Sentences with phrase «about oversupply»

«Houston was a market where there were already some concerns about oversupply,» says Crotty.
Looking forward at 2017, however, Moody's researchers do worry about oversupply.
You might be frustrated at how best to achieve greater diversity in a profession that remains too white, middle - class, and male to differing degrees in differing parts; you might be anxious about how you are going to pay your way through law school and how much debt you are going to have at the end of it; alternatively, you might well be vexed about the oversupply of graduates who never achieve legal careers; you might be concerned about preserving the unique identity of your profession (as many at the Bar are); or you might just want to ensure that new recruits in law firms have a basic grip of the fundamentals and can do something useful on day one.
The rapidly growing condo markets in cities such as Toronto and Vancouver have also raised concerns about an oversupply of units and whether the boom is overly weighted towards wealthy, foreign investors who lease the units to others.
It doesn't make much sense to complain about an oversupply while encouraging authors to keep oversupplying.
Other mothers spoke candidly about oversupply issues and how much easier feeding had become after six weeks.
It wasn't until I woke up on day three with swollen breasts that I started reading about oversupply and engorgement.
Today we are talking about Oversupply and Overactive Letdown, this is The Boob Group, episode 70.
And we are continuing our conversation about Oversupply and Overactive Letdown.
So, we just spoke a lot about oversupply, so, Kristina can you let us know, what is overactive letdown?
Moxie, it's cool that you talk about oversupply.
I was completely surprised, totally overwhelmed, and left wishing I had known more about oversupply before I was, well, swimming in it.
But what about oversupply or too much milk?
Many of Mexico's coffee farmers are not happy about this plan, concurring with a 2006 FAO recommendation that robusta production in the country not be increased due to concerns about oversupply and farmer income.
Rents in inner Melbourne, where concerns about oversupply have been most pronounced, have declined considerably over the past year, while rents in inner Sydney have been broadly flat for some time (Graph 33).
Investors have avoided energy names due to concerns about oversupply — both near term, as U.S. shale producers ramped up and inventories soared, and long term, due to the popularity of electric vehicles and alternative clean energy sources.
It amuses me that the Canadian dealer network talks about impending shortages and the big four lithium producers talk about an oversupply of reserves and resources.
The Reserve Bank of Australia and other forecasters have long sounded warnings about an oversupply of apartments in the Queensland capital.
The Reserve Bank of Australia has raised concerns about an oversupply of apartments in Brisbane and other cities.
However, while some economists are cautioning about an oversupply of condos about to hit the Toronto market, McCredie notes that there are far fewer high - end units available.

Not exact matches

Oil prices fell as increased drilling in the United States pointed to more output, raising concerns about a return of oversupply.
While much has been made about the lifting of sanctions against Iran oil and how it will only dump more oil onto a market that's oversupplied, Timmer feels that's already been priced in.
So too have analysts at SQM Research, which said there could be an oversupply of 8000 new dwellings — both apartments and house and land products — in greater Brisbane this year compounding concerns about settlements of off - the - plan sales.
These comments came from the UAE energy minister Suhail Al Mazrouei, who said it's not about raising prices it is about the noble endeavor of working to reduce oversupply.
Now banks are growing cautious about lending to developers, especially those active in smaller cities that face an oversupply of housing, and Beijing is concerned about a buildup of debt and unoccupied housing.
The market for bison meat experienced growing pains in the past decade, but it has recovered from a period of oversupply and underdevelopment about 10 years ago.
Sheep farmers have steady expectations, while sugar producers are concerned about weak prices in the face of oversupply.
If you are breastfeeding, you have probably heard about moms who've had to deal with a low milk supply and those who have an oversupply.
From the mess of milk spewing everywhere with the painfully forceful letdown, to my child getting hammered in the face with white streams that made him sputter, I was totally seeing oversupply for all its inconveniences, and not for the gift it provided so I never had to worry about making enough for my kid.
And my reasons for feeling guilty about having oversupply were unique to me.
However, I have an oversupply and produce about 60 ounces a day.
I'm here to talk about how to breastfeed with oversupply and share my top 3 tips for managing oversupply.
On top of being exhausted, which exacerbated any negative thoughts I was having about my competencies as a parent, I was experiencing oversupply, which added to the stress of having a toddler and a newborn.
I could expect to get an earful about the contents of my friend's baby's diaper, but I felt like the topic of oversupply was off the table.
It seems like gloating — it's not of course, but there is so much emotional pain and guilt about BF in general that the discussion gets loaded v. quickly.I had oversupply and frequent plugged ducts.
Another symptom / result of oversupply that nobody tells you about: green poop.
MARIE BISHOP: Well with my 4 month old I'm still dealing with it, with my 4 year old he nursed until 2 and a half and I think it was until he was about 15 months or so that we still had a pretty strong overactive letdown and oversupply but by toddler age he was gulping anyway because he got things to do
KRISTINA CHAMBERLAIN: Well the causes aren't really known but it does tend to coincide most of the time with oversupply so there's probably some kind of connection to that feedback inhibition of the letdown of lactation that I was talking about.
ROSEY RODRIGUEZ: I think I have regulated about 3, 4 months but at that point you know I think I did continue to have the oversupply and the overactive letdown but as you know we we're talking about we'd learned how to deal, how to manage and as you know our babies grow it's kind of better for them that they can take it so much and you know 5 minutes and sleep we're done nursing and that's it and you got all your nutrients your ready to go
Well ladies that's it for today, so thank you so much Kristina and to our panelists for sharing this incredibly valuable information about the symptoms causes and treatment for oversupply and overactive letdown and your information was fantastic Kristina, thank you so much
One hard part is people thing oversupply is a blessing and hate to hear anyone complain about it.
This FAQ on oversupply, and the FAQ on «Foremilk, Hindmilk and Lactose» which is linked about halfway through, can give you a lot more information on how to figure out if you have an oversupply, and what to do if you do.
Another crazy thing that can sometimes happen I would be a little worried about is if you had an oversupply, it's possible that you've had just because you've already nurse twice and did such a great job of pumping for that second baby for so long.
While other nursing mums lamented about having an oversupply and leaking breasts, I have always wished that my breasts would produce a tiny bit more.
Oversupply isn't just about having too much milk.
Previously, I wrote about an ad campaign depicting it as sexy and about how my husband supported me through nursing our son; today I'm sharing the things I learned from having an oversupply of milk.
Most of my friends didn't have kids yet and my oversupply problem seemed like little to complain about to those who did.
I think prior to that I had oversupply, because I was able to put away about 120 bags of milk for my freezer stash that I'd planned to use when I finally weaned from pumping.
I have an oversupply (like I literally pump 60oz a day now and about 80oz to 96oz before I went to every 5 hours).
Robin Kaplan: Yeah, well my thought it probably is that you did have a such an oversupply before and Cali was taking was less and so and we also find the most women's milk, their breast and their milk supply kind of regulates in about 12 weeks and your body just stops, you don't wan na walk around on a permanence state of engorgement.
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