Sentences with phrase «about people from»

Interested in world cultures and religions, Nghi enjoys travel and learning about people from all walks of life.
It will reveal information about these people from other sources.
A smile came to my face as I thought about the people from all over...
Right, but people in California who stayed (and there is a joke in Austin about people from California wanting to know how life in Austin is — «Sorry, but we're all full up.
On top of that, I'm talking about people from one of the richest countries in the world, let alone people from countries with much more serious financial issues.
Just a comment on the paragraph about people from the Global North being the loudest voice: It is certainly true, and it can lead to quite a few problems, but I do not find it very paradoxical.
Gentle gossip about people from Lucy's childhood in Amgash, Illinois, seems to reconnect them, but just below the surface lie the tension and longing that have informed every aspect of Lucy's life: her escape from her troubled family, her desire to become a writer, her marriage, her love for her two daughters.
She is taking pitches for the following fiction genres: romance, fantasy, science fiction, mystery / thriller / suspense, horror, young adult, middle grade, literary fiction, new adult, graphic novels, women's fiction, upmarket fiction, and novels / books by and about people from marginalized perspectives (such as LGBT people and / or racial minorities).
Well - meaning friends often have misconceptions about people from cultures other than their own, whether by birthplace, heritage, sexual orientation, or socio - economic class.
Then they use the same format to write poems about people from history.
Free circulation of people and ideas usually produces a deep curiosity about people from different cultures and the interest in learning with them - a characteristic of Global Citizenship.
«In the first lesson, we discussed what we could learn about people from how they dress, who they hang with, what they do, and how they behave.
You can learn a lot about people from how they react to a movie such as Get Out, Kaluuya says.
Despite all the stereotypes about people from Asia, the people coming from different corners of the Philippines are very sociable and friendly, therefore, it is very easy to start a conversation with them.
A second, known as the superior temporal sulcus, is located just above the ear; it gathers information about people from the way they move their lips, eyes, and hands.
We use this ability to recognize information about people from their appearance, possessions and behaviors and then use that to label our impression of a person and to match that impression to our knowledge of similar people.
The Deputy Minister has come under intense criticisms for days after passing uncomplimentary comment about people from the Northern region in the wake of the armyworms invasion.
Feigned indignation that her critics were being judgemental about people from Islington, accompanied by the hollow observation that she was born on a council estate, was a naive move for a senior politician.
Quitoo made some tribalistic comments about the people from the Northern part of Ghana when asked about the army worm invasion in the area and if there was going to be compensation.
If you are from Bole, does that mean, you must only care about people from Bole?».
Come learn about people from Spanish - speaking regions of the world and the foods they make!
NINE: I was just thinking about people from back then, the people who lived just a little too soon to live forever.
Larry, as do so many others like him, like to think they are very clever by making ignorant statements, such as the remark about people from Kentucky.
I discovered that people from the south of England had their own ideas and prejudices about people from the north.
What about people from non christian religions?
If you did, if you cared about people from all walks of life, if you raised as much of an issue about the sons and daughters being shipped back in boxes from the middle east.
Postings on Weibo indicated that the fight began when a guard beat up a worker and made disparaging comments about people from Henan province.
We form opinions about people from their social media activities with just a quick scan of what they're saying and sharing across their channels.
When does Facebook get data about people from other websites and apps?
You can learn a lot about a person from the way they describe themselves, and the same is true for the biggest companies in tech.
«You get to know so much more about a person from video,» Ginsberg told SectorWatch.
Call us armchair psychologists, but you can learn a lot about a person from the containers they hoard long after the food is gone.
There are so many beautiful images to collect and I think you can really tell a lot about a person from their Pinterest account.
YOU can tell a lot about a person from their eyes — including information about memories hidden from their conscious awareness, it seems.
The reservoir is the brain stem of the system that helps sustain just about every person from here to San Diego.
You can tell a lot about a person from just looking.
Web cam chats can offer a great way to get to know someone as you may be able tell a lot about a person from their mannerisms, tone and general body language.
You can find out a lot more about a person from an online profile than you usually would by simply being introduced in person.
INTERNET RETAILER - June 10 - Observers can tell a lot about a person from their online dating profile, Sam Yagan, co-founder and CEO of OKCupid told attendees this week at the Internet Retailer 2012 Conference and Exhibition.
You can tell a lot about a person from their profile description and some of the ice breaking questions that online dating sites provide.
It's a great way for people to easily browse through others profiles; you can establish a lot about a person from their online dating profile.
What can we tell about a person from a shoe?
A writing prompt for students to think about the person from history.
Indeed they seem to question how much one can learn about a person from a single picture.
(5) When a person in the provisional register reaches 18 years of age, or when the Chief Electoral Officer is aware that the person will be 18 during the period that begins when a writ of election is issued and ends on polling day, the Chief Electoral Officer shall transfer the information about the person from the provisional register to the permanent register of electors.
«So for example, before you go into an interview, information about that person from LinkedIn will show up in their contact card inside your Outlook Calendar in Office 365.»
You can tell a lot about a person from their browsing history, and interested companies and data brokers have a variety of ways of collecting the information.
As long as Google can learn something about a person from the data coming off devices worn, it gains value, Jude suggested.
A LinkedIn profile generally tells you a lot about the person from a professional standpoint.
It always amazes me how much you can tell about a person from his or her handshake, and how many people form opinions based on this and are never willing to change them.
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