Sentences with phrase «about other central banks»

FRA: What about other central banks.
Some would argue that by acting cautiously on balance sheet normalization (without actively countering impacts of ECB policy measures), Fed policymakers have partially ceded control of financial conditions to foreign monetary authorities, but the same can be said about other central banks as well, for long - term rates are correlated among advanced economies:

Not exact matches

During a Saturday session at the symposium, such a slump in expectations about inflation and about other aspects of the economy was cited as a central problem complicating central banks» efforts to reach inflation targets and dimming prospects in Japan and Europe.
Whatever the actual motivation, initiatives like this and others, such as the EU's latest directive, are expressing the eagerness of central banks and governments to know more about exchanges and individual users of cryptocurrencies.
When people spread Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt, when countries and governments and central banks spread FUD about Bitcoin, there's a clear agenda, there's a clear goal which is to get others to lose interest and give up on Bitcoin.
Preston: [00:17:56] So what's so interesting here is that on one side we have Silicon Valley working at a rapid pace to create this new digital cryptocurrency and we also have governments and global authorities looking into the implications of using the similar technology whether it's the IMF or other central banks around the world that are that are talking about using some form of crypto to back their monetary baseline.
Also, with talks about Serbia being included in the European Union, the dinar's exchange rate with other major currencies will likely be affected by monetary policies from the European Central Bank.
In portraying Bill Niskanen as a monetary policy radical, I've limited myself to his views on the Fed and central banking more generally, without venturing to consider what he had to say about other financial regulatory agencies.
How are we to think about the message of bond prices when the U.S. Federal Reserve, and other central banks, have literally bought trillions and trillions of dollars of them?
This is why Mario Draghi, the central bank president, and other top central bankers talk a lot about «inflation expectations.»
Asked about cryptocurrencies, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi commented on 5 February 2018 that bank exposure was not evident: «Let me first say that we are not observing a systemically relevant holding of digital currencies by supervised institutions — by banks, in other words.&raBank chief Mario Draghi commented on 5 February 2018 that bank exposure was not evident: «Let me first say that we are not observing a systemically relevant holding of digital currencies by supervised institutions — by banks, in other words.&rabank exposure was not evident: «Let me first say that we are not observing a systemically relevant holding of digital currencies by supervised institutions — by banks, in other words.»
Some economists have argued, for example, that if a central bank keeps real interest rates low (but positive) over the long term and allows for moderate inflation, a country with its own currency can increase spending very substantially over the long term without increasing taxes. PEF Blogger, Arun Dubois, has blogged extensively about some of these other perspectives.
On the other hand, if leverage is already high, perhaps as a result of an earlier run - up, and if the weakness of demand is in part a result of the private sector being cautious about further extensions of leverage, or even attempting to reduce its leverage, the central bank may face an unenviable set of choices.
She didn't talk about the effects from other central banks and I think that's a huge part of the flattening that is going on.
Cash Allocations: I talked about this chart in the video on the Global Risk Radar, specifically I talked about this alongside the chart which showed valuations as expensive for the major assets (property, stocks, and bonds), and how it reflects the trend where central banks have bullied investors out of cash and into other assets.
When you think about this rise in interest rates, as some of these banks start raising, it gives other central banks cover.
In the euro area the economic recovery continues to lag other regions, while some European Central Bank (ECB) officials have begun to express concern about the impact of the appreciating euro.
TUTORIAL: The Austrian School Of Economics The Classical - Liberal Perspective The accepted mainstream view about central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, is that we need them to manage economic growth and ensure prosperity through interest rate manipulation and other interventions.
I don't know any other country where such is tolerated, except perhaps what I watched in a movie about Idi Amin and his governor of central bank.
But at the other end of the spectrum, in the floating world, investors are increasingly risk - agnostic about buying the biggest & best blue - chips — which are the primary beneficiaries of a world awash in a central bank tsunami of liquidity & quantitative easing.
It's partly about the European Central Bank's ultra-low interest rate policy, which tends to drive down the returns on other assets that pay interest.
The Bank of Tanzania (BoT) has joined other African central banks in warning about cryptocurrencies as high - risk investments that are susceptible to fraudulent activities.
«I spend a lot of time talking about ethereum and cryptocurrency and open blockchains to enterprises, businesses, central banks and corporates,» Baldet said, «I don't spend a lot of time going the other direction.»
While other central banks - from Ukraine to Barbados to Brazil - have spent this year talking about the potential benefits a crypto version of fiat currency could provide, Qian's article is notable in that it's perhaps the most detailed and candid look at how a central bank might go about its design and management.
This is significant; there have been talks for many months from Bitcoin Central, Fidor and others about having a direct partnership with some kind of banking partner, but this is the first time that anyone has actually carried the integration through to completion.
In 2015, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) joined its peers in Nigeria, and other parts of the world, in sounding warnings about the dangers of bitcoin, saying the risks far outweigh any benefits that could be gained.
Appearing at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters on 25th April, Jon Nicolaisen, Norges Bank's deputy governor, spoke in part about the differences between money held in banks today and the proliferation of digital currencies, casting the central bank's research in this area against the backdrop of a world in which bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have found broader Bank's deputy governor, spoke in part about the differences between money held in banks today and the proliferation of digital currencies, casting the central bank's research in this area against the backdrop of a world in which bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have found broader bank's research in this area against the backdrop of a world in which bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have found broader use.
Warnings about bitcoin have also stemmed from central banks like the Bank of Tanzania, Kenya, and other areas over the past few months.
While other central banks — from Ukraine to Barbados to Brazil — have spent this year talking about the potential benefits a crypto version of fiat currency could provide, Qian's article is notable in that it's perhaps the most detailed and candid look at how a central bank might go about its design and management.
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