Sentences with phrase «about one's ministry»

Good books have been written about the ministry in all these categories, and my discussion is attentive to them.
We shared long lunches together talking about ministry and praying for our nation.
Thus far I have spoken of books written about ministry by process theologians.
It's also a good idea to think about ministry opportunities, opportunities for reaching out to your community.
Before commenting on whether or not he should step down, I'd like to know more about his ministry.
I realized that what was good about the ministry was usually very good.
Much of what I know about ministry comes from friends who are gifted pastors and from my students.
Sometimes even women attack fellow women who speak about their ministry calling.
The social gospel did not talk much about the ministry.
I had seen the videos of this family and read about their ministry before you began posting.
One thing about ministry in combat zones is that usually we can't stop the combat — we can't fix their biggest need, which is to be secure.
Usually when we hear about a ministry leader «falling from grace,» we assume the worst.
The peril most to be feared about the ministry in this generation lies here.
As we look at house plans and prepare to make that place our home, we are excited about the ministry opportunities that are right outside our door.
Through honest sharing they were able to resolve some of their conflicting feelings about the ministry.
They are concerned about the ministry's stated intention to revise the policy after the report card templates are finalized.
If we pay the pastor, what are we telling the congregation about their ministry in the church, for which they do not get paid?
Nothing about His ministry was related to fame, though fame definitely did come his way.
If Christian religious organizations really care about ministry, they will express their priorities in financial and other concrete forms.
Secondly, I would like to introduce briefly about our ministry.
One concern was expressed about ministry to children, and the too - frequent tendency to neglect these sacred vessels.
The appalling fact about ministry in today's inner city is that there are so many targets one must try to hit all at once.
I have strong reservations about the ministry, particularly the potential damage of his prosperity message.
Let me illustrate why by continuing my story about that ministry.
Teachers are also skeptical about the ministry's ability to find the resources to properly implement standardized report cards.
When you write about your ministry experiences I see myself over and over.
I met a man on match a few years ago who invited me out for lunch, and then spent the entire time talking about a ministry that he was involved in.
In the midst of confusion about the ministry of all Christians it may seem reactionary to claim that the role of a pastor is to give spiritual direction to a congregation.
John did not like the way Jesus went about ministry.
The franchisor failed to provide adequate disclosure document because it did not disclose information about ministry deficiencies concerning the daycare centre's operations.
Thanks for the kind things you have said about the ministry of Calvary Chapel, in the last [part] you mention Calvary as my ministry.
Ezzo attacked this couple whose pastor had told them to send their questions about the ministry directly to GFI.
What is known about the ministry during the period of the first century must largely be inferred from the letters of Paul and the Pastoral Epistles.
The pluralism of theologies and ecclesiologies makes it difficult to generalize about ministry.
Another kind of position about the ministry, which now seems likely to be adopted to a certain extent by the Roman Catholic Church, is to create a group of subministers, who are permitted to perform nearly (but not quite) all the functions of the priest, but who will be trained much more quickly.
Sam did without a car, too, and the unassuming, almost angelic way he ordered his life taught me a lot about ministry.
Joel and Kathryn Kuhlmann respond to GFI Ezzo attacked this couple whose pastor had told them to send their questions about the ministry directly to GFI.
He made his life about ministry and spreading the good news because I think he saw and experienced so much and may have done some things himself that didn't sit right in his heart.
A sense of excitement about ministry, the way discussions of practice find their way into other classes, the degree to which other courses are newly sensitive to context, the increasing ability of students to think theologically — all these tell us that something good is under way, as does the sometimes profound sense of collegiality and support experienced in the reflection seminars.
What do we learn from this critical incident about the ministry of evangelism?
As an authentic saying, this simile tells us a good deal about the ministry of Jesus.
Willow Creek is less of a personality cult; you can talk about its ministries without talking about Bill Hybels, and that's a plus.
Certainly the attempt to equate pastoral care with the total work of ministry is unsatisfactory; for that simply uses an uncriticized metaphor as an imperialistic declaration about the ministry as a whole, and thus concrete meaning is lost from the metaphor.
What our functional images point to is a unified attitude about ministry — complex enough to take various needs and functions and situations as they come, but with no sense of inherent contradiction among them.
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