grouping and tracking practices, and how instructional time is used and protected?
I hear educators and policy makers talking about homework standards of at least 2 hours a day.
It is obvious that college and university life is not about homework only.
This is the way that students who are serious about their studies do it; they hire our custom dissertation writing service and become worry free about their homework.
Are you worried about your homework which can turn you late in submitting it by the given deadline?
We're in the middle of the evolution of the entire books and publishing industry and people are filing lawsuits about their homework.
A new website offering parents practical advice about homework, tips on learning, wellbeing, technology and resources.
My kids (7 and 12) are excited about seeing their friends, but they're also nervous about homework, new teachers and higher expectations.
I usually ask about homework and tell them to email me if they need anything.
On the time front, I also asked questions about homework.
I'm looking forward to have 3 months without needing to think about homework, wearing shorts, and being outside 24/7!
Ask your significant other to help you stay serious about your homework.
For others, there are on - going battles about homework, texting at all hours, or playing video games for hours on end.
Wouldn't it be a perfect and ideal world if you could enjoy yourself while not worrying about your homework?
At the end of each meeting, we typically set up the next appointment and talk about homework that needs to be done in the interim.
Yes, I know he's 13/14, and perhaps in your opinion by now he should be a responsible little pre-adult, never needing to be reminded about homework assignments, but frankly, I'm a 41 - year - old adult and my Book Manager has to constantly remind me to send her posts for author interviews.
I'm a bit sad again that the school year is zipping by at such a scary fast pace, but at the same time glad to have my little monkeys home for a couple of weeks and we have some VERY exciting plans for next week, that hopefully will mean we get to spend some real quality time together without me constantly nagging about homework and mess.
Miami - Dade school board member Larry Feldman said he hears complaints about homework across the county.
Like all Phoenix teachers and staff, AmeriCorps Members prioritize relationship building and are always texting students about homework and calling adult supports with praise and concerns.
Sometimes They Are Just Not Motivated If you have tried everything to help your child get their homework completed, it may just be that they don't care about their homework.
While teenage girls might be apt to tune their mothers out when they're rattling on about homework and chores, a study conducted by the University of Essex in England shows that nagging may cause girls to be more successful.
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