Sentences with phrase «about other clones»

The study fits with what other scientists had noticed about other clones.

Not exact matches

And Elliott has lately sought to clone its winning strategy: It's on track to launch about 50 % more activist campaigns this year than in 2016 — nearly three times as many as any other major activist fund — including, in October, two in a single day.
The decade between the cloning of Dolly the sheep and the election of Barack Obama was rife with heated public arguments about embryo research, cloning, assisted reproduction, and other matters bioethical.
I'll even offer observations - humans have manipulated existing organisms dna, created new virus and bacteria, clone animals, and attempt to create new animals - yet simple minded folks still reject the idea that another more intelligent creature might have done the same thing and created life on earth in the same fashion while at the same time acknowledging that there is a strong likelihood of other life existing in this universe - talk about being dumbed down and arrogant.
«The Harlem Children's Zone is one particular model,» he said, «but this isn't about cloning it in other cities.
For some, de-extinction means the literal resurrection of long - lost species through whole - genome cloning, while for others it's about conferring the traits of extinct animals on closely related living species to create approximations.
Hooper says that according to the many - worlds interpretation, the interference pattern comes about when a photon interacts with its clone passing through the other slit in a parallel universe.
He believes one thing is certain - Dolly and all the other clones now being created around the world will tell us a lot more about the lifecycle of cells and the ageing process.
«In fact, if sheep like Dolly and other mammals made by this [cloning] technique are continually shown to be perfectly healthy and not age prematurely, that would just prove that the whole link between the telomeres and ageing is an unreliable one and not worth worrying about
COURIER POST ONLINE - June 8 - A Gallup poll on attitudes about 19 moral issues found that more Americans considered adultery more morally wrong than any other type of behavior — ahead of suicide and human cloning.
It may seem lazy to draw such comparisons, but «Beautiful Creatures» is about as close to a «Twilight» clone that Hollywood has produced, trading vampires and werewolves for witches, and although the film shows more promise than its spiritual predecessor in the early stages, its overdependence on the main love story prevents «Beautiful Creatures» from distinguishing itself as anything other than a «Twilight» wannabe.
You are about as original as all those other witless twits «writing» the one millionth shitty Fifty Shades clone.
The idea of cloning other good value investors is a great one - and I learn't of this word from reading articles about Mohnish Pabrai.
The other key point about cloning relates to business strategy and the business strategies of businesses that one may choose to invest in.
Audrey wanted to learn about other parts of the world, so she sent her clone out to New London, CT in the US to visit her friends at My House Rabbit.
This week we return with a chill episode where we talk about our experiences playing games with others - multiplayer games or not.Discussed this episode: Bloodborne (PS4), Final Fantasy VIII (PSX), Clone Hero (PC), Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (GCN), The World Ends With You (DS), Sea of Thieves (XBO), Maplestory (PC), The Legend of Zelda:......
That said, the «clone with amnesia» being pursued by «reptilian aliens who were once at war with humanity, and now just don't like them» is extremely tired, and Everspace does little to make you care about your character or the other characters you encounter.
I should note that this isn't the only reason I'm relatively unconcerned about Google's decision: I also think there will be plenty of alternatives for those who wish to continue using RSS feeds as their main information diet, including Feedly — which says it has cloned the Reader API and created its own back - end for other services to use — as well as NewsBlur, and a proposed reader client that the new managers of Digg say they are working on for release later this year.
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