Sentences with phrase «about our manuscript writing»

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These manuscripts were representative of a much larger body of material which has since grown so extensively that today it includes about 70 papyri (portions written on papyrus), about 230 uncials (manuscripts with rounded letters), about 2,500 minuscules (manuscripts with small letters), and about 1,700 lectionaries (portions of Scripture arranged for worship).
Between 1933 and 1936 Collingwood wrote in the manuscripts «Notes Towards a Metaphysics,» «The Nature of Metaphysical Study,» «Method and Metaphysics,» and «Realism and Idealism,» that metaphysics was an attempt to find out what we can about the general nature of reality.
As we were chatting about the still - in - process manuscript for Searching for Sunday and its emphasis on seven sacraments, it occurred to me that this might be just the impetus I needed to start another writing and recording project.
Untold billions of copies of the Bible in circulation and 25,000 manuscripts about the time Christ all in line with the Dead Sea Scrolls written prior to the birth of Christ attest to the power of the Word.
Papias (christian bishop of about 100 - 140 AD) wrote that matthew gathered the writings which were in Hebrew and translated them into greek, yet the oldest manuscript in greek of that gospel shows none of the telltale signs of translation.
[108] There are far fewer witnesses to cla ssical texts than to the Bible, and unlike the New Testament where the earliest witnesses are often within a couple decades of the original, the earliest existing manuscripts of most cla ssical texts were written about a millennium after their composition.
What I think is really important for me about the book is, I wrote it as if I were dying, and I finished the manuscript, and then they told me I had cancer and that it expanded further than they'd hoped and that it was more advanced than we would want, and I didn't know if it was going to be my last Christmas.
Second, when science say's that the sun will burn out in about 4 billion years they are using data that has been gathered about our sun as well as many other star's to come up with their theory, not an ancient manuscript written by nomadic goat herders.
He joked about their written sermons which they attempted to read to the people and remarked, «The great mass of our western people wanted a preacher that could mount a stump, a block, or old log, or stand in the bed of a wagon, and without note or manuscript, quote, expound, and apply the Word of God to the hearts and consciences of the people.»
It could be that Luke wrote the Acts while Paul was still alive and thus was able to solicit the apostle's advice about and criticism of his manuscript.
In case you missed previous (related) entries, I wrote this to kick off the series, then this one about how I approach the manuscript.
«The reviewer is there to advise about the science and the originality and the interest» of the manuscripts editors receive, explains U.K. - based writing and publishing coach Elizabeth Wager.
«U.Va has not turned over emails related to discussions of research, unpublished manuscripts, private discussions between scientists about science, etc., — i.e., any of the materials that are exempt from release by state law,» Mann wrote in an e-mail message.
Students read an original manuscript about the investigation of Lincoln's assassination, then work in groups to write and perform a play based on the story.
As I am in month number 21 of writing my manuscript, I am trying to learn as much as I can about writing and marketing my work (once I get to that point).
It's true that just about every author has their own unique story about how they acquired their agent, but the Superstars Writing Seminar prepares you for what you need to do when you're ready to go to market with your finished manuscript.
She gets everything about my writing and, although she's a new agent, she has more than 30 years of experience in children's publishing — and she's helping me flesh out the manuscript.
Hi Brenda I'm a writing a novel about lesbian romance can you tell me if there would be a specific publishing house that I should send my manuscript too.....
The editor assigned to your book will get in contact with you shortly after you have made your payment with any questions he or she has for you about your manuscript and personal writing style.
You made a comment about wading through a bunch of manuscripts and that is your experience with bad writing.
I've cleaned - up my past and wrote a manuscript about it.
And then I started reading about authors that were doing it on their own and though it was scary for me because I thought I might be throwing away a possible career in traditional publishing if I went ahead and self - published myself, I just finally decided that I would take to a book five manuscripts I've already written and publish them, see how it went.»
You might ask editors, friends, and family who've read the manuscript to suggest keywords as well, or how they would go about searching for a book like the one you've written.
And I've been working as a freelance editor specialising in Christian fiction for the last five years, which means I've seen a lot of manuscripts, good and bad, and have learned something about the craft of writing from each one.
