Sentences with phrase «about pain»

I'm full of terror about the pain of sex or anything going inside me.
Our patients usually do not complain about pain in their mouth.
That's right — we aren't afraid to talk about pain in this class!
If you are concerned about pain management for your pet, simply ask your veterinarian.
Many women on the parenting forums have complained about the pain of having to have tumors and / or kidney stones removed when they were already pregnant.
If you haven't already, this may be a good time to learn about your pain relief options for labor and delivery, especially if this is your first baby.
Think about the pain points of your client during this time of year.
If you have any concerns about the pain medication you are being offered, speak with your doctor or lactation specialist.
If your dog is still not using their leg much at this time, you should talk to your veterinarian about pain medication or other options.
We didn't have to worry about pain management or medicine or personal care.
Check in about pain points that were triggered due to the conflict.
She's practiced the breathing exercises, knows what there is to know about pain management.
This will refresh the mind and I tend to forget about my pain.
And when I hear about the pain many of you have experienced, I know that I was the cause of some of that pain.
If you want a natural childbirth, you will want to learn about pain management techniques.
We've written about the pain in areas dependent on the energy sector before.
I would call the vets to ask about pain relief.
Last time I left you off with something like this — The problem is what to do about pain.
What if I have a joint replacement, can I still have sex, what about the pain?
You can also talk to your doctor about pain relief options for your teething baby.
Since this entire blog series has been all about pain in dogs, our last discussion needs to be about what drugs are available to manage pain.
Anyways I not only didn't care about the pain, stopped caring about everything in between life and let my life fall apart.
The same amount of care and concern about pain control is given to each and every surgery patient.
Surprisingly, deciding between a natural childbirth vs epidural isn't just about the pain.
In the 2005 study above, nearly 700 of the women were asked about pain when they were admitted to the hospital.
Rather, much of the injury is based on what you may be telling your doctor or therapist about your pain from the injury.
If he or she is old enough, you will hear complaints about pain inside the infected ear.
The midwife would ask me a question about the pains or the sensations and inside I was saying «you tell me!».
Unfortunately, these substances bring about pain and inflammation because of their effects on other components of the bone such as the nerve endings and blood vessels.
A while ago I am searching something about pain related to humanity.
In just a minute I'll go into more detail about this pain in the butt toxin, so keep reading!
We don't know anything about pain, resentment, sadness, loss, judgement, hate.
We will update you on these changes as we receive details in order to keep you informed about your pain management options.
We find ourselves having private conversations about our pains, only to sweep it under the rug once we find temporary relief — or distraction.
Much time is spent worrying not only about the pain of labor and delivery, but also about the methods to relieve the pain.
Most of the film, though, is about these characters trying to cope, with little aid and while remaining silent about their pain to the people closest to them.
Having had a concussion as a child, I know all too well about the pain, the setbacks, and the long road it sometimes take to recovery.
The main point is to listen to our guts, respect our guts, but do not worry too much about pain in an otherwise healthy person.
«Key messages about pain need to be simple — they need to be delivered in the context of story telling and shared experience to have meaning,» she said.
You may also testify about the pain and suffering you experienced after your accident or an overall reduction in the quality of your life.
This allows a sense of safety, which allows you to be more fully honest about your pain and issues.
I'm so sorry about the pain you're experiencing because of bullying.
As we keep writing about our pain on this site, I wonder if this is ever seen by the powers to be.
OK folks — I've added a bit to the posts about pain because I obviously didn't make it very clear first time around.
Some women change their minds about pain relief during labor only to discover that they're too far along in their labor to use certain methods, such as an epidural.
He is my first and I was scared about the pain doing it naturally but I would do it a hundred times again over going to a hospital.
Ask your midwife about pain relief so you can feed your baby more comfortably.
Here are some of the most common myths about the pain of childbirth.
Other work, with findings about pain and type 2 diabetes, will soon be published.
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