Sentences with phrase «about one's love»

If you're ready for a new relationship then get proactive about your love life and register with us today!
When a woman sends an email to a man, it shows she is confident enough in herself to be proactive about her love life.
Also talk about your love for animals and conservation.
With summer on the horizon and our Caribbean honeymoon just a couple of weeks away, we're talking about our love of life on the water and everything nautical - inspired!
Note: See this post for more about my love of salt.
I am a 24 year old female I have a 1 year old daughter and a boyfriend but he knows all about my love for females.
I can guarantee the interviewer doesn't want to know about your love of long walks on the beach (unless that's part of the job).
«They'd rather have videos of people telling stories about their loved one than maybe a priest just sort of reading just out loud,» he said.
Indian poets have been writing about this love story for centuries.
At first, they talked more about their love of music and art than about science.
And you will learn about love in many unexpected ways.
There are intimate moments of emotional revelation, of talking about their loved ones who have died, talking about their own fears and horrors that they've experienced.
It's why I wrote about love in management recently.
They have a story to tell about a loved one who maybe they don't know is dead or alive.
When a freak accident brings these three together, they must learn the hard truth about love, faith, courage, and chance.
For those on the right it is not about love for this strange, massive figure.
The things he taught about love are true, ie «who is my neighbour» and can be proven today by putting into practice.
Quite a few of his new team mates have already spoken about his love for the game, his tireless efforts in training and his burning desire to win.
Not only am I concerned with finding a stable career, I'm constantly being questioned about my love life by friends and family.
Just one more thing about the love / hate relationship with this mantel.
I should probably write a book about my love affair with mules.
We have all heard about love at first sight, but what about marrying someone immediately after you have laid your eyes on them for the very first time?
More and more singles each month are signing up with our site to get serious about their love life and our divorced singles are no different.
If you've ever read about love languages (which I recommend, by the way) he was someone who expressed love through acts of service.
Maybe we would stop thinking about love as something that happens to us, and start thinking about it as something we get to offer another person, thoughtfully and with generosity.
In my opinion; the old saying about love in a recipe is probably the most important ingredient when cooking or baking.
I mostly blog about my love of baking - especially cakes.
We cover all of the best - selling books about love as they are released online and in your favorite bookstores.
You've heard of love at first sight, but what about love at first bite?
Share this through the links below, and let them know about the Loving at Your Best Plan.
After all, it's not only about you but also about your loved ones who are dependent on you.
Is this the start of songs about love at second sight?
I agree with you that we all learn much about love from our families, as imperfect as that may be.
A beautiful film about love appearing where you least expect it.
Seriously, I could write a whole novel about my love for white So today, I put together some of my favorite white summer dresses for you.
It's not just about love language, but communication in general.
It's a much more mature story about love between older woman — both amusing and classy!
It isn't so much a movie about loving old video games and other cultural artifacts.
You can do something about your love life and finally have success via the means of online dating.
So why, when we are talking about love languages, is it so difficult to speak you partner's love language?
Because everything happens around the main character, you can't connect with her and feel no real tension about the love triangle that's been put in place.
Bringing his signature style of humour to the survey results, this book actually provides useful tips, insight and meaningful lessons about love in the modern age.
That's the premise behind this comedy about love.
Love addiction is not really about love but is actually running away from real intimacy.
This special and unique combination of fiction and science offers a much - needed message about love and bonding.
Like that film, this is also a drama about love and relationships told in an intensely personal way.
It's about loving people for who they are, and along those lines, it contains some major twists.
Less than 1 % scored themselves lower, which would suggest that worrying about our love life more actually has little impact on our general happiness.
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