A common question I get about Scrivener (and it was one I had when I started using the writing software) is how I get my manuscript to my editor if they don't have Scrivener.
A lot of new advice I've been reading lately, when newer writers ask about lengths for manuscripts, has been «write to the story's natural length.»
We tried to write the first draft of More Than Two by working on it an hour a day or so, when we were both finished with our other work and had a bit of time after dinner, and the math showed us that at that rate, we might have a rough manuscript done in about six and a half years, give or take.
They are written like easy readers in style, but they are longer (manuscripts are about 30 pages long, broken into 2 - 3 page chapters), and have a smaller trim size with black - and - white illustrations every few pages.
For example, we met someone recently who had written a manuscript about a particular kind of bicycle building.
I am still writing draft # 1, and I never knew anything about multiple drafts, beta readers or the 3 major structural issues of a manuscript.
One way to get an idea about the overall quality of your work is to allow other people to read it (after you've written, proofed, edited, and revised your manuscript as best you can).
Note that, even if you already have a written manuscript about your topic specialty, it's unlikely that an agent or an editor with whom you don't already have a relationship will take the time to read an entire manuscript without first reading and liking the book proposal.
So learn about the easiest and most efficient ways to promote yourself and your new book, and don't rest on your laurels thinking that once your manuscript is selected for publication, everything is signed, sealed, and delivered on that book, and all you have to do is go about writing the next one.
What's particularly unusual about it is that, while you're writing online, readers you invite or who just happen by can view your manuscript - in - progress and offer editing advice and suggestions.
There, the company writes about the Author Day conference: «This is an exciting opportunity for authors to get face - to - face feedback on their unpublished manuscripts from those in the know.
Ask your friends, writing group, or mentor to give you honest feedback about the manuscript.
Their decision to write under a single pseudonym came about when writing their first novel; they submitted an unsolicited manuscript to an editor hoping for some feedback and, because most books are published under a single name, they chose to submit the manuscript under the single name Charles Todd.
In the five months since the «discovery» and planned publication of the manuscript was announced, countless pages and social media streams have been dedicated to debates over the 89 - year - old author's agency in the decision and discussions of what the book, written as an early draft of To Kill a Mockingbird but set some 20 years later, might reveal about some of literature's most beloved characters.
What's nice and unique about nonfiction, is that because it is idea - driven, it can be sold on proposal - basis to book publishers, as opposed to fiction (which needs to be sold on a fully - written and polished manuscript).
Recently I wrote a blog post about what I heard at the San Francisco Writers Conference and one of the points I mentioned in the post is how important it is to have your manuscript edited.
«I actually had an agent tell me how incredible my writing was, and that he would have snapped up my manuscript if I had queried him with it about four years ago.
Even though she says she doesn't do happiness - «I don't trust it» - she had much to smile about in 2004 when Bloomsbury UK (J.K. Rowling's publisher) signed her up for a two - book deal at the age of 19 years, on the basis of the manuscript of The Icarus Girl that she wrote while studying for her A-Levels (exams taken before leaving UK high schools).
As a writing coach at AuthorAssist, often I am asked about the final stages of getting a manuscript published.
And that is how I wound up spending an hour picking a bestselling author's brain about selling a manuscript, self - publishing, and baby pictures (ok, that's not really about writing, but I was delighted to get a peek at Epic Baby).
To get the best idea of how I can help you and your manuscript, I encourage you to send an email to share details about your project and your writing aspirations.
Back in late October, Liz Michalski wrote a post about how her portly manuscript lost an impressive 52,000 words.
Determination, persistence, and perseverance carry you through to successful authorship, whether you are rewriting your manuscript, building author platform, submitting to the one hundredth agent, contacting the one thousandth reviewer, or writing the fiftieth blog post or press release about your book.
I do not talk much about the writing process but if you need help in that area I recommend the Idea to Manuscript Planner by Stephanie BwaBwa to help you finally complete your novel.
I hired a college creative writing major to copyedit the manuscript for about $ 250.
A manuscript evaluation is like inviting an editor into your office to sit down and talk to you about your writing.
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