Sentences with phrase «about one's learning experiences»

One of my interests in joining this research team is to learn more about the learning experience of students in Finnish schools.
Ultimately, if students feel successful about their learning experiences in my classes, they will demonstrate confidence in their ability to use what they've learned.
To me, the gift was more than the book; it showed you cared about my learning experiences, beyond your local school boundaries.
Take a Vacation Last but not least, life is not all about learning experiences.
For example; participants can engage one another in discussion threads about their learning experience as they go through a course.
The feedback has been very positive, with over 11,000 learners completing the module and providing numerous positive comments about the learning experience.
First deals are mostly about the learning experience and getting things rolling.
His son is now 22 years old and he talks about the learning experiences he had, the impact his child has had on him, and suggestions on important actions to take when you child has special needs.
With these data in hand, each Friday students sit down with their mentors to reflect on their weekly progress, how they feel about their learning experience, what worked well, and what to improve.
Team members find it easy to relate to stories about learning experiences and family challenges.
When the daily classroom demands ease up, you can enjoy the luxury of unstructured time to reflect, explore, and brainstorm about the learning experiences you'd love to offer your students.
When I examine and reflect on my students» work, I discover insights and truths about their learning experiences.
eLMSs promise and deliver on the ability to get users engage in communication about learning experiences and share knowledge between participants and Learning and Development staff.
Jonny Samengo, Executive Officer of Indigenous Education at The Scots College, Sydney, writes about a learning experience like no other.
Custom tracking systems using Experience API (xAPI) can help collect data about learning experiences and build more flexible solutions.
Engaging with learners directly after the completion of a course is the best time to gather accurate feedback about their learning experience, while their thoughts and experiences are still fresh and unclouded.
Learner Led instruction empowers learners with meaningful ways to make choices about their learning experiences, transforming the traditional learning environment to one driven by the student.
Asking — and listening — to what students have to say about their learning experiences is a crucial way of understanding where improvements are most needed.
What does it look and feel like to put students» perspectives about their learning perspectives about their learning experiences at the center of innovation efforts?
Similarly, if a learner were to post about a learning experience on their LMS, the system could recognise that other learners have recorded the same experience.
A sense of thinking an attorney can not help or would not be a true advocate; a sense of paranoia about the justice system; an inflated sense of one's intelligence and abilities; feelings of combativeness about the charges lodged against oneself; possibly a sense of hopelessness about the impending finding of guilt; maybe even a sense of fun about the learning experience.
Learners should find the initial screen attractive and feel positive about the learning experience to come.
There's a difference between training (clicks) and learning (why you should care)-- I suspect libs are training shops, and perhaps we should care more about learning experiences.
Facilitating a series of one - to - one or small group discussions, how members of a particular sub-group of students (the disengaged, high - achievers, young women, young men, or students not from the majority culture in the surrounding community, for example) are feeling about their learning experiences; or shaping a new initiative in the classroom or school.
Perhaps you are unmoved by how students «feel» about their learning experience.
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